November 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 7th November 2023

Those Present: Councillors, S Knight, R Dannatt, T Wright, M Wright, P Wilks, G Lovatt, M Turner, C Tym

In Attendance: Cllr A Lawrence. O Bierley Julie Holmes & 1 member of the public

1. Apologies Cllr T Smith

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 23/156 - none 

3. Public Question Time Ref 23/157

Julie Holmes from Quickline gave a brief explanation of some of the initiatives Quickline fund and how they could benefit Keelby residents in the way of sponsorship and grants.  Julie also confirmed that they would install a commercial broadband connection to the village hall and this would be free for 2 years.  After the two years it would need to be reviewed to see if it could continue.  Julie also thought a connection would be possible for the youth club and asked the clerk to send an email requesting this.

A member of the public passed on her thanks to everyone involved in the Neighbourhood Plan.  They asked if Keelby has an emergency plan and it was confirmed that we have.

4. County Councillors Report Ref 23/158

Cllr T Smith’s report had been previously circulated. 

A member of public had raised concerns over the lack of dropped kerbs round the village which caused problems for residents on mobility scooters.  Cllr T Wright to do a survey which can be passed onto Cllr T Smith.  It was decided to bring to Sir Edward Leigh’s notice the issues on Cllr T Smith’s report that are not getting progressed.  Clerk to arrange this.

5. District Councillors Report Ref 23/159

Cllr O Bierley had circulated his report beforehand there were no questions,

6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 3rd October Ref 23/160

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

7. Co-option of Councillor 23/161

The vacancy to be advertised on Facebook.  The notices are still on the notice boards

8. Clerk’s report 23/162

It was agreed by Council that a banner could be displayed on the play park railings advertising the Santa run. 

Clerk has approached the Post Office at South Killingholme to ask if they could provide a hub in Keelby.  They were to make some enquiries and come back to us.

Proposed, seconded and resolved to purchase an accounts spreadsheet that has been developed and supported by LALC. There is a one of cost of £100 and any support required is chargeable at £20/hour

Clerk advised that LALC had circulated the new pay rates for local Councils from 1st April 2023 that have been agreed by SLCC.  This to be passed to the HR committee to action.

Proposed, seconded and resolved to purchase membership to Society for Local Council Clerks on a one year’s trial to provide support to the clerk

Facebook posts – Post advising us that the street lights on King Street have been coming on at the wrong times since the clocks have changed.  Cllr T Smith has been asked to look into this.  The other one was a request for a zebra crossing on Yarborough Road to enable children to cross safely to the park. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to ask Highways if this would be possible.

9. Large Village Retail Grant 23/163

The grant for the electricity on the village green and 2 new dustbins for the bus shelters and cycle track area have been approved.  The Clerk has met with the village hall committee and the Health Tree Foundation and it was agreed that we would work together to organise the Keelby gala next year. It was decided that it would be useful if the revenue grant could be used to purchase 2 large party tents, 2 pop up gazebos, a mobile PA system, bouncy castle, face painter, and marketing banners.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to apply for the Large Village Revenue grant for these items.

10. Reports from external organisations Ref 23/164

Sports Association – The electrical work has been completed on the pavilion up to the alarm. The fire risk assessment has been completed and there is now a document for everyone to use.  The lease has some amendments to make due to the fire assessment being received but it will be circulated before the end of the week.  Councillors were asked to reply with comments within a week so that the final version can be taken to the KSA meeting on the 28th November.

Community Speed Watch – no sessions have been held so nothing to report. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to purchase some metal and clips to repair the speed sign fastenings which have broken.  The metal is £5.91 a metre and 2 metres would be needed and the clips are £4.51 a pair and 3 pairs are needed. A further speed sign is needed on Yarborough Road close to the Brocklesby junction.  Clerk to enquire with Quickline to see if this would be something they would support.

Village Hall, Library and Youth Club – no report 

Allotments – no report

11. Financial Matters Ref  23/165

Salaries October £898.86

Multidata Broadband October £46.05

Fuel Genie Petrol October £60.60

Autela Payroll Services Payroll Jul-Sept £57.98

Groundwork UK Underspend of NP grant £545.00

Soft Surfaces Ltd Play area surfaces £9402.00

Komplan Play area works £17648.12

Nat West Credit Card Grass seed & paint £578.37

Cllr P Wilks Tie wraps paint rollers £39.46

Copes Ready Mix Concrete £252.90

Denco Safety Services Fire risk assessment £400.00

British Legion Poppy wreath £120.00

Cllr R Dannatt Sleepers £120.00

It was proposed, seconded and resolved to make a donation of £100 on top of the price of the poppy wreath.  The payment schedule was checked.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve the payments listed.

