June (6th) 2023 Minutes

 Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th June 2023

Those Present : Councillors S Knight, T Wright, P Wilks, , K Stark, G Lovatt         
In Attendance: Cllr O Bierley, Cllr A Lawrence.  & 7 members of the public
1.    Apologies
Cllrs M Wright, M Turner, H Davidson, T Bentham, R Dannatt
2.    Public Question Time Ref 23/77
A resident raised the concerns of the speeding on the A18.  An elderly couple residing on the Barton Street are struggling to get out of their drive and the clerk is in receipt of their letter.  He thought the data could be getting distorted as sometimes Humberside Police attend the RTAs and sometimes Lincolnshire Police. The Council confirmed that they are I full support of this and have been campaigning for years for a reduction in the speed limit.  The clerk is in receipt of further 5 letters regarding this so the Chair requested that it be discussed within the correspondence agenda item. 
3.    To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 23/78 - none 
4.    District Councillors Report Ref 23/79
This was circulated beforehand.  Cllr T Wright thanked Cllr O Bierley for his comprehensive report.  Cllr O Bierley reported that the Household Support Fund 4 should be introduced in the next few days and should run until the end of March. He also confirmed that Keelby Village Hall has been accepted in the Think Local Campaign and he will forward further details on both these items when he receives them.
5.    County Councillors Report Ref 23/80
Cllr T Smith joined the meeting at 7:40.  Cllr T Smith advised that he had chased up the traffic survey on A18.  He has not yet received a reply but he will forward it when he does.  He also offered to speak to Sir Edward Leigh on behalf of the residents on the Barton Street.  All the tree issues are now with the tree officer and on his job list.  The drain problem on St Annes Road has also been raised.  Cllr S Knight said she had had a reply on Fix My Street which said they had looked at it and it wasn’t causing an issue.  There is also an area on Churchill Avenue where the drains don’t clear the water. Cllr S Knight to forward the email regarding this to Cllr T Smith. Cllr P Wilks reported that the trees on Yarborough Road still haven’t been trimmed back and that there is a drain cover on Stallingborough Road that is broken.  Cllr T Smith to check on the progress of these.  Cllr S Knight has received an email regarding the footpaths on Broadway where the tree roots have made it uneven. She said this had been raised previously and they have said there is nothing much they can do about it.  Cllr T Smith will add this to his list.  He suggested requesting a meeting with Edward Leigh in Keelby to show him some of the issues.  He requested that some dates are sent to him and he will arrange with Sir Edward Leigh’s office.  Cllr T Smith has reported the issue of cars parking near the church and has requested a junction protector.  Cllr G Lovatt raised the problem we have of where to put the village grass that is cut.  Cllr T Smith said that unfortunately the only option is to pay for collections.  Cllr S Knight said this could be put on the agenda for the next meeting to discuss.  Cllr T Smith left the meeting at 8pm.  
6.    To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 16th May 2023. Ref 23/81
It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting dated 16th May as a true record.
7.    Councillor vacancy Ref 23/82
Clerk advised that one application had been received for the vacancy.  Cllr S Knight requested the vacancy be advertised and then brought to a full council.
8.    Clerks Report. Ref 23/83
The Defibrillation maintenance scheme has been completed.  
The handyman and Cllr G Lovatt have both now received training on both the ride on and pedestrian mowers and have attended the brush cutter training course.  
Power on the playing field – to be included on the agenda for the next meeting. 
Cllr T Wright confirmed that the weeds on the old tennis courts have now been sprayed but an invoice has not yet been received.  
Assets of community value – still to be completed.  
The clerk will take the archive documents from the bank safety deposit box to Lincolnshire Archives on Friday.  There are 13 sheets which if we require copies will be £9.80 a copy.  It was resolved to get copies of all the sheets so we have a complete record. 
Clerk advised that she hasn’t yet received a reply regarding the fence round the cemetery.  It was decided to carry that forward to the next meeting as it had only been a couple of weeks.  
A temporary plaque from a grave in the cemetery has gone missing.  Cllr G Lovatt was aware of this and is arranging for a replacement.
