July (25th) Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 25th July 2023

Those Present: Councillors, S Knight, R Dannatt, T Wright, P Wilks, G Lovatt, M Turner,  T Bentham. M Wright, C Tym       

In Attendance: Cllr T Smith & 1 member of the public

1. Apologies

Cllrs K Stark, Cllr O Bierley, Cllr A Lawrence

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 23/109 - none 

Cllr T Wright congratulated the clerk on winning the LALC Special Recognition Award.

The paperwork for Cllr C Tym had been completed.  Cllr S Knight welcomed him onto the Council.

Public Question Time Ref 23/110

At the last meeting the clerk was asked to contact Brightening Keelby to ask for an update.  A resident asked if a reply had been received.  The Clerk confirmed that a reply hadn’t been received but it would be followed up. The closure of the Post Office was also raised and asked if a Post Office Hub could be considered.  Cllr S Knight said that this was on the agenda to be discussed later in the meeting.  

2. County Councillors Report Ref 23/111

Cllr T Smith has chased the tree officer and asked about weed spraying and is waiting for a reply.  Cllr T Smith confirmed that the meeting on the 4th August with Sir Edward Leigh has been cancelled and a new date will need to be arranged in September.  Cllr T Wright asked why this meeting had been cancelled.  Cllr S Knight said she had instructed the clerk to do this as she was not available. Cllr T Wright asked for his concerns to be noted that the meeting with the MP was postponed purely on the grounds of the Chair’s unavailability when the vice chair and other members of the council could have been available. Footpaths will be discussed at the meeting with Sir E Leigh.  Cllr G Lovatt raised that there is now another tree blocking the speed sign which Cllr T Smith agreed to add to his list to follow up. Cllr T Smith also reported that some of the gullies had been cleared.  Cllr R Dannatt asked for clarification on how this work is scheduled.  Cllr T Smith said that the priority was on gullies that had been reported as blocked. Cllr S Knight asked if we could have notice in the future so that residents could be informed with a view to keeping roads clearer from parked vehicles.  Cllr T Smith to request this and said that he would like to be informed if there are any other drainage issues.  Cllr G Lovatt said that the gully cleaner and van had spent 1.5 hours parked and not actually working.  Cllr T Smith asked for Cllr G Lovatt to put this in an email so he could follow this up.  Cllr P Wilks asked about the basal growth at the bottom of the trees on Broadway.  Cllr T Smith will ask about this but he thought LCC would not do this unless it was impacting on the Highway but will confirm.  Cllr G Lovatt had been approached by a resident today as a neighbour had installed a camera which is also recording her property. Cllr T Smith advised that it is a civil matter so not something either the district or county council would deal with.  

3. District Councillors Report Ref 23/112

Cllr O Bierley had circulated his report beforehand and there were no questions

4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 4th July Ref 23/113

The minutes of the meeting on 6th June were accepted as a true record.  Proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr M Turner.  Cllr S Knight raised that the payment schedule had been proposed by Cllr T Wright who had brought in one of the payees. In view of what the internal auditor had said the proposal of the payment schedule by Cllr T Wright was rescinded and Cllr T Bentham proposed the payment schedule for 4th July instead.  The minutes were signed by both the Chair and Vice Chair as the Chair was not present at the last meeting.

5. Clerks Report. Ref 23/114

The clerk said she had been looking at ID badges for the 2 new Councillors but as she was only purchasing two, they were in the region of £10 each.  The Council were happy for her to proceed with these.

The form to remove two signatories had been completed but the Chair had not been able to complete the online form.  When this has been done Cllr T Bentham can be given online access and Cllr R Dannatt added as a signatory.

Clerk advised that she hadn’t had a reply from Brightening Keelby.  It was requested that this be followed up.  Cllr T Wright proposed that an ultimation is put in the letter to say the planters will be removed if a reply is not received by a certain date.  This was seconded by Cllr M Turner.