The budget for 24-25 had been previously circulated by the clerk. Council discussed various options.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to complete the precept estimate form showing the precept at £26,750 which is an increase of 5%.  The final precept form needs to be completed in January 2024.

12. Parish Matters Ref 23/166

• Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations – The final report had been previously circulated to Councillors and the final costs still need to be confirmed by the project leaders.  The final spend is slightly less than the anticipated £72,676.00 net as both the cycle track and play park refurbishment have both come in under budget.  There is £8069 of in-kind support which equates to approximately 199 man hours.  This is made up of project management by Cllr T Wright and Cllr R Dannatt, work carried out by other councillors and some free signage. It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the project is approved and closed, the underspend of £2095 to be held in reserve for small items like fabrication on the gate and in the play area, to lower the basketball net and to purchase a sign to show height restrictions on the adult gym equipment. A set of goal posts on the village green was also discussed should there be any of this money left over. A date for the official opening needs to be arranged when these works have been completed.

• RoSPA report – The items on the RoSPA report have been completed with the exception of the gate trap and some ground back filling.  The suppliers of the under 5 play area had been contacted and they advised that the maintenance schemes had been sent at the time of ordering.  The equipment needs to be checked every 3 months and the RoSPA inspection is at 12 months.  The clerk was passed the checklist that has been recently completed for her records and it was noted that this needs to be repeated every 3 months. It was suggested that next year the skate park should also be included in the RoSPA report.

• Brightening Keelby – clerk advised that she had requested an update but nothing had been received

• Dead tree at sports field – the cricket covers have been placed close to the tree to prevent walkers getting too close to the tree and it was confirmed that no formal training takes place in this area.  The farmer has requested that if the tree is to be felled could it be felled onto the sports field as his land is under crop.  Subject to weather and ground conditions Council agreed that this wouldn’t be a problem.

• Cemetery Fencing/paddock on South Street – The clerk was asked to try and arrange a meeting with the owners to discuss the paddock

• Councillor Volunteer Scheme – Councillors were asked to bring suggestions for this scheme to the next meeting

• Bus stop on South Street –Cllr O Bierley has offered to provide a bus shelter which could be placed on South Street. Cllr O Bierley advised that Stagecoach had approached the County Council to ask if South Street could be made an official stop. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to have a bus stop close to where the new surgery will be.

• Christmas Tree – A 9ft potted Christmas tree has been donated.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to plant the tree on the playing field. Discussions took place regarding lights as the power on the field will not be complete until next year. It was decided to have the tree near the cenotaph again this year and use the planted tree on the village green next year when there is power. 

Discussions took place regarding the dead tree on the playing field near the corner of Broadway.  As these trees were planted in memory of Dr Barlow Cllr G Lovatt agreed to speak to the Roxton Practice about this.

13. Correspondence Ref 23/167

An email has been received from a resident raising concerns about the location of the new gym equipment and also the noise created by people using this equipment.  They also thought that there were safety concerns regarding the equipment being used by children and cars parking on Yarborough Road was also raised.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to ask the clerk to reply to these issues along the lines of document prepared by Cllr T Wright. 

A letter had been received asking if a member of the Parish Council would read a lesson at the memorial service on Sunday.  Cllr C Tym agreed to do the reading.  Clerk to forward him the information.

14. Planning applications Ref 23/168

Application 147126 it is disappointing that there is a lack of bungalows in this amendment. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to add a comment to the application asking for the bungalows be reinstated as per the original scheme 140099 to accommodate the elderly and disabled.

Application 147459 A brief history of previous applications for this site were given to Council. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to not make any comment at this stage as it is permission in principle.

The Calstore planning refusal was overturned at the planning meeting that Keelby PC presented at and we believe it was overruled as a result of our Neighbourhood Plan being in place.

15. Neighbourhood Plan Update 23/169 – Cllr T Wright, Cllr S Knight and Mr Mitchell attended the official handover of the Neighbourhood Plan last night at the Guildhall. 

16. Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 23/170 – none

17. Date and time of next meeting Ref 23/171

Tuesday 5th December 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall                   

Meeting closed at 21:08