October 2020 Minutes


Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Keelby Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th September 2020 at 7.00pm

Those present: Councillors D Ash, T Bentham, C Wakefield, T Wright, S Knight, P Baillie, P Everitt, P Wilks, J Indian, P Briggs (Chair).

In attendance: A Burnett (Clerk),

1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 20/067

No apologies received. 

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. Ref 20/068

Cllr Wright declared an interest in Item 16

Point of order requested by Cllr Ash, who asked for clarification from Cllr Wright of his position after he stated in an email he was ‘soon to be ex councillor’.   Cllr Wright stated that he is considering his position.  Cllr Ash took the opportunity to remind all Councillors to be aware of guidance in the Code of Conduct. 

3. To approve draft minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 28th July 2020 Ref 20/069

Proposed: Cllr Bentham    Seconded Cllr Knight    All in favour

4. Chairs actions in lockdown Ref 20/070

Cllr Briggs stated all of the actions he has taken a decision on during lockdown in the interests of the public.

Permission for Keelby Brownies to use the Village Green, subject to their own rules on social distancing

Boot camp on village green declined due to classes starting at 6am and the concern for residents in nearby housing.

Sports Pavilion – decision to sanction Legionella testing to enable the pavilion to reopen.  High costs from specialist companies doe to services being in high demand.  Local company checked and deemed it not required. 

Proposed  Cllr Indian              Seconded   Cllr Bentham       All in favour

5. Public Question Time 10 Minutes Ref 20/071

Members of the public were invited to submit questions to the clerk prior to the meeting. 

One concern was received from a resident regarding the hedge on St Bartholomew’s and Riby Road.  It is difficult to walk on the pavement and the road is not a safe place to walk.  Cllr Baillie to speak to the resident to try to resolve. 

6 & 7.  County Councillor and District Councillors reports Ref 20/072

Out of respect and due to limited numbers being able to attend the meeting, Cllr Briggs asked that they do not attend.  Cllr Bierley has issued his report via email as he has continued to do throughout lockdown. 



Cllr Wright asked if Keelby can follow the Great Limber example given in the report with regards to reducing the speed limit on Riby Road.

CCTV – Grant White has twice cancelled the meeting with KSA.  Clerk to contact.

Lorries are using North End as an access point.  Clerk to contact Highways re: signs.

8.  Recycling Centres Ref 20/073

Cllr Briggs has received a letter from Sir Edward Leigh with regards to the above, but unfortunately we are no further forward.  Residents are still required to visit the site at Market Rasen.  It was acknowledged that Keelby is one of two villages in the country that does not have access to the local Sites. 

9.  Clerks Report Ref 20/074

Website training has been completed.  All website now have to comply with new legislation that sates all documents have to be in word format and have a reading age of 9yrs.  This is a long job to convert and check all of the historic documents that are on the website.  A company is offering assistance to do this for Parish Councils for a fee of £250.00.  Clerk asked if this is something Councillors are willing to invest in.

Proposed  Cllr Bentham   Seconded   Cllr Wakefield.    All in Favour. 

Email received from WLDC regarding the property at 2 Midfield Way.  The perimeter wall is being removed and two freestanding name plates will be erected.  There may be a short period of time where no street name is displayed whilst they get the job completed. 

10. Neighbourhood Plan Ref 20/075

Unable to progress any further due to to Covid-19.  Ready for public consultation but unable to hold events due to social distancing and rule of 6.   WLDC unable to offer support before Feb 2021.  Cllr Knight asked if we could speak to WLDC as we could be penalised financially due the delay. 

Proposed  Cllr Knight              Seconded Cllr Indian              6 in favour, 1 abstain

11. Financial matters Ref 20/076

Salaries                                                                                   £950.66

Clerk’s Expenses                                                                    £30.00

Handyman’s expenses                                                           £76.19

Multidata                                                                                 £38.92

Groundboss (Mar & April)                                                       £216.00

Rospa Inspection                                                                    £86.40

Autela                                                                                      £60.30

WLDC Refuse & recycling (DD)                                             £36.83

Proposed  Cllr Wakefield      Seconded Cllr Everitt      All in favour.


