October 2023 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd October 2023

Those Present: Councillors, S Knight, R Dannatt, T Wright, M Wright, P Wilks, G Lovatt, M Turner
In Attendance: Cllr A Lawrence. O Bierley & 1 member of the public
1.    Apologies
Cllr T Bentham, Cllr C Tym.  Cllr S Knight asked if apologies had been received from Cllr K Stark.  Clerk advised that nothing had been received from her.      

To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 23/140 - none 

Public Question Time Ref 23/141
A member of the public had previously asked if the letter to Keelby PC could be shared.  Cllr S Knight advised that Brightening Keelby had not given permission for it to be shared.  They also asked if it was Keelby PC rubbish that had been placed in the skip at the Spar garden.  Cllr S Knight said that it wasn’t but would check with the handyman that nothing had been placed in the skip belonging to Keelby PC.

2.    County Councillors Report Ref 23/142
Cllr T Smith joined the meeting at 19:47  Cllr T Smith stated that the pavement that was not compliant is going to be sorted.  The tree issue on Broadway where it has raised the path has been raised again.  The path that has been widened he has been requested that it is slurry coated and is waiting to hear.  Cllr T Smith will ask for the basal growth to be checked on Broadway and Yarborough Road. The tree officer has said that the trees on Yarborough Road cannot be cut back as far as Cllr T Smith is requesting. Cllr P Wilks asked about double yellow lines on Yarborough Road.  Cllr T Smith advised that this is still waiting for this to be assessed.

3.    District Councillors Report Ref 23/143
Cllr O Bierley had circulated his report beforehand.  Cllr S Knight asked if organisations could have access to the WLDC grants that were available.  Cllr O Bierley advised that they were.  Cllr S Knight asked that the KPC reps for outside organisations bring this to their attention.

4.    To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 5th September Ref 23/144
The minutes of the meeting on 5th September were accepted as a true record.  Proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr G Lovatt.  

5.    Co-option of Councillor 23/145
The person who had expressed an interest in joining Keelby Parish Council was not present.

6.    Clerk’s report 23/146
Clerk advised that most of the items had a separate agenda item so are covered.  Thanks were given to Cllr M Turner who had finished painting the railings at the play area.  Clerk to follow up as to whether the post master at South Killingholme would be willing to provide a hub at Keelby. Cllr P Wilks is leading on the painting of the container which is ongoing at the moment.  Keys for the container are held by Cllr P Wilks, Cllr G Lovatt, Cllr R Dannatt, Cllr S Knight the handyman and the clerk. The bench at the skatepark will be fitted when the benches on the playing field are done.  This month we have had meetings with Ongo Homes and Sir Edward Leigh.  Both of these meetings were successful and Sir E Leigh has agreed to try and progress some of the issues we are having.  Cllr T Wright confirmed that the meeting with Ongo was good and as a result of the meeting they have now revised their plans and are planning a public meeting.  Clerk to reply to them to suggest a meeting in the village hall one evening.
Cllr T Wright asked if we had heard from the developers of the other land off Mill Lane.  The clerk advised that she had not heard from them regarding a meeting with Keelby PC.  The clerk had contacted them after the meeting as it had come to our notice that they had informed the public that Keelby PC were aware of the proposed development which was definitely not the case.  John Benson of the  Benson Planning Studio apologised for this saying that he thought he had emailed the clerk but on checking afterwards he had mis typed the email address so it wouldn’t have been received by the clerk.

7.    Large Village Retail Grant 23/147
The clerk has applied for the capital grant for the electricity on the village green and two dustbins for the village green.  It was understood that there will be a standing charge for the electricity supply which will need to be covered before any electricity is used.  The revenue grant still needs to be applied for.  Cllr S Knight suggested that we go out to other village organisations to ask if they needed anything that would fit into this category that we could apply for.  Keelby PC representatives will ask their organisations.  Cllr M Wright to forward contact details of Brownies.  Proposed by Cllr T Wright, seconded by Cllr P Wilks,  All in favour.
Cllr T Wright asked about the new entrance signs for the village.  Clerk advised that these could be purchased out of the CIL money that had been received.  Cllr T Wright proposed that we purchase 4 of the road signs with the images of the village out of the CIL money.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks.  Cllr G Lovatt suggested that we ask a local artist if she could do some sketches for these signs.  Cllr G Lovatt to ask if she would be interested.  Cllr R Dannatt suggested that we ask the school to be involved in designing one sign. Cllr R Dannatt to check with Highways through Cllr T Smith. All in favour

