June 2024 Agenda

Dear Councillor
You are hereby summoned to attend the Meeting of Keelby Parish Council, which will be held on Tuesday 4th June 2024 commencing at 7pm. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.
Dated this 29th May 2024                                         Janet Milson, Clerk to the Parish Council.               
1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence
2. To receive dispensations and declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests form
3. Public Question Time 10 minutes
4. County Councillors Report.
5. District Councillor Report
6. To approve draft minutes of the meetings held on 7th May 2024
7. Councillor vacancy
8. Clerk’s report including matters outstanding
9. Financial matters 
•    To approve monthly accounts 
•    Approve list of recurring payment for 24-25
10. Review of Policies
    Cemetery policy
    GDPR / ICO
    Social Media
11. To receive any reports from external organisations
•    Sports Association
    Operational Framework document 
    New containers and contents
    FCC Grant for Pavilion refurbishment

•    Community Speed Watch
•    Village Hall 
•    Library & Youth Club
•    Allotments
12. Parish matters – To receive any report or consider any appropriate action
•    Play area & old tennis court opening event 
•    Update on Alice South Charity
•    Update on new entrance signs
•    Memorial bench
•    Electricity supply on playing field
•    Play area inspections
•    Bus shelter/bus stop South Street
•    Mobility Scooter Report
13. Correspondence
14. Lincolnshire Police Parish Council engagement session – appointment of representative 
15. Planning applications and decisions received - 148017
16. Items for consideration at the next meeting
17. Date and Time of next meeting – Tuesday 2nd July 2024