November 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 5th November 2024 commencing 7pm.
Those Present: Councillors T Wright (Chair), M Turner, E Darwood, R Bedwell, T Bentham, R Dannatt, S Knight, C Tym and K Beedham
In Attendance: Cllr O Bierley, Cllr T Smith arrived at 7:40 and 4 members of the public.
1. Apologies - Ref 24/172 – Cllr M Wright and Cllr A Lawence
Cllr T Wright advised that Cllr G Lovatt had resigned. He thanked him for all the hard work he has done, he has been a tremendous asset to the council.
2. To receive dispensations and declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 24/173– none
3. Public Question Time Ref - 24/174
A member of the public enquired if any contact had been made with Brightening Keelby. Clerk advised that she had requested dates of their meeting so that our representative could attend. They also raised concerns from another member of the public regarding renting out the facilities at the KSA, the solar panels and the removal of the branch that had fallen. Cllr T Wright said these concerns would be covered later in the meeting.
A member of the public gave an update on the situation regarding the telegraph poles that are being erected in the Eastfield Road area. They advised that they had made contact with the WLDC community broadband officer who contacted the Openreach and they have replied saying that there is no ducting in the street and what is there is damaged and would be too expensive to repair. They said there is no agreement in place to use Quickline ducting and poles but haven’t said if they have tried to reach an agreement even though it is used in other areas. Cllr O Bierley advised that he will take it to the planning meeting tomorrow.
4. County Councillors Report - Ref 24/175
Cllr T Smith has emailed regarding the issues from the resurfacing of the roads in the village. Cllr M Turner raised that a resident had asked if the 3 self-seeded trees on the verge on South Street could be removed. Cllr T Smith will ask about the removal of these.
5. District Councillors Report - Ref 24/176
Cllr Bierley had sent through his report which had been circulated to councillors. Cllr O Bierley advised that there is an update in connection with the Emergency Plan. The Village Hall health & safety policy is being reviewed and there is to be a visit from the fire & rescue service. The review of the polling stations has been completed. There is just an administrative one as the village was spilt into 2 and you had to go to the correct desk but now everyone will go to the same desk. The next review will be 2029. When the paper was prepared there were 1589 electors and 224 of these have postal votes. Cllr O Bierley said that we have had one visit from the road sweeper and a further visit has been requested.
6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st October 2024 - Ref 24/177 - It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes are a correct record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman.
7. Clerks Report – Ref 24/178
Clerk advised that the bench has been ordered for the village green. The village entrance signs have been fitted. There is just an action to remove the 30mph signs by LCC. These are to be purchased out of the CIL money and there is still a remaining £820 remaining.
The cost to provide an engraved plaque for the memorial bench will be in the region of £13.99. RoSPA – most of the work has now been completed. Playdale are coming w/c 25.11.24 to assess their work. The fabrication work needed on the park has been quoted as £900. It is difficult to find a company who will do this work due to issues associated with liability insurance with it being on a play area. The quote for the skate park was £770. Repairs to the elephant still needs to be completed. The second treatment has been completed on the chafer grub on the village green. The brambles have now been cleared from the public footpath on Maple Avenue. Cllr O Bierley advised that there is a plan in place regarding the location of the public footpath to Barton Street. Clerk had obtained prices to powder coat and to paint the railings at the cenotaph. These will be considered at the next meeting when projects for next year are being discussed. The locks on the notice board at St Martin’s Place have been glued up. Clerk to get prices for a new notice board to be considered. The bush at the Yarborough Road bus stop has now been trimmed.
8. Financial Matters – Ref 24/179
The payment schedule was checked by Cllr T Bentham. It was resolved to approve the payments. Cllr T Wright signed as Chair
Date Supplier Description Cost Bank Payee
17.09.24 Jewsons 3 bags postcrete £21.56
01.10.24 Fuel Genie Fuel September £24.79
02.10.24 E-On Next Energy Electricity kiosk 11.07.24-05.08.24 £7.88
11.10.24 Cloud Next Email hosting £119.98
22.10.24 Mrs Peacock Pensioners party donation £150.00
02.10.24 E-On Next Energy Electricity kiosk 01.09.24-30.09.24 £9.45
07.10.24 SLCC FILCA Training £144.00
18.08.24 Fred White Repairs to mower £20.00 T Bentham
30.10.24 Staff Costs £993.08
12.10.24 Humber Merchants Grease gun £26.88 G Lovatt
29.08.24 Wickes Pruning saw and rachets loppers £32.50 G Lovatt
29.08.24 Wickes Bow saw blade £4.50 G Lovatt
31.10.24 Total Signs Entrance signs £2397.76
31.10.24 Lebara Telephone top ups £15.00 J Milson
01.11.24 Fuel Genie Fuel October £80.22
03.11.24 Halfords Foot pump £15.49 G Lovatt
04.11.24 E-On Next Energy Electricity kiosk 01.10.24-31.10.242 £9.76
The quarterly bank reconciliation has been checked and signed by Cllr R Bedwell.
Clerk had previously shared reports on the financial position and a suggested budget to enable us to complete a precept estimate for 25-26. Cllr R Dannatt proposed that the remaining money left out of the £3k for the KSA after the insurance has been paid is ringfenced to spend on repairs at the KSA. Cllr R Dannatt to prepare a list of jobs that should be considered. A vote was taken, and all were in favour of this proposal. Discussions took place regarding the proposed precept of £28,228. This would mean an increase of 5.5% which would increase the cost to residents by £2.11 a year on council tax for Band D properties. It was resolved to submit this figure and revisit it again at the January meeting when we can rerun the figures regarding staff costs. A vote was taken. 8 votes for this proposal and 1 abstained.