8.    Reports from external organisations Ref 23/148
Sports Association – Cllr R Dannatt informed council that most of the work had been completed but a decision needed to be made on the emergency lighting. Cllr R Dannatt had previously circulated 2 options. Cllr T Wright suggested another option that would be cheaper but Cllr R Dannatt said that this option would not make the building compliant to get an electrical certificate for the building. Cllr M Wright proposed that we go for the cheaper option to get the building compliant but with less costs.  This was seconded by Cllr M Turner.  4 in favour 2 against.  The other thing still to be sorted is the intruder alarm. Cllr R Dannatt proposed that we get a Fire Assessment done which will give us a Fire Safety document to make recording of checks easier going forward.  The cost of this is £400.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks.  5 in favour 1 abstained.
Cllr S Knight advised that the lease was still not completed. Cllr M Turner attended the KSA AGM and reported that the main business was the election of officers.  The KSA are still keen to meet with KPC. They also raised the dead tree in the hedge that borders the sports field. Clerk to write to the farmer to request that it is taken down.  Cllr T Smith advised that if the letter doesn’t work then the County Council will remove it and invoice the farmer. Cllr T Wright advised that all the fees to the clubs at the KSA had been increased due to the potential increased costs KSA may have in running the facilities. The costs have been calculated on a pro-rota basis which is much fairer.  The increased fees are as follows; football club £2400 a year, tennis club £777, Bowls £1838 and cricket £1914. Clerk asked what is happening about the meeting with KSA. Cllr M Turner to arrange the meeting. 
Community Speed Watch – no sessions have been held so nothing to report.  They are looking for more volunteers if anyone is interested.
Village Hall, Library and Youth Club – Cllr T Bentham not present. 
Allotments – Cllr S Knight attended the AGM and the same officers are going to continue. They raised concerns over the possible development of the land next to the allotments.  They feel Keelby PC should take some action to safeguard the allotments.  Clerk to check the original lease to see if there are any time guarantees. Cllr R Dannatt proposed that the clerk write to the landlord to clarify the position and ask if he would be willing to sell it. This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks.  All in favour.  Cllr P Wilks stated that there was a car accident there recently which has resulted in some kerb stones being knocked out.  Clerk to try and establish the crime number and report it to highways.

9.    Financial Matters Ref  23/149        
Salaries    September    £898.86
Multidata    Broadband October    £46.05
Fuel Genie    Petrol August    £107.82
Fuel Genie    Petrol September    £61.27
Groundboss    Grass cutting August    £144.00
Groundboss    Grass cutting September    £144.00
Wave Utilities    Water charges allotments    £39.44
Nat West Credit Card    Concrete rings ID badges    £887.01
HMRC    Q2    £287.40
Pensioners Christmas Party    Grant    £150.00
Cllr G Lovatt    Flash drive    £5.99
RoSPA Play Safely    Annual inspection    £127.80
Cllr S Knight    Keys for container    £95.49
PKF Littlejohn    Audit    £378.00
NBB Recycled Furniture    Tables, seat & table Park    £4354.20
Sovereign Design    Gym Equipment    £6955.96
Nick Trought JCB Hire        £1200.00
Cllr P Wilks    Expenses for park project    £141.67
Cllr R Dannatt    Expenses for park project    £318.03
East Ferry Timber    Fencing for park project    £5384.64
Soft Surfaces    Materials cost    £9738.00
EC Surfacing    Surfacing works    £23409.76
The payment schedule was checked by Cllr M Turner proposed by Cllr G Lovatt, seconded by Cllr T Wright, and signed by the Chair. All in favour.  Cllr G Lovatt signed the quarterly bank reconciliation.  Clerk advised that she has made a start on the budget and handed out details of where she is with it ready for discussion at the next meeting. 
Agar Report – clerk advised that the report had been circulated and 2 things were raised.  1) The figure in Section 2, Box 2 of the prior year comparative column had the incorrect figure. 
2) The asset register has 3 assets that are valued at Nil.  These should carry some value and be recorded at a nominal value of £1. A valuation policy for the fixed assets should be drawn up, approved by Council and noted in the minutes. 
Cllr T Wright proposed that the assets are depreciated at disposal.  This was seconded by Cllr M Turner.  All in favour. The notification of the completion of the audit has been displayed on the notice boards and is on the website Cllr S Knight thanked the clerk for getting the AGAR completed.

