HR & Personnel Sub-Committee Terms of Reference




1. Purpose

The HR and Personnel Sub-Committee is appointed by full Council to deal with all staffing matters, subject to budget, expenditure and contractual limits decided by the full Council.  The purpose of the Sub-Committee is to oversee the organisation, employment, management and terms and conditions of employment of the Council and to make appropriate recommendations to the Council for ratification.

  2. Membership

The Sub-Committee shall comprise 3 Councillors plus any appropriately co-opted members (relevant to matters being discussed/actioned). The Sub-Committee quorum is three (3) and the Sub-Committee shall meet as required. 

3. Functions

The Sub-Committee has full delegated authority of the full council (in accordance with these terms of reference) and will be responsible, in conjunction with the Clerk to the Council or other professional advisers, for:-

• developing HR strategy

• developing and reviewing of HR policies and procedures

• staffing levels and structure

• job descriptions/person specifications

• overseeing staff recruitment, selection and appointment

• staff vetting

• staff retention

• determining or reviewing staff conditions of service and general terms of employment

• salary grading and pay including annual staff review and other remuneration matters

• leave entitlements including annual holiday, sickness, statutory entitlements and special leave

• special conditions relating to a specific post or individual

• allowances, expenses and subsistence

• working hours

• pension arrangements

• sickness absence management

• trade union membership recognition

• staff performance review/appraisals 

• operation of the Council disciplinary, grievance, capability, grading and appeal procedures and equal opportunities policy

• health, safety and welfare of staff

• any other matters delegated to the Sub-Committee or deemed relevant to these terms of reference.

4. Specific Emergency Sub-Committees or Panels

The Sub-Committee should be set up to deal with confidential personnel matters such as capability, discipline or grievances as provided for in the relevant Council procedures.

The Sub-Committee will form a Recruitment and Selection Panel as required for example to appoint a Clerk comprising of the interview panel (of a minimum of three Councillors and a professional adviser if required) who are involved throughout the recruitment and then the selection process.

5. Confidentiality

The HR and Personnel Sub-Committee meetings will be confidential to the members of the Sub-Committee with the press and the public excluded where appropriate.  All business pertaining to the work of the Sub-Committee will be classified as ‘confidential’ or ‘restricted’.

Any reports for the Sub-Committee to be reported back to the full Parish council will be subject to a confidential meeting with the press and the public excluded where appropriate.


Version: 0.1 DRAFT

Date: 16th May 2024