March 2020 Minutes
Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Keelby Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10th March 2020 at 7.00pm
Those present: Councillors D Ash, T Bentham, C Wakefield, T Wright, S Knight, P Briggs (Chair).
In attendance: A Burnett (Clerk), Cllr Lawrence, 3 members of the public.
1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 20/039
P Everitt has hospital appointment, P Baillie other commitments, J Indian due to ill health, Cllr Bierley due to attending another meeting.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. Ref 20/040
3. To approve draft minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th February 2020 Ref 20/041
Proposed: Cllr Wakefield Seconded Cllr Bentham All in favour
4. Matters arising Ref 20/042
Cllr Wright sought clarification on the following points:
Speed limit report – no update received as yet from highways.
Replacement 30mph signs for the village as discussed at the last meeting. Clerk reported that Cllr Wilks had stated that he could obtain some free of charge for the Parish Council, but confirmation of this has not been received.
*Cllr Wilks arrived at the meeting 7.04pm
Cllr wilks confirmed that he has managed to source the signs and had passed them to Cllr Everitt.
Ordering of skip for removal of rubbish at the cemetery. Clerk confirmed the bin has been emptied by WLDC. Quotes from private companies are currently being obtained as discussed at the last meeting.
5. Correspondence Ref 20/043
Email received from Brightening Keelby thanking us for the support and permission for bulb planting on verges and the memorial bench. They have also requested a donation to support their ongoing activities. Clerk asked for consent to contact them to establish amount required and to send a grants form if it is above the threshold. They have also had a monkey puzzle tree donated in memory of Matthew Clark who died eight years ago. They have requested permission to plant at the sports field as he spent time there. Cllr Wright and Cllr Knight both stated there would be no issue with the tree being planted on the field. Additionally, they have two oak trees that have been donated and asked where they can be located. The sports field is the right place in line with the planting plan created by Cllr Stark. They also have a litter pick organised for Sunday 29th March as part of Keep Britain Tidy Campaign.
Letter received from Keelby Village Hall Committee thanking the Parish Council for the generous grant of £3,000 toward the repairs of the roof.
Letter received from Mr Hudgell requesting support for funding towards the cost of replacing the fence line along the cemetery boundary. Cllr Knight queried if this is the responsibility of the Parish Council to repair. Cllr Knight proposed that we obtain quotes to replace and not go through the grant process. Query if this is something that can be funded through Alice South Charity.
Proposal that we contact Mr Hudgell that we are investigating the matter
Proposed Cllr Knight Seconded Cllr Wakefield All in favour.
Cllr Briggs shared correspondence received regarding a future planning application. Clerk to copy and send to Councillors.
6. Public Question Time 10 Minutes Ref 20/044
Monkey Puzzle tree – long standing Keelby Family, they have bought the tree as advised through counselling to have something to focus on. The families wish is for it to be placed at the sports field.
Question about planning training and if any counsellors have attended a course? None have in recent times, but Cllr Briggs stated that any comments can be made in response to a planning application. Clerk attended training in 2019.
7. County Council matters Ref 20/045
Cllr Briggs has corresponded with Cllr Turner with regards to road markings at Riby junction. Markings have faded so are in need of re-painting.
8. District Council matters Ref 20/046
A report was circulated via email before the meeting.
Cllr Briggs asked if Parish Councillors would respond to the survey mentioned in Cllr Bierley’s report.
9. Clerk’s report Ref 20/047
Clerk has been made aware that LCC are responding to reported issues as correspondence has been received from a resident in Caddle Road in relation to the hedge on the corner of Caddle/Riby Road. They have been contacted by LCC to establish if the hedge belongs to them. Clerk asked for permission to obtain owners details from Land Registry so direct contact can be made in an attempt to resolve the hedge issue. The property is now empty as tenants moved out due to property being for sale. Clerk suggested that a deadline be given to the owner, detailing that if it is not met, the Parish Council will take action and cut the hedge back in the interests of public safety.
Community Orchard – Companies will accept orders from the Parish Council, but require payment upfront. Can Parish Council approve payments without an invoice being presented at this point? Final amounts for each have been calculated. Clerk queried where the trees are going to be delivered to? Cllr Stark suggested the Sports Ground as they can be stored there. Cllr Knight will receive them once she knows when they are being delivered. Cllr Wilks to order the trees for the sports field as concern that those ordered online will be whips and won’t withstand the weather. Clerk stressed that these need to be native species to enable the Parish Council to access the grants available for ongoing upkeep. Cllr Stark and Cllr Wilks to liaise further on the matter.
10. To receive any reports from external organisations Ref 20/048
A) Library – both going well. Issues with the boiler in the library, but this has since been resolved. Large water bill received, but Cllr Briggs believes this is due to a meter reading issue.
Youth Club – there are now six helpers involved which has created extra capacity and ensures that if someone is unavailable, it can still open. Redecoration has taken place by volunteers. Cllr Briggs is seeking contact details so a letter of thanks can be sent. A coffee morning is being held at Easter, Cllr Bentham to purchase a prize for the raffle up to the value of £25.
Proposed Cllr Knight Seconded Cllr Ash All in favour.
B) Village Hall – £50,000 grant has been received that will enable to upgrade and modernisation of the toilets. The grant will also fund roof repairs. The works for both these areas will not affect usage, but may have some consequences.
C) Sports Association – The meeting scheduled for February did not go ahead.
11. Financial Matters Ref 20/049
Salaries £460.32
Clerk’s Expenses £53.94
Multidata £38.92
Green Stripe (mower service) £588.26
Allotment rent 19/20-20/21 £400.00
Dutch Bulbs (fruit trees) £183.14 (Historic Apples) £44.98
Office Friends £35.74
WLDC Refuse & recycling (DD) £36.83
Proposed Cllr Bentham Seconded Cllr Wakefield All in favour.
Clerk has received a bill for insurance for the stone planter and plaque in the cemetery from Stoneguard. This policy is thought to be for five years and is quite extensive in its coverage. Proposal that if it is for five years or more, the policy be renewed.
Proposed Cllr Bentham Seconded Cllr Ash All in Favour.
12. Planning applications and decisions received Ref 20/050
Application 140590: no comments.
13. Neighbourhood Plan. Ref 20/051
No meeting, all parties working on various aspects of the plan.
14. Parish matters – To receive any report or consider any appropriate action Ref 20/052
a) Cemetery – No update
b) Grounds Maintenance - nothing to report
c) War memorial – Cllr Bentham to remove box
d) Allotments – Cllr Knight concerned that Clerk has received an email about flood damage when no report has been sent to herself as representative. Some allotments under water due to natural springs under the plot. Cllr Knight has specifically asked a tenant if there is an issue with flooding apart from the springs and there isn’t.
e) Play Equipment No update.
15. Flooding Response Ref 20/053
Aqua sacs have now been purchased and are stored on the sports pavilion. There are enough people involved to enable resident access at all times.
16. Parish Council safe Ref 20/054
To be moved as soon as possible.
17. Mill Lane Ref 20/055
In process.
West Lane is muddy, but no real solution. Clerk to contact highways to ask for advice.
18. VE Day Ref 20/056
Clerk to investigate the cost of a memorial bench. This will be placed at Northend to replace the damaged one there currently.
19. Cissplatt Lane Ref 20/057
Path has grown over and is very muddy. Clerk to contact footpaths officer.
20. To receive general comments from members for consideration on the next agenda Ref 20/058
Meeting Closed 8.05pm
Date and Time of next meeting – July 28th 2020, 7pm