July (30th) 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 30th July commencing 7pm.
Those Present: Councillors T Wright, (Chair), M Turner, R Dannatt, C Tym, T Bentham, M Wright, R Bedwell, E Darwood, and G Lovatt,
In Attendance: 2 member of the public, Cllr O Bierley,
1. Apologies - Ref 24/131 – Cllr S Knight
2. To receive dispensations and declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 24/102– none
3. Public Question Time Ref - 24/132
A member of the public stated that they thought the KSA facility is in a poor state of repair. They voiced concerns regarding drainage, the lighting of fires on the site, poor fencing and the outfield not being cut, and the dyke is not maintained. The council noted these concerns.
4. County Councillors Report - Ref 24/133
Cllr T Smith arrived at 7:40. Cllr T Smith has emailed regarding the new village entrance signs and is expecting a reply. The moving of the 30mph speed limit signs will also be followed up. Another idea that Cllr G Lovatt raised is if a 40mph limit could be imposed the other side of the Roxton Lane junction so that traffic should start to slow before the 30mph limit. It was agreed that further discussions would be needed on this.
5. District Councillors Report - Ref 24/134
Cllr Bierley had sent through his report which had been circulated to councillors. Cllr G Lovatt raised the fact that there are stickers with QR codes on the dog bins and asked if they could not use ‘what3words’ system. Cllr O Bierley will take this back to West Lindsey.
6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd July 2024 - Ref 24/135
It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes listed above are a correct record of the meetings and were signed by the Chairman.
7. Clerks Report – Ref 24/136
It was proposed, seconded and resolved to include the skate park in the RoSPA inspection that is scheduled for August at a cost of £78.00
A quote has been received for some barriers to go across the path at the new cycle track. There was a price to supply the panels at a price of £165 for each panel or £385.00 to supply and fit 2 panels. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to accept the quote for the supply and fitting of the 2 panels under the guidance of Cllr Dannatt.
Cllr T Wright confirmed that he had spoken to Gareth Johnson who has agreed to draw up some plans for the refurbishment of the pavilion. Cllr Dannatt would need to contact Gareth accordingly.
8. Financial Matters – Ref 24/137
The payment schedule was checked by Cllr T Bentham and signed by Cllr M Turner. It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve the payments. Cllr T Wright signed as Chair
Date Supplier Description Cost
01/07/24 M J Neal Fuel £10.00
08/07/24 Hodson & Kauss Repair to bench on sports field £270.00
17/07/24 CVL Training Handyman training £768.00
18/07/24 North Lincs Tyres Mower Wheelo OKO fill £40.00
30/07/24 Staffing costs July £1315.34
25/05/24 Caistor Farm & Garden Machinery Deck drive belt and grease £302.38
01/06/24 Fuel Genie Fuel for June £84.51
16/06/24 North Lincs Tyres Tyre £79.00
19/07/24 MAC Electrical Installation of power kiosk £2018.22
19/07/24 Roxton Building Services Base for kiosk £840.00
9. Reports from external organisations - Ref 24/138
Sports Association –
• Health & Safety manual – ongoing
• The AGM is planned for 13th August 2024
Cllr T Wright confirmed that the shutter repair will be done this week the delay has been down to the supplier and their availability. There has also been a theft of 2 mowers. One was recovered as it had a tracker fitted although unfortunately had been damaged. The other cricket mower was lost and has been covered by an insurance claim of £7500 which will cover the cost of the replacement mower and damage to the other one. Cllr G Lovatt raised the issue of the pavilion being used without the shutters being raised. Cllr T Wright asked the KSA representatives to take this to the next meeting as a reminder.
Village Hall – Cllr T Bentham reported that there are no issues. The roof has been repaired and there has been a reduction in the gas and electricity bill.
Library and Youth Club – Library is running fine. A meeting has been held with the LCC with a view to engaging support from LCC to help Youth leaders gaining their qualifications and work experience through offering sessions at Keelby. These youth leaders would not be permanent leaders.
Cllr E Darwood agreed to take on being the representative of the Village Hall.
Allotments – no report
10. Parish Matters Ref 24/139
• Community Speed Watch – Cllr G Lovatt reported that there has been one session this month of 23 minutes long at the Co-op. There were 8 speeding cars and one of these vehicles were travelling at 43mph. It was decided to include this data in one of the Facebook updates.