Cllr T Wright asked if councillors could bring to the next meeting ideas of what projects the council may want to undertake next year.
9. Parish Matters Ref 24/180
• The meadow next to the cemetery – no further meeting date has been arranged.
• Youth council – Cllr E Darwood reported that she had attended the training course. Further thought needs to be given to the age of youth, at the present we don’t have any data on youth engagement, and we also need to consider why we are doing it. Cllr E Darwood suggested setting up a sub-committee to engage with the younger generation and establish what their thoughts are on this. It was resolved that Cllr E Darwood would be the Chair for this sub-committee and be supported by Cllr M Turner and Cllr K Beedham.
• New no waiting proposals for Manor Street and the Church – Revised plans have been circulated. The double yellow lines in front of the church have now been removed. It was resolved to request that the double yellow lines are reinstated at the church and that they don’t go in front of the cemetery gates. At the school we should request that the double yellow lines are joined up.
• Balance sheet for Alice South – Cllr S Knight had circulated the balance sheet this evening but as it hadn’t given councillors time to consider it there will be an agenda item at the next meeting to discuss it further.
• Amenities for village green – Items like water supply to village green and a flag pole will be considered at the next meeting when we are looking at projects for 25-26
• Traffic calming on Stallingborough Road – G Lovatt has suggested further road markings on the road. Anything to help slowing traffic is useful especially as the stats from the traffic signs are showing a steady increase in speed. Cllr T Smith to take this to LCC
• Emergency plan – LCC have published a new template. Cllr T Wright has transferred our plan onto the new template, but more helpers need to be listed in the event of an incident. It was agreed that all Councillors should be listed as helpers in the plan along with the clerk. Cllr T Wright will share the new plan for discussion at the December meeting.
• Christmas tree – it was resolved to purchase a tree as the planted one is not big enough yet. Clerk to investigate purchasing a picket fence to use instead of the metal industrial railings.
• Remembrance Day – clerk to find out what is happening. It is thought that it will be organised by the methodist church this year. Clerk to contact the methodist chapel to get details. A further donation of £100 has been made to the poppy appeal for 40 additional poppies for the lamp posts. Cllr T Bentham has purchased some new planters for the cenotaph.
10. Reports from external organisations - Ref 24/181
Sports Association –
• Cllr M Turner advised that the KSA have been busy and have invested c£2000 in maintenance of the site this year. The fencing at the front of the site has been repaired along with the fence at the top of the field. A replacement tractor has been sourced, the hedges have been cut and the ditches cleared. The area round the skate park has been strimmed by Mr Lovatt so thanks were given to him. The pitches have been deep spiked and fertilised. The concrete and rubbish from the bowls club has been cleared away and the roller doors have been repaired. The light bulbs inside the pavilion have been replaced and the solar panels have been fitted. The rubbish behind the charity box has also been cleared. The next meeting will be early December.
• Cllr R Dannatt reported that a meeting had been held with WLDC. The grant money that is available is for professional services. There is to be a new WLDC sports development officer who we can speak to regarding this when she starts at the beginning of December. Cllr T Wright replied to the resident’s comments earlier. This year there has been income amounting to £105 for renting out the pavilion as there is only one regular booking for a dance class. Income received from renting out the grounds goes to the relevant clubs. In the signed agreement it says that when the income exceeds £5k it will be considered further. The branches that were cut down were put back into the hedge for wildlife purposes. The solar panels are the total responsibility of the KSA they applied for the grant, maintain them and receive the subsidised energy and any additional income from them.
Community Speed Watch – As Graham Lovatt has now resigned, we need another co-ordinator and more volunteers to run it.
Village Hall – Cllr T Bentham reported that there were no issues with the Village Hall. There is an event in November that has been well supported. There will be another pantomime in January. This Saturday there is an open day.
Library– Cllr K Beedham reported that the school are attending this Wednesday.
Youth Club –Cllr K Beedham said that the new youth club leader appointment is still ongoing. There is a trustee meeting on the 21st November.
Allotments – nothing to report – this can be removed from monthly agendas as there is only one meeting a year.
11. Correspondence - Ref 24/182
• Clerk advised that she has received 2 requests from non-residents wanting to be buried in existing plots. Our policy says we don’t accept non-residents. Cllr T Bentham proposed that non-residents can be interned in an existing plot. Seconded by Cllr E Darwood. Cllr S Knight proposed that non-residents should not be allowed to be interned in the cemetery as per our policy. Seconded by Cllr R Dannatt. A vote was taken. 6 in favour of accepting non-residents in existing plots and 2 against. As per the policy non-residents will not be allowed to purchase new plots in the cemetery.
• A request has been received to re-instate the slip road going out of the village on the Barton Street. It was resolved to ask LCC to reinstate this slip-road.
• An email has been received regarding the donation of £150 to the pensioner’s party. The resident felt that this amount should be higher due to rising costs. It was suggested that next year they complete a grant application stating the amount. They raised the voluntary driver’s scheme that had folded. This has been discussed previously and there is no action that can be undertaken by the parish council. The planters at the war memorial were raised but these have been sorted today.
• An email has been received regarding parking round the Cissplatt Lane junction. It was resolved to ask LCC to provide some junction protection.
12. Planning applications - Ref 24/183 – no new applications received.
Applications that council have previously been commented on will be reported on. The planning on the Mill Lane development is showing on the WLDC portal as refused. The Riby Road development is still ongoing as there had been an extension to 31st October.
13. Agenda items for consideration at the next meeting - Ref 24/184
• Projects for 25-26
• Emergency plan
• Increase of theft/attempted theft in the village
14. Date and time of next meeting - Ref 24/185
Tuesday 3rd December at 19:00 in the Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 21:18