January 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd January 2023

Those Present : Councillors S Knight, (Chair), T Wright (Vice Chair) M Wright, M Riggall, T Bentham,     P Wilks, R Dannatt, S North                   Clerk J Milson.

In Attendance: Cllr A Lawrence, Cllr O Bierley.  Cllr T Smith arrived at 19:52

1.    Apologies
Cllrs M Turner, H Davidson

2.    To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 23/01  - 
Cllr R Dannatt – declared an interest in the discussions regarding a tree on Caddle Road.

3.    Public Question Time Ref 23/02
No members of the public were present.

4.    District Councillors Report Ref 23/03
This was circulated beforehand.  Cllr Bierley wished everyone a Happy New Year and said we should reflect on how far we had progressed since this time last year and that he thought 2023 was going to be a good year.
5.    County Councillors Report Ref 23/04
Cllr T Smith confirmed that nothing further had been received on the scoring of the jobs.  He is to follow up on the cracks in the tarmac where it had been patched up on Broadway and also the issues with the salt bins.  Clerk to forward photos of the empty bins to him.

6.    To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 6th December 2022. Ref 23/05
The minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by            Cllr R Dannatt. All in favour.

7.    Clerks Report Ref 23/06
•    Copying of the documents from safe deposit box – as Cllr K Stark is not present this is to be carried forward to the next meeting.
•    ID badges – still waiting for photos from 5 Councillors but the rest of the badges have been received.
•    Updating of the website has now been completed.
•    Lamp post electrics  – Cllr R Dannatt advised that he had been in touch with Highways and it is not possible to use lamp post for power for the Christmas lights.  A feeder post would be needed with its own supply.  Cllr R Dannatt to get prices on this. Cllr S Knight thanked the Councillors for getting the tree up.  It was requested that the Clerk should write a thank you letter to David & Sadie Hague for allowing the use their electricity supply for the tree lights.  It was resolved to purchase a £50 gift voucher as a sign of our appreciation. 
•    Risk Assessment for Handyman – ongoing
•    It was resolved to purchase a stainless steel plaque to be placed on the new bench at the shops to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.  This had been previously agreed in minute 21/059.  Clerk to purchase this.
•    Replacement tap for the cemetery has been ordered and should be here this week.  Cllr R Dannatt and Cllr P Wilks agreed to insulate and box in the tap to prevent any further frost damage.
•    Keys to the container are held by Cllr S Knight, the handyman and the Clerk.

8.    Correspondence Ref 23/07
•    Graham Lovatt asked about re-filling the salt bins round the village.  As these are the responsibility of Highways it was agreed to ask Cllr T Smith to follow this up.
•    Cllr T Smith had sent information on the LCC Highway service Social Value Volunteering Days.  Clerk to submit an application for the repainting of the railings around the play area and the bus shelter.
•    An email has been received from the Enforcement Delivery Manager of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.  They are to conduct a traffic survey in the village in the first week of January to ascertain if the road falls within the criteria for enforcement by the use of mobile or fixed camera technology along with other resources.  The data will be shared with the Parish Council and local Police.

9.    Review of policies Ref 23/08
The Grants policy had been circulated beforehand.  Cllr T Wright proposed that under ‘How will decisions be made’ section the wording should be amended to read ‘all applications will be considered carefully on their own merit at the time of application’.  This was seconded by Cllr T Bentham.   All in favour.   Clerk to amend this policy which could then be signed off.