A meeting with Quickline has been arranged for 22nd August at 7pm.  This will be for Councillors in the village hall.  Cllr S Knight asked if there are any issues with their work to raise them at this meeting.

Cllr T Wright raised the co-option of another councillor.  This is an ongoing vacancy and will continue to be advertised.

The litter picking kits that were offered by Lincolnshire County Council have all been allocated so we need to round up the kits we already have.

A reply has not been received from the resident regarding the cemetery fence.  Owen has sent us a map which shows the owners of the neighbouring properties.  Cllr R Dannatt said that there is currently a dispute on where the boundary is as the rope has not been placed in the same place as the fence.  Cllr S Knight suggested that we try again to have a meeting with the owners of the paddock.  Cllr T Wright said that he had met Mr Spalding who originally raised this and he thanked us for our efforts to try and get this sorted.

The paint has been purchased to finish the railings which is with Cllr M Turner who will complete this along with other volunteers.

6. Large Village Retail Grant 23/115

Previously there had been suggestions to use this grant for getting electricity for village green for Christmas tree, litter bins for near the bus shelters, a mobile defibrillator, and new village signs.  Discussions took place around this it was agreed that power on the village green would be beneficial not just for the Christmas tree but also for galas on the field.  Cllr C Tym confirmed that the defibrillators we have are portable so could be used if there was an event on.  Cllr C Tym confirmed that the two defibrillators in the village are fully working and that the codes are held by the emergency services.  These are now on a maintenance programme with WLDC.  Cllr T Wright proposed that the items should be applied for in the following order.  Power to the village green, litter bins, contribution towards new village entrance signs.  This was seconded by Cllr T Bentham.  All in favour.  This grant to be progressed now.  Cllr R Dannatt agreed to lead on it and assist the clerk.

Cllr S Knight said that a donation has been received of a 10-foot Christmas tree in a pot which can be planted near to the power source.

7. Reports from external organisations Ref 23/116

Sports Association – Cllr R Dannatt confirmed that we now hold a certificate for the main electrics.  The emergency lighting is still in discussion but the work on the fire alarm and disabled toilet alarm are progressing.  The fire risk assessment has been shared today so Cllr T Wright proposed that he and Cllr R Dannatt meet and prepare a paper to present to Council at the next meeting on what further work is to be done. Cllr T Wright expressed his thanks to Steve Critten for completing this fire risk assessment free of charge.  Discussions on the new lease to be discussed in a closed meeting after this meeting.

Solar panel grant – A letter of support is requested from Keelby Parish Council and also from Cllr O Bierley to support the grant application.  The grant will need to be applied for in the name of Keelby Parish Council in association with the Keelby Sports Association.  Cllr P Wilks proposed that the clerk write a letter of support this was seconded by Cllr R Dannatt.  All in favour.

Community Speed Watch – nothing to report

Village Hall – progressing as normal.

Library and Youth Club – Cllr T Bentham reported that the library was well supported and now have children’s club which has finished as it’s the end of term.  The yard looks better after being tidied by one of the Councillors.  One of the fire doors needs to have an inspection.  The leader of the Youth Club is retiring and there are two applicants for the vacancy so Cllr T Bentham will be arranging interviews.

Allotments – no report

8. Financial Matters Ref  23/117

Salaries May £1034.32

Groundboss Grass cutting May £144.00

Groundboss Grass cutting June £144.00

Nat West Credit Card Paint, brushes, copying £232.60

Caistor Farm & Machinery Mower parts £178.57

Cllr P Wilks Mileage £15.00

The payment schedule was checked by Cllr T Bentham, proposed by Cllr M Turner, seconded by Cllr C Tym, and signed by the Chair. All in favour. Cllr S Knight asked if we had received a reply from the external auditors.  The clerk confirmed that she had only received the acknowledgment email that they had received the forms.