• Village Walk About – On 22nd July Cllr T Wright and Cllr G Lovatt walked the village with Cllr T Smith and Cllr O Bierley. Basel growth Broadway and Riby Road– we have been given permission to trim this so will be completed by the handyman. It was agreed to ask LCC if we can get some funding to cover this; Cllr T Smith would enquire on our behalf. The crowning of the trees will be dealt with by LCC; Cllr T Smith is following this up. Plot of land down Cissplatt Lane which is looking unkept. Cllr O Bierley has provided us with details of the owners so we can follow this up. Dropped kerbs – Cllr T Smith is following this up. Scrubland near Maple Avenue through to Barton Street which is covered in briars. Cllr O Bierley said he is not sure who is responsible for this, and we could ask LCC to do a land registry record search to help clarify this. Toppers Lane is unadopted so going to be maintained by the handyman.
The dog bin on Maple Avenue is to be replaced by WLDC. Cllr C Tym also mentioned that the dog bin near the bus stop on Yarborough Road also needs replacing. Cllr O Bierley to take this to WLDC.
Salt bin on The Limes – this will be refilled by LCC but as this is not on LCC land wouldn’t be replaced if it became damaged.
The hedge is very overgrown on 2 Maple Close. A letter will be sent to request that this is cut back.
Cllr G Lovatt raised that the hedge at the corner house on Maple Avenue going round to The Limes is also very overgrown. Clerk to write a letter to this property as well. Cllr T Smith said that if our letters don’t work and the hedges are still not cut back, we can ask LCC to take action to cut the hedge which they will do and the charge the cost to the residents.
11. Correspondence - Ref 24/140
• An email has been received complaining about HGVs using Yarborough Road. This is clearly an ongoing problem. Cllr T Smith confirmed that there is no formal policy in place for introducing new weight limits across the County. There is to be a consultation across the County which the Parish Council will respond to when it is received.
• An email has been received regarding a damaged memorial stone. Cllr T Wright contacted Mrs P Baillie in the clerk’s absence who confirmed that they had got the wrong grave and he has now been sent pictures of his relatives grave which just requires a clean. Cllr T Wright expressed his thanks to Mrs Baillie for her assistance with this.
12. Planning applications - Ref 24/141 – Application WL/2024/00553. Cllr T Wright reported that a drawing missing on the portal. The Council did not have any comments to make on this application.
13. Equipment for handyman – Cllr G Lovatt reported that Mr P Ney has now retired, and Mr Pete Mills has now taken over as handyman. Peter Mills completed his training on the mowers and brushcutter last week. The retirement of the handyman highlighted the fact that some equipment is required. The hand mower at the cemetery requires some repairs as it keeps stopping. Cllr R Dannatt suggested getting it repaired and Cllr T Bentham agreed to take it to Fred White to look at. Cllr G Lovatt proposed that if is not repairable a replacement mower can be purchased from Mowers Online costing £400 which offers a longer warranty. This was seconded by Cllr E Darwood. All in favour. Cllr G Lovatt said that as Peter Ney has been using his own equipment to change the wheels on the mower, we now require some equipment. Cllr G Lovatt proposed that we purchase a trolley jack, an axle stand, a wheel wrench, petrol can, sweeping brushes, Duro cut 20/2 strimmer head. These total £166.95. Cllr R Bedwell seconded this. Cllr R Dannatt offered to gift the council a set of axle stands and a petrol can which takes the spend to £135.85 This was proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr E Darwood. A vote was taken on this second proposal, 7 in favour, 2 abstained, none against.
Cllr T Wright to write a letter to Peter Ney thanking him for his services.
14. Agenda items for consideration at the next meeting - Ref 24/142
• Memorial benches
• FCC grant
• Meadow next to Cemetery – a positive meeting has already been held and a second meeting is to be held in August so there should be a proposal to bring to the September meeting.
• Vandalism and damage to play area on field – broken glass/CCTV
• Youth Council
15. Date and time of next meeting - Ref 24/143
Tuesday 3rd September at 19:00 in the Village Hall
Meeting closed at 20.23