May 2018 Annual Council Meeting Minutes

Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Keelby Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 1st May  2018 at 7.00pm
Those present: Councillors D Ash,  P Briggs (Chair),  P Baillie, S Knight,  C Wakefield, M Funnel, Cllr Hirst, Cllr Bentham, Cllr Everitt.  
In attendance: J Waite (Clerk) Cllr Lawrence, Cllr Turner, 2 members of the public. 

1.To  elect a Chair person for 2018/19. Ref 18/48.
Cllr Briggs was nominated
Proposed Cllr Ash.  Seconded Cllr Knight.  All in favour. 
Cllr P Briggs was elected as Chair.
2. To elect a vice Chair person for 2018/49.
Cllr Indian was nominated.
Proposed Cllr Briggs.  Seconded Cllr Knight.  All in favour. 
Cllr J Indian was elected as Vice Chair. 
3To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 18/50
Cllr Indian, Cllr Large Taylor, Cllr Bierley.
4 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary  or  non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.     Ref 18/51
None given. 
5 To approve draft minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 27th March  2018. Ref 18/52
Resolved to approve as a true record.
Proposed Cllr Funnel.    Seconded Cllr Ash.   All in favour.
6 Public Question Time 10 Minutes Ref 18/53
No questions raised.
7 County Council matters Ref 18/54
Pot holes repairs are still being passed in by email to Cllr Turner. 
8 Clerk’s report Ref 18/55
Standing orders and Financial orders were reviewed and no changes were made.
Proposed Cllr Funnel.  Seconded Cllr Wakefield.  All in favour. 
The Council resolved to adopt the Code of Conduct in line with WLDC. 
Proposed Cllr Bentham.  Seconded Cllr Everitt.  All in favour. 
9 District Council matters Ref 18/56
A report was circulated via email before the meeting.
WLDC training session was attended by the Clerk, Cllr Briggs and Cllr Beirley. The regulations still need clarification, and a data audit is to be carried out. All councillors MUST now have an email address that is SEPARATE to their personal email address for council use. Any new email addresses are to be notified to the Clerk as soon as possible. 
10.To receive any reports from external organisations Ref 18/57
A) Library / Youth Club – A new Youth Worker has been appointed and will start in June.  The direct phone in the library is still not working and is needed as this is now the method used for people to join the library. 
B) Village Hall –  Work is underway on the new gas line being fitted.  Strawberry Cream teas fundraising event will be held on June 22nd 2018. 
The Conservation officer from LCC has looked at the work needed to make the chimney and bell tower safe, and these will need substantial in put in terms of funding.  
C) Sports Association   -  The  tenancy agreement 4th draft has now been circulated, and it was resolved to accept this version.
Proposed Cllr Ash.  Seconded Cllr Everitt.  All in favour. 
No up date given on the work to the front of the building. 
11 Financial Matters Ref 18/58
Salaries                                                £512.25
J Waite  -  Clerks Expenses and Disbursements           £83.28
Fuel Genie – direct debit                    £26.00
Multidata                            £38.92
Everitt and Son Property Maintenance            £62.15
Autela Payroll Services                    £48.96
Office Friends                            £28.51
Resolved to approve payments.
Proposed Cllr Bentham.  Seconded Cllr Funnel.  All in favour.
It was resolved to award the annual NJCLGS pay increase to the Clerk for 2018/19, dated from 1st April 2018.
Proposed Cllr Funnel.  Seconded Cllr Bentham.  All in favour. 
12 Planning applications and decisions received Ref 18/59
Application 137596 – No comments or objections
Application 137652 – No comments or objections.
13 Neighbourhood Plan. Ref 18/60
A meeting on May 22nd at 7pm in the library will be held to complete the arrangements for the village survey, and tp proof read the survey leaflets before printing. 
The date for the consultation event has been set as July 10th 2018., 7.00pm to 9.00pm. 
14. Parish matters – To receive any report or consider any appropriate action Ref 18/61
a) Cemetery –  The arrangements0 for the new bin have been made, Clerk to contact WLDC as has not been delivered yet. 
b) Grounds Maintenance  - the mower is still waiting to be serviced. Mill Lane verges need strimming and cutting – ask Handyman to do this. 
c) War memorial – nothing to report.
d) Allotments – nothing to report. 
e) Play Equipment – No further response has been received about the grant funding. Cllr Everitt to undertake monthly inspections of the play equipment. 
15 To receive general comments from members for consideration on the next agenda. Ref 18/62
Ask LCC / WLDC to provide a sign for the entrance to The Paddocks to warn drivers of children playing. 
Contact WLDC about missing / broken dog bins in the village. 
Parking in the village
Mill Lane – contact Highways LCC again about the closure of the lane, and better signs to state one way for traffic. 
Meeting Closed 8.31 pm
Date and Time of next meeting  - July 3rd 2018 at 7.00pm.