January 2025 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 7th January 2025 commencing 7pm.

Those Present: Councillors T Wright (Chair), M Turner, T Bentham, K Beedham R Bedwell,      R Dannatt, S Knight and Cllr E Darwood arrived at 19:05

Cllr T Wright welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2025

In Attendance: Cllr O Bierley, Cllr T Smith arrived at 7:55.  

1. Apologies - Ref 25/1 – Cllr A Lawrence, Cllr C Tym

2. To receive dispensations and declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 24/187– none

3. Public Question Time Ref - 25/2

No members of the public present

4. County Councillor’s Report - Ref 25/3

Cllr T Smith reported that the county has declared a major incident due to flooding.  Drainage issues have been looked at as well as footpaths and trees when there was a walk about with LCC on 23rd December.  There is still some work to be done on the drains in the village particularly Victoria Road. Cllr T Smith will follow up on these when the immediate emergencies are over.  Clerk to email Cllr T Smith with the ongoing tree and hedge issues. Cllr S Knight highlighted a couple of additional hedges at 1 Rowan Close and 2 Suddle Way.  Clerk to also send the hours spend on basal growth removal.

Cllr T Smith was asked about the possibility of erecting a mirror to assist traffic coming out of Cissplatt Lane.  Cllr T Smith confirmed that LCC would not agree to this as they are not classed as an asset that should be used for this purpose as they can cause reflection with the sun.

5. District Councillor’s Report - Ref 25/4

Cllr Bierley had sent through his report which had been circulated to councillors. There were no comments.  Cllr T Wright congratulated West Lindsey on winning the best performance in refuse collection. Cllr O Bierley thanked Cllr K Beedham for the information on our PCSO and said the Village Hall would be happy to include this in their next village newsletter.  Cllr K Beedham will get some dates for the visits and publicise them.  Cllr O Bierley said that the subscription service for the green waste is now open for 2025.  The planning permission for the land off Mill Lane – Cllr O Bierley suggested that any comments on this application should be reaffirmed.  Cllr T Wright proposed that the Parish Council should reaffirm as per our previous response. All in favour of this action.

6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 3rd December and the closed meeting on 3rd December - Ref 25/5 - It was proposed, seconded and resolved that both these minutes are a correct record of the meetings and were signed by the Chairman. 

7. Clerk’s Report – Ref 25/6

Clerk advised that she still hasn’t received a price for the concrete slab.  Clerk to follow this up with Lions.  It was decided that Cllr R Dannatt, Cllr M Turner and Cllr S Knight will meet on Saturday 11th January to make a joint decision on the location of the bench and inform Cllr C Tym.

Clerk will chase up a reply to the email sent to the solar farm.  

Clerk advised that LCC had been out twice to look at the parking around Cissplatt Lane junction.  On both occasions there had not been any cars parked that were causing a problem so had asked for photos to be sent illustrating the issues. Councillors have not recently seen any issues so this will be monitored. Cllr K Beedham knows of a resident who has expressed concerns with the junction so will ask them to send an email.

Cllr K Beedham will attend the police liaison meeting.  The PCSO is also going to attend some sessions at the library which when the dates are known will be published on the Facebook page.

8. Financial Matters – Ref 25/7

The payment schedule was checked by Cllr T Bentham. It was resolved to approve the payments.  Cllr T Wright signed as Chair


Date Supplier Description Cost Bank Payee

31.12.24         Staffing costs December                        £1105.53

15.11.24         McAfee Anti-virus software                      £69.99

02.12.24        Amazon Plastic chain for Christmas tree £14.99 

06.12.24        Argos Replacement Christmas lights       £90.00 

22.12.24       LALC Annual membership                        £478.04

22.12.24      LALC Annual training scheme                   £192.00

02.01.25      Fuel Genie Fuel December                        £25.14

16.12.24     Lawns and More Treatment to village green £300.00

02.01.25     E-On Next Electricity charges kiosk           £11.44

• The bank reconciliation – This had previously been circulated.  There were no comments, or questions so it was resolved as correct and signed by Cllr E Darwood

• The precept for 2025-2026.  The budget had been updated to show the rise in staff costs. The expected revenue expenditure is £31,955 proposed income is £7,330 It was resolved to accept the proposed expenditure and expenditure for 2025-2026.  It was resolved that we should have earmarked reserves of £15,000 for Business Contingency, £2000 for maintenance of skate and play parks, £1000 for Equipment/Capital Costs, £2000 for other projects and £3000 for election costs. Any underspend from this year can also be allocated to the ‘other projects’ line which should enable to continue to carry out improvements in the village. The requested precept for 25-26 will therefore be £28,609 which will mean a 4.33% increase. This was proposed, seconded and a vote was taken – all in favour.

9. Parish Matters Ref 25/8

• Balance sheet for Alice South – Cllr S Knight had previously circulated the balance sheet.  In 2024 there has been 3 applications which has resulted in 2 donations being made totalling £1900.  Applications should be mad in writing and passed to Cllr S Knight or one of the other Trustees. Concerns were raised by councillors that this charity that is to help people in need in the village is not widely known about.  Cllr S Knight to check with the other trustees if it can be advertised in the village possibly in the InTouch magazine. A Facebook post advertising it has been done in the past so it was suggested that another post should be done.

• Emergency plan – Cllr T Wright had previously shared the final version of the emergency plan.  Cllr T Wright thanked Cllr E Darwood for her comments and these have been included.  It was resolved to sign the emergency plan and pass it to LCC.

