September 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 5th September 2023

Those Present: Councillors, S Knight, R Dannatt, T Wright, P Wilks, T Bentham, G Lovatt, C Tym       
In Attendance: Cllr A Lawrence. O Bierley & 1 member of the public

1.    Apologies
Cllr M Wright Cllr T Smith

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 23/124 - none 

Public Question Time Ref 23/125
A member of the public asked if there had been any progress on the spar garden, Neighbourhood Plan and date of Sir Edward Leigh visit.  Cllr S Knight advised that we have had correspondence from Brightening Keelby who are in the process of contacting the owners of this property to get permission to move ahead with it. This will be covered fully later in the meeting. The Neighbourhood Plan is in place from the date of the election but we are still waiting for a date for the formal presentation of it. Sir Edward Leigh will visit on Friday 8th September. They asked if the overgrown garden in front of the library could be tidied. Cllr T Bentham confirmed that the overgrown bushes would be cut down later in the year.   

2.    County Councillors Report Ref 23/126
Cllr T Smith was not present. 

3.    District Councillors Report Ref 23/127
Cllr O Bierley had circulated his report beforehand and there were no questions.  
Cllr T Wright wanted to inform the district councillors that both he and his wife had had aggressive conversations from the member of the public who had previously written to the district councillors to complain when he had been asked not to put his own equipment on the football pitch goal posts. Since receiving the reply from the district councillors he is now under the impression that he has permission to use the pitches.  Cllr O Bierley confirmed that he had also emailed this person earlier in the year and received an offensive email from this person which he chose to ignore.  Cllr S Knight raised that she had also been informed that WLDC are also giving permission for vehicles to be parked on the village green.  Cllr O Bierley confirmed that WLDC would not have given permission for either of these issues. 
Discussions took place and it was resolved that the clerk should put a Facebook post asking politely for the public to be considerate when using the sports field and avoid playing on the pitches. All in favour.

4.    To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 25th July Ref 23/128
The minutes of the meeting on 25th July were accepted as a true record.  Proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr T Bentham.  

5.    Co-option of Councillor 23/129
Cllr S Knight advised that we have received an application from a resident.  Cllr S Knight asked the Clerk to invite her to the next meeting to do a small presentation and then a vote can be taken.   

6.    Clerk’s report 23/130
Clerk advised that most of the items had a separate agenda item so are covered.  There has been a response from Brightening Keelby advising that they are still in existence and are in the process of contacting the owners of the spar building to get permission to continue to maintain the garden at the rear. They have mentioned that work has been done on some planters around the village and have a plan for going forward.  Cllr T Wright suggested that we ask for a monthly update on developments.  Cllr P Wilks mentioned the state of the spar garden and that this area should be a priority.  Cllr S Knight asked to have a monthly agenda item for Brightening Keelby so that the updates can be presented. Clerk to write to Blakemore and ask them to clarify that they own the building.  Cllr T Wright suggested that the Council should have a representative on Brightening Keelby and attend their meetings like we have for the other associations in the village.
Clerk raise concerns about posts on the Keelby Facebook signed as Keelby Parish Council as she would not necessarily see them.  Cllr T Wright pointed out that the only person who should be posting for Keelby Parish Council is the clerk anyway in line with our social media policy.

7.    Large Village Retail Grant 23/131
At the last meeting we gave priority to electricity to the village green and litter bins.  Cllr R Dannatt said that he should receive a reply on the electricity on Thursday.  Clerk advised that the price from West Lindsey was competitive and if we purchase from West Lindsey they would also be emptied.  It was decided to apply for 2 bins.  Cllr R Dannatt has obtained prices for some new entrance signs.  These to be circulated round all the Councillors and any other options to be brought to the next meeting for discussion.

8.    Reports from external organisations Ref 23/132
Sports Association – Cllr T Wright confirmed that the fire alarm has been fixed and the work on the disabled alarm in the toilets will be completed next week. Cllr T Wright asked if a decision had yet been made regarding the lighting as a number of bulbs have failed and need replacing.  Cllr Dannatt advised not to purchase any new bulbs at the moment he would put it on the agenda for the contractor when he goes next week.  Cllr T Wright reported that the old red tractor has blown it’s engine but luckily the new tractor that has been funded by the football foundation will arrive this week.  Cllr T Wright asked if the old tractor could be stored in the Parish Council compound under a tarpaulin.  This was agreed and Cllr T Wright will advise when a decision has been made on whether or not it can be repaired as it is on the fixed asset register.  Cllr S Knight reported that the lease is in the final stages she is currently getting some additional advice but should be completed in the next few weeks. 
Community Speed Watch – Cllr G Lovatt reported that there have been 2 sessions this month both near the Co-op.   In the first session 140 vehicles were monitored.  10 were exceeding the limit and the maximum speed was a motorbike travelling at 47mph. In the second session 101 vehicles were checked, 8 were exceeding the limit and the maximum speed was 40mph although a vehicle leaving the village reached 53mph before they were out of the 30mph area.
Village Hall – next meeting is next week
Library and Youth Club – Cllr T Bentham reported that the library was continuing as normal.  The Youth club have carried out interviews and have appointed 2 new staff who will job share. 
Allotments – Cllr S Knight reported that the AGM is on Saturday and she will be attending.