10.    Reports from external organisations Ref 23/09
•    Sports Association – the next meeting is on Sunday so no report  
•    Community Speed Watch – There hasn’t been a session in December due to the cold weather, Christmas and holidays.  Cllr T Wright had circulated the statistics from the digital speed signs beforehand.  These indicate that the signs are beginning to have an impact as the average speeds have reduced.  The sign near the Co-op will remain there but the second sign will be moved to different locations every other month. 
•    Village Hall – there is no report but they wished to express their thanks for the contribution by Keelby Parish Council towards the fuel bill.  They are currently reviewing their prices and Rascals are to pay for their own gas and electricity.  The committee are also looking into the Singleton Birch community grant along with other grants.
•    Library & Youth Club – The library has some areas where the paint is coming off so that is being looked into.  Clerk asked about the minutes still being placed in the library as this had been queried with her. Cllr S Knight confirmed that there are no current plans to change this.  The Youth Club re-opened today.
•    Allotments – no meeting has been held so no report
•    Cllr T Wright advised that he had now joined the Patient Participation Group and the next meeting is next Monday (9th January) He confirmed that he had joined on a personal level and was not representing the Parish Council.

11.    Financial Matters Ref  23/10
Multimedia    Broadband    £43.91
Lexis Nexis    Reference book    £131.99
HMRC    Q1    £244.20
HMRC    Q2    £253.20
HMRC    Q3    £297.20
Salaries    December    £577.92
Clerk expenses    Lanyards, phone, printing    £42.15
Autela Payroll Services    Months 10-12    £55.69
Brookdale Tree Surgery Ltd    Tree survey    £54.00

The schedule of payments had been previously circulated.  These have been checked by Cllr T Bentham. The payments were proposed by Cllr S North and seconded by Cllr M Riggall.   All in favour
The revised budget had been circulated beforehand so it was resolved to accept the precept figure of £25,486.84.  The precept form was signed by Cllr T Wright, Cllr R Dannatt and Cllr S Knight as Chair.

Alice South – Cllr S Knight to prepare a report for the next meeting

12.    Planning applications Ref 23/11
None received

13.    Parish Matters Ref 23/12
•    Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations 
•    Cllr T Wright reported that a grant of £10k has been received from the Lottery Community Fund and is speaking to WLDC regarding a further £8k.  Brocklesby Estates have donated £500 towards the project and Total Signs & Traffics have kindly agreed to provide free signage.  Cllr S North reported that their Christmas lights have raised £1900 for the project. Letters have also been sent out to local businesses asking for support,
•    Benches – There is still 1 bench to be fitted near the shops
•    Emergency plan – Cllr T Wright had previously circulated the Emergency Plan guidance.  He asked for 2 volunteers to complete risk assessment.  Cllr M Riggall and Cllr M Wright agreed to assist with this.  Cllr T Smith asked if he could have a copy when it had been completed to send to LCC.
•    Bus shelter roof – This had been replaced today  
•    Tree on village green – The clerk read out the report that had been received from Brookdale Tree.  The report advised that the tree was in a good condition with no physical defects.  It was recommended that the crown could be reduced by 30% if required to keep it to a more befitting size.  Cllr T Bentham proposed that is should be left as it is.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks.  Cllr M Riggall proposed that the tree should be trimmed but there was no seconder for this proposal so it was not voted on.  The vote to leave the tree was voted on – 4 for, 1 against, 3 abstentions; the motion was therefore carried to leave the tree as it is.
Cllr M Riggall confirmed that he had instructed his contact to cut the hedge on the playing field.

14.    Neighbourhood Plan Update 23/13 – WLDC consultation has now finished with nothing significant highlighted. The next step is for WLDC to appoint an external examiner to assess the plan and consider any comments made via consultations; the interview for the examiner will be held on the 16th January 2023 and Cllrs T Wright and O Bierley will partake in the interviews. There will then be a referendum so it will likely take until the summer to be completed.

15.    Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 23/14
Cllr P Wilks suggested that another green bin is needed for the cemetery. Clerk to email WLDC to see if they can help with the full green bins.
Cllr R Dannatt said he had been contacted regarding an overgrown tree on the corner of Caddle Road and Karen Avenue.  Cllr T Smith agreed to take this up as there are a few trees which require some maintenance work including the trimming of the 2 trees on Pelham Crescent which had previously been requested.

16.    Date and time of next meeting Ref 23/15
Tuesday 7th February 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall  
Meeting closed at 20:54