• Cemetery tap – the tap has been turned off due to the severe weather.  It has been suggested that the tap is moved.  Cllr R Dannatt said that as it is a steel line it freezes easily.  He advised to change this to UPVC and move to a more sheltered place.  Cllr R Dannatt to bring a price to move the tap to the next meeting for consideration.

• Replacement notice board – the notice board at St Martin’s place has been vandalised.  The locks that had been glued up have now been replaced but the Perspex has also been cracked again.  There needs to be some consideration on the location of the notice board now that the Spar has closed. Clerk to get some prices for a replacement notice board.  

• Bus stop South Street – It was resolved to ask for the bus shelter in green (shade 6002) as suggested by LCC

• RoSPA repairs to play area and skate park – Some costs have been received for the play park which are acceptable but additional costs have been requested for the fabrication of the fencing round the play park.  The elephant springer needs a new gaiter.  The price is £200 or £450 fitted.  The liability needs to be checked to see if this can be fitted ourselves. Cllr R Dannatt suggested that the internal structure of the skate board ramps should be inspected when the repairs are being carried out.  Cllr T Bentham offered to take some photos if he could be advised when it is being done.  Cllr T Wright will bring all costs back to the next meeting for consideration.  

10. Reports from external organisations - Ref 25/9

Sports Association – 

Cllr R Dannatt did not attend the meeting with the KSA.  He will share the priority maintenance list before the next meeting so that a decision can be made to approve expenditure.  Cllr R Dannatt agreed to be a KSA representative.

Community Speed Watch – Three people have contacted us to become part of the speed watch team.  Cllr T Wright will contact them when it is better weather to arrange training.  Cllr S Knight asked it anything could be done about the youth who is riding an electric moped in a dangerous way.  Cllr T Wright said that the only action would be to report it to the police at the time of the incident, giving as much detail as possible. The incident numbers should be forwarded to Cllr T Smith so that he can follow it up if a number are received about the same thing.  

Village Hall – nothing to report. 

Library – Cllr K Beedham reported that the library is open after the Christmas break

Youth Club – Cllr K Beedham is now the chair so will be arranging a meeting of the trustees. It is difficult to get someone to come in and get the youth club operational. The college has been contacted but placements have all been filled.  Cllr K Beedham is in the process of contacting Frances Carson from LCBYS Support officer who she is hoping may be able to help.

11. Correspondence - Ref 25/10

An email has been received regarding unlicensed motorbikes using the bridleways and public footpaths at the bottom of Cissplatt Lane.  This will be brought to the attention of the PSCO at the next meeting with her.  People are advised to report incidents via101.  

An email has been received from TRO Lincolnshire regarding the parking around the church.  When it is out for consultation again, we will be able to comment.  Our request to join the lines up on Manor Street has been supported.

12. Alleged decisions made by the clerk, chair and vice chair without proper consultation - Ref 25/11

Cllr R Dannatt raised his concerns regarding this in an email dated 22nd December. When asked, Cllr Dannatt refused to give any specific instances.  Cllr S Knight said that she felt the same and one instances was the purchase of additional lamppost poppies.  Cllr Turner said that it was the first year he had put up the poppies and started at the entrances to the village and worked towards the cenotaph, but it became clear that we didn’t have enough, and Cllr Turner and Cllr Wright did not know the exact number of poppies we had last year.  The clerk advised that she had omitted to include the £100 donation that we had done for the last 2 years so the decision was taken by the chair with support from the vice chair and Clerk to include the donation which would enable us to have an additional 40 poppies.  The clerk also raised the purchase of the Christmas lights as our set had gone missing from the container.  This was another example of a time sensitive decision as for both purchases to wait for authorisation at the next meeting would have been too late.  The other councillors were asked for their opinions.  The other councillors felt that the clerk and chair had acted within the rules laid down in our financial regulations especially as both purchases were on the payment schedule at the following meeting. The clerk mentioned that she felt the email she sent asking if everyone was happy to go with the colour of the bus stop as recommended by LCC had caused some issues to Cllr R Dannatt.  Cllr Dannatt said he thought that it was something that should have been brought to the next meeting.  The clerk advised that as all bus stops in Lincolnshire were this colour and LCC had suggested we go with this she was just looking for confirmation so she could reply and keep the project moving. None of the other councillors voiced any objections to her course of action on it.  Keelby PC had previously requested that the bus stop was sited close to the Co-op junction where the new surgery may be built so when the chair and clerk met with LCC they had already an exact place in mind so no further decision on that was made by either the chair or clerk.  Cllr Dannatt said there were other instances where decisions were made without consultation but was not prepared to raise them at this time and he felt things had been addressed at this meeting.  Cllr S Knight also thought there were other instances but as it had been sprung on her she couldn’t recollect them.  Cllr T Wright acknowledged the concerns that had been raised tonight and that the chair, vice chair and clerk will do their best to keep them in mind in the future.

Standing Order 3.w (length of meeting) was suspended at 9pm to allow the extension of the meeting so remaining business could be completed.

13. Councillor vacancies – Ref 25/12

No applications have been received.  Cllr T Wright asked if councillors could spread the word that we have vacancies.

14. Planning applications and decisions received, update on ongoing applications – Ref 25/13

The Mill Lane application has already been discussed but we will re-affirm our previous objections.  Riby Road application has been extended to 10th January.

15. Items for consideration at the next meeting – Ref 25/14

• Dr Melton and Mr Peart, Business Manager from the Roxton Practice will attend the next meeting to give a presentation to council and hopefully an update on the new surgery.

• Road closure for 9th and 11th November 2025

• Purchase of land for cemetery

16. Date and time of next meeting - Ref 25/15

Tuesday 4th February 2025 at 19:00 in the Village Hall.  

The meeting closed at 21:21