10.    Parish Matters Ref 23/150
•    Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations - Cllr S Knight thanked everyone who has been involved in this.  Keelby PC have pulled together as a team to get this amazing facility completed which has been very well received by residents. Cllr M Turner had received very positive comments when he had been painting the railings.  Cllr M Wright praised the co-ordination of Cllr R Dannatt and Cllr T Wright who have manged the project.  Cllr Wright wanted to express his thanks to Cllr Lovatt, who stepped in to take charge of the play area installation in his absence. Cllr Dannatt presented to the council his financial report on the Old tennis courts restoration, and is pleased to advise that he has managed to come in under the advised budget. A full report of costs and grant income will be reported at the next meeting when all the work has been completed. This report will be published so everyone is aware of what money has been spent.  Cllr R Dannatt also wanted to thank the committee and Cllr P Wilks, Cllr G Lovatt, Cllr S Knight and her husband for getting involved.  An opening event is to be organised.  Cllr T Wright said that Cllr O Bierley does a tremendous amount for the village and suggested that we ask Cllr O Bierley if he would be willing to open it.  Play area sub-committee to organise this.  
•    RoSPA report – Cllr R Dannatt suggested that the necessary welding be done on the gate be done when the welding to lower the basketball net is done.  The issues on the slide need to be looked at and the rubber round the elephant needs replacing.  The rest of the issues are being done by the current contractors apart from some turfing that needs replacing.  The problems with the under 5s area need to be reported back to Playdale who installed it.  Cllr T Wright to contact them to arrange for them to fix the issues under the warranty.  Cllr G Lovatt advised that the concrete block will be removed.  Cllr G Lovatt had received a request from a resident asking for a copy of the RoSPA report.  There is no issue with this being shared when the work has been completed. This can also be put on the website at this time.
•    Cemetery Fencing/paddock on South Street – to be carried forward to the next meeting.
•    Cemetery Store Roof – this has been completed.
•    Doctors surgery – A letter has now been received from the Roxton Practice advising that there is to be a doctors surgery in Keelby on Mondays and also hopefully one on Thursdays.

11.    Correspondence Ref 23/151
An email had been received regarding the state of the road down Stone Pits Road.  Cllr T Smith has a meeting with the business on the 19th.  Clerk to respond saying it had been passed on to County Councillors.
An email has been received from a resident concerned about the volume of traffic generated by the North’s Christmas Lights.  Cllr T Smith advised that Highways should be informed of any event affecting highways and possibly they need a temporary road closure notice for the switch on. Cllr T Smith to forward information on this.  Clerk to email Mr & Mrs North to advise them of this.
A Letter has been received from the Methodist Chapel regarding the Men in Sheds project. As we don’t own the barn they mentioned we are unable to assist with this.

12.    Planning applications Ref 23/152 
Cllr T Wright advised that he is going with Cllr O Bierley to the WLDC planning meeting to support the Calstore application tomorrow night. 
Cllr S Knight reported that there was some disquiet yesterday over the commencement of the new development behind the Co-op.  They were taking out hedges at the back of Eastfield Road but after some investigation it was established that these were not protected so there is nothing we can do.   

13.    Neighbourhood Plan Update 23/153 – Nothing to report other than the meeting with Cllr Bunney yesterday which went very well.  Cllr T Wright thanked Cllr O Bierley for organising this.  Cllr T Wright, Cllr S Knight Mr Mitchell are going to the Guildhall on the 6th November to formally present the plan to WLDC.  

14.    Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 23/154 - none
Date and time of next meeting Ref 23/155
Tuesday 7th November 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall                   
Meeting closed at 21:07