July 2020 Minutes
Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Keelby Parish Council held in the Village Hall on 28th July 2020 at 7.00pm
Those present: Councillors D Ash, T Bentham, C Wakefield, T Wright, S Knight, P Baillie, P Everitt, P Wilks, P Briggs (Chair).
In attendance: A Burnett (Clerk),
1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 20/059
J Indian due to being away.
2. Declaration of meeting Ref 20/060
Cllr Briggs informed all attendees that the meeting is being held this evening as the Clerk has to ask the Parish Council to agree and sign off the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR).
3. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. Ref 20/061
Cllr Wright declared an interest in Item 7, points C & D
4. To approve draft minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 10th March 2020 Ref 20/062
Proposed: Cllr Ash Seconded Cllr Bentham All in favour
5. Public Question Time 10 Minutes Ref 20/063
Members of the public were invited to submit questions to the clerk prior to the meeting.
Clerk confirmed that no questions had been received.
6. Financial Matters Ref 20/064
Salaries £1,040.66
Clerk’s Expenses £77.07
Multidata £38.92
WLDC Refuse & recycling (DD) £36.83
Annual Return – agreed and to be signed at the end of the meeting.
Proposed Cllr Everitt Seconded Cllr Baillie All in favour.
7. Matters for urgent consideration Ref 20/065
a) Keelby Sports Association – at a recent meeting, the committee took the decision to alter their terms of reference to include the ability to meet virtually, should there be a similar situation to Covid-19 at any point in the future. The new terms of reference also make reference to no AGM being held for 2020. Cllr Briggs stated that all AGM meetings are cancelled for all organisations in 2020 so that point is irrelevant and can be removed. It is the decision of the Sports Association, not the Parish Council for virtual meetings to be held. Cllr Knight informed the Parish Council that the Sports Association had received a business interruption grant of £10,000 from West Lindsey District Council. The Sports Association
have been invited to apply for funding from the East Coast Community Fund (due to being successful applicants previously). West Lindsey District Council has agreed to match fund this to enable the purchase of a tractor and flail for cutting the field. A letter of support has been requested. Several emails from different members of the committee have been received on this matter. Cllr Briggs stated that requests should only be sent by the Secretary or the Parish Council representative. Cllr Bentham proposed that a letter of support be written.
Proposed Cllr Bentham Seconded Cllr Everitt One abstain
b) Pavilion use – Cllr Briggs informed Councillors that some sport has been given the go ahead to recommence, football being one of them. Sports facilities have to be managed and run in line with current Government guidance. Cllr Briggs is in the process of establishing if Legionella testing is required before the pavilion can be used. Once the building can be opened, it can only be for the use of the toilets. Cllr Knight stated that one toilet will be available, this being the disabled toilet. Hand dryers will not be used, paper towels will be provided. A one way system into the building has been created and the cleaner will conduct a full deep clean after each use. Track and Trace measures will be in place. Cllr Wright has followed FA guidance and has completed a risk assessment. Hand sanitiser and signage will be provided by the football club. Regular games are planned until the start of the season on 6th September 2020. Cllr Briggs stated that leisure centres are still not opening their catering facilities. Cllr Wright stated that drinks and snacks will be served on a take out basis only. Disposable cups will be used to serve tea and coffee. Soft drinks will be provided as well. Snacks will be crisps, sweets and chocolate bars.
Cllr Everitt proposed that a one way system be created for people to access the building to purchase snacks and drinks at the kitchen.
Cllr Wright confirmed the cleaner will have full PPE for cleaning duties. Clerk stated that individuals that are preparing and serving drinks and snacks must also have the following PPE: Gloves, disposable apron, mask & visor.
Guidance will be issued by the Parish Council to Keelby Sports Association as soon as possible.
Cllr Briggs stated that the building is and should remain closed until the legionella issue is resolved.
c) Planning permission - Cllr Wilks asked if planning permission has been applied for. The Clerk confirmed that the Architect is applying on behalf of Keelby Parish Council.
d) Request for dugouts – Cllr Briggs asked if building regulations are required for the structures. Cllr Wright stated that the dugouts planned are within regulations and do not need planning permission. The structures will be made from brick as this is more sustainable. It is a requirement of the football league that dugouts are provided. Cllr Wilks asked if gates can be fitted to prevent young people gathering in them. Cllr Briggs stated that would be a Sports Association issue to discuss and not the Parish Council.
Cllr Bentham proposed that if dugouts are a requirement of the league, the Parish Council should support the project.
Proposed Cllr Bentham Seconded Cllr Everitt All in favour.
e) Cycle track – Cllr Briggs asked the Sports Association representative who had approved the cycle track to be created and why had Parish Council consent not been sought. Cllr Knight has tried to establish who gave consent for the track to be created but has not managed to. Cllr Wright questioned why it is an issue as it is being used and it is great to
see. Suggestion that some young people were responsible for creating it. Cllr Briggs stated that the Parish Council agreement is with the Sports Association and not individuals and permission should have been sought. Cllr Knight stated that a cycle track was discussed in the early days of the Sports Association being created. Cllr Wilks stated that he was asked to put some soil in the area - whilst the drainage problem was being addressed – so the ramps could be created. Cllr Briggs asked the Sports Association to check their insurance arrangements.
8. Resolution Ref 20/066
Cllr Briggs asked for Parish Council approval to deal with any urgent or time limited matters, in consultation with the Clerk and Vice Chair should any arise from this point forward until the Parish Council is able to meet again.
In favour = 4 Against = 2 Abstain = 2
Motion carried.
Meeting Closed 8.00pm
Date and Time of next meeting – TBC