April 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 2nd April 2024


Those Present: Councillors, S Knight, R Dannatt, T Wright, C Tym, P Wilks, G Lovatt, T Bentham, M Wright, K Stark, and M Turner

In Attendance: Cllr O Bierley, and Cllr A Lawrence and 9 members of the public. Cllr T Smith arrived late

1. Apologies Ref 24/49- none

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 24/50 – Cllr T Wright confirmed that although his interest in Keelby Football Club has been previously registered he requested dispensation to stay in the meeting for agenda item 11.  Cllr M Wright confirmed that he no longer had an interest in Keelby Football Club following his resignation.  Cllr K Stark noted that Cllr M Wright’s name was still on the Keelby United Football Club website.  Cllr T Wright confirmed that this was due to a delay in updating the website and confirmed that the resignation letter had been received and minuted at the Keelby Football Club committee meeting on the 26th March.  The clerk confirmed that she had also had sight of this letter. The chair stated that following the comments made by Cllr P Wilks at the last meeting the subject of councillor interests and voting had been looked into by the clerk as proper officer for the Council and that Cllr P Wilks was correct in what he said, however the way in which it was discussed became personal and that in future asked that all comments should come through the chair.  

3. Public Question Time Ref - 24/51

Public questions have already been covered in the Parish meeting.

4. Election of Councillor Ref 24/52

An application has been received from Richard Bedwell.  It was unanimously resolved to co-opt Richard Bedwell onto the council.  The clerk was asked to get the paperwork completed.

5. County Councillors Report - Ref 24/53

Cllr Smith had circulated his report beforehand, so councillors were advised to email him directly with any queries.  Cllr T Smith had reported a number of potholes and had been to look at the completed work on Stone Pit Lane.  Cllr G Lovatt raised the problem of the trees on Yarborough Road as they are blocking the speed sign.  Cllr T Smith confirmed that the work on these has been authorised, but he does not know when the work will be done.  Cllr S Knight asked if anything further had been heard about the planting of replacement trees on Broadway.  Cllr T Smith confirmed that he was following this up with Anglian Water as they removed the tree. LCC are also chasing Anglian Water about the removal of the stump.  Cllr T Bentham raised the tree at the library.  This work order has gone in so it Cllr T Smith will try and find out a date for this work.   

6. District Councillors Report - Ref 24/54

Cllr Bierley had sent through his report but unfortunately the clerk had not circulated it.  The main points were that a bus shelter has become available from WLDC that could possibly be placed on South Street. Various sites were discussed.  It was resolved to request 2 bus shelters that are offered and then the location could be sorted later. Cllr O Bierley to make a formal request for these.  Cllr O Bierley also reported that a supporter of Keelby Village Hall lottery had won the £25k jackpot on the West Lindsey lottery.  

7. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 5th March 2024 - Ref 24/55

It was proposed, seconded, and resolved to accept the minutes as a true record of the meeting.

8. Clerk’s report – Ref 24/56

The clerk asked about training courses.  Clerk requested that in this financial year she completes the Cemetery training costing £60, the ILCA & FILCA training which cost £120 for each course so a total of £300.  Cllr S Knight asked about the training budget.  The clerk confirmed that this year there is £800 in the budget but following the resignation of the handyman that she didn’t know about when the budget was prepared there will now be an additional training requirement for the new handyperson.  The clerk has found a provider who will complete the handyperson training in one day which will cost £669 + VAT for the certificates.  Cllr T Wright confirmed that the council has a commitment to provide training for the clerk and the additional amount over the budget could be offset from another budget line.

It was resolved that the clerk completes any courses that she feels would be beneficial to her position, but this would need to be ratified at the council meeting.

Bench at the skate park – council confirmed that this will be completed.

Clerk requested that the KSA reps ask if the pavilion could be used by the volunteers on the 23rd/24th April for toilet and hand washing facilities.

Clerk reported that she had been informed by the payroll company that the legislation had changed regarding payment of holiday pay for the handyman.  It will now be calculated on the hours worked in each month and paid in that month.  This means that when holiday is taken no payment will be received. It was resolved to accept this method of calculation and pay holiday pay monthly.

Clerk advised that she had had a reply from LCC regarding the trees on Riby Road.  They have said that they have already met with the residents to discuss the trees and that they are not planning any form of other management although they had suggested to Highways that the basal growth is cut back.

9. Financial Matters – Ref 24/57

The payment schedule was checked by Cllr M Turner and signed by Cllr T Bentham.  It was proposed, seconded and resolved to approve the payments listed.  Cllr M Turner signed off the quarterly bank reconciliation.


Date Supplier Description Gross

08/03/24 Zurich Insurance Insurance pavilion, tools £1,126.47

15/03/24 Blackstone Leisure Ltd 2 Gazebos £379.98

31/03/24 Staff costs Wages March £694.67

31/03/24 HMRC Q4 £345.40

01/04/24 Lebara Mobile telephone Jan & Mar top ups £10.00

01/04/24 Multidata Broadband April £48.96

02/04/24 Fuel Genie Fuel March £29.71

Transfer to assets to KSA – There have been some assets on our asset register that belong to the sports association that have been on our register in error. These items amount to £15,100.  Council resolved to approve the transfer of the following items.

