Keelby Cemetery


Schedule of charges for Keelby Cemetery

Description Fees  
Interment of body above the age of 12 years in a standard grave (single and/or double). £500  
Interment of a body under the age of 12 years in a standard grave. Free  
Interment of a still born child. Free  
Interment of Cremated Remains in an existing full size grave (only permissable when all interments have taken place) £150  
Interment of Cremated Remains in the C.R. Section £150  

Permission to erect and maintain a memorial. Renewable every 10 years

Renewable every 10 years at a cost of 



Additional inscriptions on memorial £70  
Grant of exclusive Right of Burial ( Used Space ) i.e. second burial. £500  
Deed of Transfer of exclusive Rights to Burial £45  
Grant of exclusive Rights of Burial ( Reserved Spaces) 5 years £650  
Renewable every 5 years - administration fee £20  
Search of Registers in connection with former burials. 1 hour £20  
Subsequent hours £20 per hour