Cllr T Wright asked if the report from the Alice South charity has been done.  Cllr S Knight advised that she has done a balance sheet which she was going to present to the Council tonight.
9.    Correspondence Ref 23/84
Quickline – an email has been received in response to the Councils request for a meeting.  Cllr T Wright advised that he had looked at the response in detail and they had provided detailed information on what they were intending to do.  They have offered a community hub to the Village Hall which would give us a free broadband connection.  Cllr S Knight advised that we already have a community hub in the building the cost of which is recovered from WLDC.  Cllr T Wright thought that it still should be considered as it will be a fibre connection.  They are also offering community sponsorship and project funding. These should be advertised around the village as they are looking for community clubs for sponsorship. They are also happy to come along and do a presentation to the village.  Cllr T Wright suggested that we request a meeting when the infrastructure is in place. The contractors that have done the work so far seem to have done a good job with very little disruption. 
A letter has been received from Inspector Mike Head who is requesting regular meetings with Parish Council’s.  Cllr K Stark agreed to be the Parish Council representative and attend these meetings.
A total of six letters have been received from residents of the Barton Street requesting assistance with getting the speed limit reduced.  The Parish Council are in full support of getting the speed limit reduced Cllr T Wright thought that if the planning permission on the Barton Street is approved hopefully this should give us even more reasons to seek a speed reduction.  Cllr O Bierley confirmed that a previous census that was carried out for one week unfortunately coincided with some utility work with traffic lights outside Highfield House so there were very little evidence of vehicles speeding.  Cllr O Bierley advised that the outline planning that has already been approved will give a further three driveways onto the road.  He also thought that the section in the Neighbourhood Plan is very helpful as it explains exactly what we have been striving for and he stressed the importance of people turning out to vote on the 20th July. He also said that the current County Council speed limit policy was introduced in 2015 so should be due for a review. The clerk asked the Council what they wanted to do regarding the letters that she has received.  Cllr T Wright suggested that they should be shared with Cllr T Smith for him to escalate to Sir Edward Leigh.  It was felt that a petition could be tried.  Cllr K Stark proposed that we start a petition.  Cllr G Lovatt seconded this.  All in Favour.  Cllr K Start offered to prepare the petition which the clerk could share on social media.
10.    Reports from external organisations Ref 23/85
•    Sports Association – the next meeting is the AGM in June
•    Community Speed Watch – Mr Lovatt advised that there had been one session of 45 minutes.  In this time there had been 56 cars 9 of which exceeded 35mph with two travelling at 43mph.  Cllr  T Wright circulated the data from the road signs.  The Riby Road sign showed very little evidence of speeding.  The sign near the Co-op has recorded a higher number of cars speeding which suggests that drivers are getting used to the signs. Cllr G Lovatt noted that one vehicle was recorded at travelling at 60mph.  He felt that some assistance from the police would be helpful but they seem reluctant to assist.
•    Village Hall – Cllr S Knight confirmed that it is the chairman and treasurer that want to stand down.
•    Library & Youth Club – no report.
•    Allotments – Cllr S knight has spoken to the chairman of the allotments and asked if he would be prepared to compost the grass from the village but this request was declined. The only problem that they have is the fencing which has been discussed previously.
