December 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 5th December 2023


Those Present: Councillors, S Knight, R Dannatt, T Wright, P Wilks, G Lovatt, C Tym, K Stark,  T Bentham,

In Attendance: Cllr T Smith (arrived at 7.45pm)  & 2 members of the public

1. Apologies Cllrs M Wright, M Turner O Bierley, A Lawrence

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 23/172 – Cllrs S Knight and T Bentham declared an interest in planning application 147537

3. Public Question Time Ref 23/173

A resident advised council that Hubert House was not taking any more residents which was noted.

4. County Councillors Report Ref 23/174

Cllr T Smith’s report had been previously circulated showing work that has been completed or scheduled to be done. Repairs to Stone Pit Lane have now been completed. Cllr G Lovatt asked to be included in any discussions regarding footpaths and requested that the salt bins on Broadway, St Annes, and the school be refilled.  Cllr T Smith advised that he would need photographs of the bins in order to arrange this and they would need to be three quarters empty.

Cllr T Smith to forward the LCC policy on dropped kerbs in order for KPC to compile a document highlighting where there are issues around the village. Cllr R Dannatt asked Cllr T Smith about replacing the existing village entrance signs.  Cllr T Smith advised that he needed a minute confirming that KPC will maintain the new signs.  It was resolved that Keelby Parish Council would maintain the new entrance signs when they are fitted.  Cllr T Smith also confirmed that he would support an updated paper on the speed reduction on the A18 and chase up the horse warning sign. Cllr T Smith was thanked for all his help and wished a Happy Christmas from everyone at the Council.

5. District Councillors Report Ref 23/175

Cllr O Bierley had circulated his report beforehand there were no questions.

6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 7th November Ref 23/176

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

7. Clerk’s report 23/177

The revenue part of the Large Village Grant has been approved.  The acceptance form was signed by the chair. The clerk advised that she had asked Quickline about a Community Hub broadband connection for the Youth Club and the possible funding of an additional speed sign.  Quickline had responded asking for the form to be completed for both. The form to be forwarded to Cllr T Bentham for the Youth Club to complete, and to the KSA reps for them to consider a connection at KSA.  This is a 2 year contract which would be have to be renewed after 2 years.  There are no guarantees that after the initial 2 year contract and future contracts would continue to be free of charge.  It was decided to put this on the agenda for a future meeting to decide what to do regarding the connection in the Village Hall.  

There is a police liaison meeting on the 14th December which Cllr G Lovatt had requested to attend.  Cllr K Stark is the KPC Police liaison person so it was decided to check if they both could attend.

Two containers have been donated which are to be located at KSA.  Cllr P Wilks is liaising with KSA and will advise them when they are to be delivered.

Clerk advised that she has booked onto 2 training course with SLCC. One was on Cemetery & Churchyard Safety and Memorialisation and the other on Budgeting Basics.  Unfortunately this one has been cancelled so there will be a refund for it. 

The clerk advised that she had been informed that the Ongo meeting poster showed the times as 4pm and 7pm when it should have been between 4pm and 7pm.  The online survey is still live until Thursday.

Brightening Keelby have advised that they are now Community Champions at the Co-op and have a community garden there.  Clerk to invite them to the next meeting to discuss the entrances to the village.

Christmas tree – clerk to purchase a 12-15 foot tree to place near the cenotaph.

Dead tree on the playing field – Cllr S Knight to speak to Mrs Mason about this.  It was decided to also remove the dead Hawthorn at the same time.

8. Reports from external organisations Ref 23/178

Sports Association – Cllr Lovatt raised that according to the recent fire assessment the roller shutters at the pavilion entrance door shouldn’t be down when people are in the building.  Cllr R Dannatt advised that the new document will cover these situations and that Cllr M Wright had agreed to take on responsibility for it.

A meeting had been held between KPC and KSA on Tuesday 28th November. At this meeting the Councillors present agreed to take the following proposals to KPC  

• KPC would look for grants to carry out non urgent but essential work on the building and car park lineage. 