9. Parish Matters Ref 23/118

• Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations 

Cllr T Wright had produced an update which had been circulated previously.  The funds have now been secured to fund the refurbishment of the play area and repurpose the old tennis courts.  Cllr Wright and Cllr Dannatt have refreshed the quotes and the total amount now required to complete this project is £74,566.00.  There is an increase/cost pressure of £1384.00.  Cllr T Wright has suggested 4 options, negotiate further with suppliers, provision of additional in-kind contributions (labour), seek further funding or increase Parish Council contribution. One option to reduce costs would be for the Parish Council to take up the existing rubber mats ourselves.  Cllr T Wright proposed that the Council approve the investment at the revised price and sign the WLDC Community Grant application. This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks. All in favour. This is subject to us negotiating a decrease in costs by contributing labour and also that the Council underwrite the cost in case this cannot be done. This would then enable to work to proceed.  Cllr R Dannatt advised that the £600 to remove the spoil is included in the quote which has already been removed so that is a saving.  Cllr T Wright and Cllr S Knight signed the application for the WLDC Community Grant.  Cllr T Wright advised that the spindle has fallen off the big frame so there is an additional cost for the bearings for this. The public will be kept informed of the work start date and advised that the play park will be closed while the work is undertaken.  Cllr T Wright has asked Gary Snell to spray the weeds on the old tennis courts again.

Reclamation of Footpaths – Cllr G Lovatt had previously requested that a Stihl lawn edging tool is purchased.  Three quotes have been obtained for this purchase.  Cllr T Wright proposed that this tool is purchased at a cost or £96.50. This was seconded by Cllr T Bentham.  All in favour

Memorial Bench – It is disappointing that rust has appeared on this bench.  The bench could be returned to the supplier but due to the work and costs involved it was decided to paint it.  Cllr R Dannatt has some paint that can be used. 

Spar shop closure – It is a great shame that we losing this facility that has been here for many years. Cllr S Knight requested that the clerk write to the manager to thank them for the service they have provided over the years especially the extra effort they put in during the covid years.  Another problem with the closure of spar is the loss of the post office facility.  Cllr S Knight has approached the other shops to see if they are in a position to take it over.  Cllr R Dannatt to follow up with the Co-op. Cllr S Knight suggested that as a last resort the Parish Council could take on the post office as a hub. Cllr M Turner raised if there is a mobile post office service that would come to service the village. It was decided to wait to see if the other shops will take it on as a preference first.  

As a letter has already been received from GI News asking for a statement. Cllr T Wright requested that the Chair to reply to them advising that the Parish Council are discussing it tonight and are looking at various options.  Advise them that the Parish Council are very keen to maintain the service in the village but there is a process of assessment to go through.

10. Correspondence Ref 23/119

An email has been received from Lincolnshire County Council highways regarding a survey on the drains.  Clerk to respond saying that we have a lot of projects on at the moment so it will be difficult to do this within the timescale.

An email has been received from Ongo Homes requesting a meeting with the Council.  They had said that there is a housing need in Keelby.  The Keelby housing resister figures have been obtained from WLDC which show that 127 have expressed an interest in being housed in Keelby.  Enquiries have also been made regarding the empty units in Hubert Ward House. Clerk to arrange a closed meeting on the 12th September, share with them the Neighbourhood Plan and ask them to clarify how their proposition can complement our Neighbourhood Plan.

11. Planning applications Ref 23/120 - none

12. Neighbourhood Plan Update 23/121 – Cllr T Wright reported that at the referendum 375 votes were cast which was a good turnout and 80.8% were in favour.  The plan will be formally be approved at the WLDC planning meeting on 4th September and 2 councillors have been invited to this.  Cllr S Knight and Cllr T Wright to attend. 

Cllr T Wright wished to thank everyone that had been involved with this over the years. The clerk will also write letters of thanks to those who have contributed to it.

13. Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 23/122 

Anti vandal paint on the container roof at sports association

Keys for container

Date and time of next meeting Ref 23/123

Tuesday 5th September 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall 

Meeting closed at 21:02