11.    Financial Matters Ref  23/86        
Multimedia    Broadband    £46.05
Salaries    May    £721.72
Fuel Genie    Petrol May    £55.28
Nat West Credit Card    PPE for P Ney & G Lovatt    £121.12
Wave    Water charges Cemetery    £23.01
Cllr G Lovatt    Mileage & mower oil    £22.19
Cllr G Lovatt    Mileage for training course    £36.00
Lincoln Rural Training    Brush cutter courses    £398.00
Ray Johnson    CR plot preparation    £140.00
Cllr R Dannatt    PPE for P Ney & G Lovatt    £74.18

The payment schedule was checked by Cllr T Wright, proposed by Cllr K Stark, seconded by Cllr P Wilks, and signed by the Chair. All in favour
2022-23 accounts – The annual internal audit report has been received and circulated to the Councillors to note. The internal auditor advised that any Councillor having a direct connection or any external organisation to whom any payment is to be made should not propose or second the payment schedule which includes a payment to the organisation concerned. As this was the only thing that was raised the Chair congratulated the Clerk on a successful audit.  Cllr T Wright proposed that the Annual Governance Statement 2022/23 (Section 1) and the Accounting Statements 2022/23 (Section 2) were both approved.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks.  All in favour
Large Village Retail Area Fund – There is capital grant of £6000 available and £3000 available for a revenue grant.  We need to come up with some ideas of what we want to include.  Cllr T Wright suggested that we join up with Brightening Keelby to improve the garden area behind spar.  Clerk mentioned that a request had been received for a litter bin near the bus shelters which would also fit with this grant.  Cllr S Knight said that the power on the playing field would be good for events and Christmas tree. Cllr K Stark suggested a drinking water fountain on the playing field would be good especially with us having the gym equipment installed.  Cllr P Wilks suggested a mobile defibrillator.  Cllr T Wright requested that the clerk look into the cost of these things that have been mentioned and bring to the next meeting.  Cllr S Knight asked if Cllr O Bierley could arrange for a bin near the bus shelter. Cllr O Bierley agreed to ask West Lindsey DC.
Cllr R Dannatt had sent through to the clerk costs for additional electrical work that needs to be done on the pavilion to bring it up to current standards.  Cllr T Wright advised that the initial work has been completed that was approved at the previous meeting and in doing this the contractor had found further faults.  As this additional work needs to be considered fully it was requested that the clerk circulates the information and it is put on the agenda for the next meeting.  Cllr S Knight said she had circulated the revised terms of reference which had not been seen by some Councillors.  Cllr S Knight will forward to the Councillors that had not received it at the time.
Alice South Charity – Cllr S Knight has produced a balance sheet which shows a balance of  £11096.53 for the first quarter. Cllr T Wright requested that this is circulated to the Councillors
12.    Planning applications Ref 23/87 – none received
13.    Parish Matters Ref 23/88
•    Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations 
Cllr T Wright advised that he had still not received a reply on the grant from WLDC.   When Cllr T Wright last spoke to them they hadn’t had the meeting.  Cllr O Bierley advised that there I going to be an official launch and until that has happened no decisions can be made.
•    Overgrown Footpaths – Cllr G Lovatt advised that he is working on them but we haven’t any tools to do it.  He suggested purchasing an attachment that would fit on the Kombi engine.  Cllr P Wilks suggested that a machine could be hired that would do this.  Clerk to get some quotes for the next meeting.
•    Parking on Village – There were discussions around this and the only option would be to write to the residents concerned but as letters like this haven’t been well received in the past it was decided that there was nothing further the Council could do. 
•    Purchase of additional speed indicator device – Cllr G Lovatt advised that there are currently 2 devices.  One is permanently at the Co-op and the other rotates between four locations.  Cllr G Lovatt proposed that we purchase an additional device to place it in Yarborough Road area towards the chapel. Cllr T Wright proposed that we put in a bid to Quickline for this.  Cllr P Wilks seconded it.  All in favour
•    Limes car park – This does not come under Keelby Parish Council so Cllr H Davidson needs to raise this directly with Cllr O Bierley 
14.    Neighbourhood Plan Update 23/89 
Cllr T Wright advised that The referendum is on the 20th July.  We need to promote this and encourage people to vote.  Cllr T Wright will do a poster for the notice boards and it can go on notice boards.  Clerk to remind Councillors to vote.
15.    Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 23/90
Overgrown hedge on Victoria Road – Cllr O Bierley agreed to take this to the enforcement officer at West Lindsey DC
A resident has mentioned that a volunteer is not wearing Hi Vis when working round the village.  We very much appreciate all that is done by volunteers and it is difficult as we wouldn’t want to offend anyone. Cllr G Lovatt agreed to advise them that voluntary work is not covered by our insurance and that Hi Vis should be considered.

Date and time of next meeting Ref 23/91
Tuesday 4th July 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall 
Meeting closed at 20:47