9.    Financial Matters Ref  23/133        
Salaries    August    £846.76
Multidata    Broadband August    £46.05
Multidata    Broadband September    £46.05
Fuel Genie    Petrol    £81.53
Groundboss    Grass cutting July    £144.00
Wave Utilities    Water charges cemetery    £28.20
Nat West Credit Card    Tape, Edging tool, stamps    £133.94
Rudderham Plumbing    Boiler service/gas checks    £120.00
Sovereign    25% deposit play equipment    £2318.65
The payment schedule was checked by Cllr T Bentham, proposed by Cllr P Wilks, seconded by Cllr C Tym, and signed by the Chair. All in favour. 

10.    Parish Matters Ref 23/134
•    Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations 
Cllr R Dannatt reported that they have made a start with the resurfacing works today. Within the original price there was 5 ton of tarmac regulating and wearing course included but today 25 ton was used due to the fact that the surface had broken up.  Tomorrow they will continue with the tarmac so there may be a price reduction depending on the amount of tarmac used so the impact of the overspend won’t be known until after then.  The seating and concrete rings have been ordered and the white lines will be done a week on Monday. Cllr S Knight expressed her thanks to Cllrs Dannatt, Lovatt and Wilks for doing the work on the path edges in this area.  
Cllr S Knight mentioned that highways had closed Riby Road due to work to be carried out by Anglian Water.  This has caused a major impact as nobody was informed and the buses couldn’t get down Riby Road.
Play area refurbishment – Cllr T Wright said that all work was scheduled.  There is some preparation work being done on Thursday evening.  It was noticed that the existing matting was out of specification and needed to be thicker.  It has now been decided to spread the new surface over this matting to keep the costs down.  This will require work on the edging and Cllr G Lovatt has kindly done this and Garry Snell will do some weeding. 
The refurbishment of the old equipment will be the first job, the following week they will install the new equipment and lay the matting for the installation of the new gym equipment which will be fitted later in the week.  Cllr T Wright does not expect the budget will be exceeded.
Post Office – Cllr T Wright had contacted Caistor post office who offer outreach post offices to nearby villages but they didn’t have the capacity to take on any more villages.  He suggested maybe the post master at South Killingholme would be interested and said he would contact them.  Cllr T Wright has not heard anything further from him.  Keelby Village Hall have also offered the meeting room could be used on a regular basis but this would still need someone to run it.
Painting of container roof – Cllr P Wilks said that Bitumen paint is needed costing £45, Anti vandal paint costing £25 and signs costing £10.  An additional £633 is needed to spray the container sides. Mr North has offered to spray the sides for us. Cllr T Bentham proposed £733 to finish the painting of the container.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks. 5 in favour 1 abstained.
Keys for container – Cllr G Lovatt showed a diagram of keys required to unlock the container and compound.  The cricket club have keys to the container but not the gate.  Cllr Lovatt queried the availability of keys to the container, Cllr Dannatt to sort and report back to the council 
Sir Edward Leigh visit 8th September – clerk has previously circulated a presentation. Cllr G Lovatt had prepared a presentation on the state of the footpaths which included photographs and videos of paths which require attention.  It was decided to condense our issues and ask for assistance with paths, the speed limit on the A18 and waste recycling facilities.  Clerk and Cllr Lovatt to combine the PowerPoint slides ready for the meeting.
Meeting with Ongo 12th September – Cllr S Knight asked the Councillors if they have  anything they want raising at the meeting so that we can have a co-ordinated approach. Concerns were made about previous developments not giving priority to Keelby residents. Cllr T Wright raised the issue of affordable housing in the development behind the Co-op.  This has a bearing on the development Ongo are planning as it is questionable if we need both developments.  
Cllr T Wright proposed to suspend standing orders at 9pm.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks. All in favour
Cemetery Fencing/paddock on South Street – to be carried forward to the next meeting.

11.    Correspondence Ref 23/135
An email has been received regarding the overgrown hedge at 1 Suddle Way.  The clerk has written to the resident as it had previously been discussed but the letter wasn’t sent as the residents had started to cut it.
Mr Harrison has forwarded a letter from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership agreeing to a speed survey on the A18
Mrs Peacock has requested a donation for the pensioners Christmas Party.  Cllr T Wright proposed that we give a donation of £150 the same as last year.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks.  All in favour
An email has been received regarding the garden at the Spar shop but this has been covered.
A request has been received for a bench at the skate park.  Cllr T Wright said that a bench behind the tennis courts could be relocated to this area.  Cllr P Wilks said this could be done when the benches at the play park are done.
An email has been received regarding transport issues to the doctors and that there used to be a voluntary driver scheme.  As we have not managed to have a meeting with the Roxton Practice Cllr T Wright said he would raise it at the PPG meeting next week.

12.    Planning applications Ref 23/136 – 147126
Concerns for this planning application were that there is no roundabout at the junction of the estate with Stallingborough Road.  If this was to be built first it could be used as the entrance for the construction traffic instead of entering the site by the Co-op.  Draining issues were discussed as there have been flooding issues on this land due to the natural springs.  Cllr T Wright requested clarity on the social housing aspect and asked if the rental houses are housing association rentals. Cllr P Wilks raised the footpath to the skate park requiring replacing.  It was resolved to respond to WLDC on the issues raised above.  

13.    Neighbourhood Plan Update 23/137 – The meeting to formally accept the plan will be held on 4th November. 
14.    Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 23/138 
Cemetery store room roof
Cllr O Bierley asked if the Parish Council have considered attending the planning meeting on October 4th to support the planning application made by Calstore on the Barton Street.  Cllr T Wright offered to attend to speak on behalf of the Council.  Cllr O Bierley to forward details.

Date and time of next meeting Ref 23/139
Tuesday 3rd October 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall 
Meeting closed at 21:31