• They would take on the maintenance of the building to include the compulsory gas & electricity testing instead of awarding £3,000 grant. 

• KPC would pay for the building insurance, the KPC containers and contents. 

• They would give each of the clubs at KSA an agreement which gives them the right to use facilities for the foreseeable future in order for them to have the ability to procure funding independently. 

• The skate park would be included  in the annual RoSPA checks

It was proposed, seconded and resolved that these points should be written into the new lease document along with a list of what KPC are responsible for which would then leave the KSA in no doubt as to what they are responsible for.

Community Speed Watch – nothing to report 

Village Hall – everything progressing as planned. Cllr S Knight attended the pensioners party and advised that Mr Peacock had thanked KPC for their help and support in raising the funds for the party. Many residents also made a point of thanking the Parish Council for all the work they have been doing around the village.

Library and Youth Club – The Youth Club were hoping to re-open before Christmas with a party. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve a grant of £100 to the Youth Club Christmas party should they have one.

The library have some money available for internal repairs. The garden at the Library is tidied by volunteers and the shrub will be removed by Cllr Bentham.

Allotments – there hasn’t been a meeting but the secretary has been in touch to say they have on concerns regarding planning application 147537

9. Financial Matters Ref 23/179

Salaries November £617.52

Multidata Broadband November £46.05

Fuel Genie Petrol November £57.86

Groundboss Grass cutting October £72.00

Wave Utilities Water charges cemetery £28.19

Wave Utilities Water charges allotments £3.26

MAC Electrical Installation Electrical work KSA £2489.46

Nat West Credit Card Dropbox & domain hosting ,SLCC £275.86

SLCC Clerks manual £52.30

T Shaw Finance workbook £100.00

Signs Express Signs for outdoor gym £372.00

The payment schedule was checked by Cllr T Bentham.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve the payments listed.

10. Parish Matters Ref 23/180

• Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations – The signs have now been installed giving the height restriction for the outdoor gym equipment. The fabrication work to lower the basketball net and alterations to the gate still need to be done.  This work has been requested and there is still some signage to be completed.

• RoSPA report – all outstanding work has been completed except for the gate trap.  The quarterly play equipment inspection will be done by Cllr T Bentham.

• Dead Tree at Sports Field – Cllr T Wright confirmed that the land transfer document doesn’t clarify who is responsible for this boundary.  It was proposed seconded and resolved to ask for sight of the quote and then give consideration to paying up to half the cost to resolve this on a without prejudice non admission of liability basis.

• Cemetery Fencing/paddock on South Street – KPC to arrange a meeting and invite the owners to discuss the paddock

• Councillor Volunteer Scheme – It was proposed, seconded and resolved to request help with painting of the new containers and assist with the work on the pavements.

• A18 speed reduction –Cllr Wright advised that he had reviewed the paper that he completed in 2019 and has updated it with the new developments that have been completed since then.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to submit this to Lincolnshire County Council along with any other supporting evidence we have. It was agreed to collaborate with Riby PC and any other interested parties.  

11. Correspondence Ref 23/181

The correspondence received had been discussed in relevant agenda item

12. Planning applications Ref 23/182

Application 147537 – Cllr S Knight declared an interest in this agenda item. It was agreed that Cllr S Knight could remain in the meeting.  Cllr Wright advised that he had prepared a paper which had been previously circulated and looks at the concerns relevant to the Neighbourhood Plan.  Cllr R Dannatt also has concerns regarding this application. Cllr R Dannatt to forward his paper to the clerk as well to issue a response to West Lindsey. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to respond along the lines of the two papers from the councillors. 2 councillors abstained.

A resident has requested support from KPC regarding planning application 147459.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the clerk replies confirming that the land is no longer classified as an important open space in the Neighbourhood Plan and our assumption is that this classification has also been removed in the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan.

13. Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 23/183

KSA lease 

Update on entrance signs 

Update on Alice South Charity

14. Date and time of next meeting Ref 23/184

Tuesday 2nd January 2024 at 19:00 in the Village Hall 

The Chair wished everyone and their partners a very Happy Christmas and closed the meeting at 20:57