12. Parish Matters – to receive any report of consider any appropriate action Ref 20/077

Cemetery – Grit needed for bin  Cllr Everitt to sort

Grounds Maintenance – quotes needed for grass cutting

Allotments – unable to meet in the current climate

13.  Planning applications and decisions received Ref 20/078

None received

14. Play area Sub-Committee Ref 20/079

The Clerk updated the Parish Council on events that have taken place during lockdown.  Before resigning from the Sub-Committee, Cllr Wright had put a business plan together for the refurbishments of the current play area.  The Sub-Committee have taken this forward and obtained the necessary quotes to enable a funding application to be written.  Clerk asked for permission to write the funding bid on the Parish Council’s behalf.

Proposed    Cllr Everitt            Seconded   Cllr Indian            Eight in favour, 1 Abstain

The Rospa report received after the August inspections shows some concerns.  Cllr Briggs requested that the Sub-Committee discuss before the next meeting and report back.

The Clerk read out a letter received from FCC Community Funding which confirmed we have received £77,948.39 to create the Under 5’s play area.  Match funding is required to complete the project.  The Clerk stated that The Big Lottery fund are currently only funding Covid Projects.  With this in mind, an approach was made to Cllr Brieley to ask if WLDC would be a possible alternative to the lottery.  This is now in progress.  As the WLDC fund was going to be used as match funding for the current play area refurbishments, it is hoped that the Big Lottery can be used for this instead.  Cllr Indian proposed that if this is not feasible, the Parish Council use the reserve to fund this as the work desperately needs to be undertaken. 

Proposed  Cllr Indian              Seconded Cllr Everitt              Eight in favour, 1 Abstain  

15.  Te receive any reports from external organisations Ref 20/080

Library – will be open from Monday 12th October 2020. Still inclear if browsing is allowed. 

Youth Club – about three weeks away from opening.  Rules are constantly changing which is making things difficult. 

Village Hall – Reduced opening to small groups only. 

16.  Keelby Sports Association Ref 20/081

i. Terms of reference – Cllr Knight queried if these were already sorted as per minutes of the last meeting.  Cllr Briggs confirmed that as per last meeting, the Parish Council did not deem those changes necessary.

ii. Planning permission has been submitted and payment has been taken care of.

iii.  Pavilion re-opening.  Confirmation of the guidelines that were put in place after the last Parish Council meeting. 

Discussion about the access to changing rooms (for changing only) for the men’s teams which are part of the Lincs League ‘Pyramid’.  Concerns with the welfare of players from




visiting teams and those aged 16-18 in the Keelby team getting changed in the car park or at the pitch side.  KSA have put a more robust one way system in place; tables are being used instead of tape.  Perspex screen and sticky dots are being sourced for distancing.  Team manager has been designated Covid-19 Officer to ensure rules are followed.

Conflicting advice has been received.  Lincs FA initially stated that changing rooms could not be used, but have now said they can in certain circumstances.  Government guidelines still state that they should not be used.  KSA asking for Parish Council to decide if changing rooms can be used.     

questions about cleaning and space for social distancing were asked. 

Concern raised that the changing rooms were already been used prior to permission being sought. 

Cllr Everitt proposed that if the changing rooms and the pavilion are being used in line with National and Parish Council guidelines, permission should be given.  Cllr Indian seconded the proposal with the caveat that the Chair can override a decision if the National guidelines change.

Cllr Briggs stated that all clubs should be notified that if these conditions are breached, the pavilion will be closed with immediate effect.

 Proposed   Cllr Everitt            Seconded Cllr Indian                          All in favour    

17. Items for consideration at the next meeting Ref 20/082

Gate at Roxton Avenue

Mill Lane

Mower Service

Doctors Surgery


18.  Date and time of next meeting Ref 20/083

Tuesday 3rd November 2020, 7pm


Meeting Closed 8.28pm