Purchase  Date        Asset Net                         Cost       Category

01/01/06                   Pavilion Furniture             4,488.00 KSA

01/05/06                  Massey Ferguson Tractor 1,200.00 KSA

01/11/06                  3 Storage containers         1,000.00 KSA

01/12/06                 Computer                           537.00 KSA

01/01/07                Mower                                750.00 KSA

01/01/07                Ransome Triple Parkway  2250 Plus mower 750.00 KSA

01/01/07               Ransome Super Cool 51 mower 760.00 KSA

01/01/07                Dennis 0610/2009 mower 760.00 KSA

01/01/07               Bomag Roller BW120AD 250.00 KSA

01/09/09              Storage Container 1,105.00 KSA

01/04/22             Tralee Dynamo 6 Flails 3,500.00 KSA

Cllr C Tym asked why the defibrillators are not listed on our asset register. Cllr S Knight confirmed that the defibrillator at KSA had been purchased by the KSA and the one at the village hall had been purchased by Keelby PC. Clerk to investigate who purchased them and at what cost.

Grass Cutting contract – Clerk had obtained 4 quotes for the grass cutting contract for 2024.

Council resolved to go with contractor number 3 on the grounds that he has done a good job in the past and there have been no complaints about the work he has done.  Council resolved that, if for any reason they are no longer able to do this work contractor number 1 would be the next choice.

Purchase of replacement laptop – the council laptop has broken beyond repair.  Council  proposed, seconded and resolved a budget of £650 to purchase a replacement.

10. Reports from external organisations - Ref 24/58

Sports Association - Lease/partnership document.  The document prepared by Keelby PC has not been agreed by the KSA.  KSA have written an alternative document which has been circulate to councillors.  Cllr M Turner has amalgamated the two documents so there are now three documents.  Cllr M Wright proposed that we meet with the KSA, present this revised document that Cllr M Turner had prepared to discuss the contents and come to an agreement which he thinks will then be close to what is needed.  The 30th April is the suggested date.  Cllr S Knight asked that all councillors reply within a week by email to Cllr M Turner giving comments on this latest draft so that Cllr M Turner can update it.  Cllr M Wright proposed that the KSA representatives should move this forward.

Skate park equipment – to include the ramps in the insurance would be an additional £122.55.  Clerk will clarify that the skate park is covered by KPC public liability insurance.  It was resolved that this additional premium be paid to cover the skate park.

KUFC Development Plan – The KUFC Development Plan had previously been circulated.  Cllr M Turner confirmed that all the previous concerns that were raised the last time this was presented to council have now been addressed in the new document.  Cllr S Knight stated that she thought the lease document should be in place before this development plan is considered. Cllr P Wilks agreed. Cllr R Dannatt said that he is not against this plan but proposed that the current remedial work is completed, and the site tidied up before this development plan is considered. This was seconded by Cllr K Stark. This proposal received 4 votes. Cllr M Turner pointed out that this is a two-year project. Cllr K Stark said that she has concerns with a 3g pitch being laid.  These pitches can have high maintenance costs and have been linked with various forms of cancer.  These pitches have a relatively short life span and at the end of their life will go into landfill. Cllr S Knight said that this proposal is now a phased development and there is no mention of an additional pavilion which we are not allowed to have.  Cllr S Knight said that she is not happy for a turnstile to be installed with a paybox to charge for entry or to rent out this facility out when all the proceeds go to the football club.  Cllr C Tym suggested that we accept this proposal in principle with the conditions that we get an agreement in place and the site tidied up.  Cllr M Wright proposed that we accept the development plan with these conditions. This was seconded by Cllr M Turner.  The second proposal received 5 votes. It was therefore resolved that the KUFC development plan is approved with the conditions listed above - the new lease document is in place and the site is tidied up.

Cllr G Lovatt asked if the concrete at the sports ground would be removed.  Cllr T Wright confirmed that the contractor doing the work on the Bowls Green would remove it.

Community Speed Watch – no sessions have taken place this month.  Cllr G Lovatt reported that he had received 2 new signs free of charge from LCC which he will install to replace the broken ones. Cllr G Lovatt confirmed that a sign will be placed at the bottom of Yarborough Road towards the junction of Brocklesby Road.

Village Hall – Cllr T Bentham said that he hadn’t attended the last meeting.  He has had feedback saying that everything is going well, and that funding has been received towards the roof repairs.

Library and Youth Club – The damp in the library and the kitchen renovation is being sorted by LCC.  A payment of just over £5k has been received to support the library.

Allotments – nothing to report the AGM is in June.

11. Parish Matters Ref 24/59

• Play area & Old Tennis Courts Opening event – to be arranged when the work has been completed.  Cllr P Wilks asked if a set of goal posts are still to be installed on the playing field.  Cllr T Wright confirmed that this is part of the outstanding work.

• Dead Tree at Sports Field – Clerk had spoken to Mrs Burt who said that they would have a look at it.  Cllr K Stark has looked at the tree and suggested that it should be checked for bats as it is the perfect habitat for them.  Clerk to ask if the farmers to check for bats. 

• Update on Alice South – accounts have been registered with the charity commission and a report will be brought to the next meeting.

• Update on village entrance signs – Cllr R Dannatt said that he was waiting for a response from the school who are presently on their Easter break.  Cllr G Lovatt suggested the winner of the art competition at the gala could be the final illustration for the signs.

• Memorial bench – Clerk had received a request from a member of the public about installing a memorial bench on the playing field.  Cllr T Wright advised that this had been discussed in the past and turned down.  Cllr C Tym proposed that we write to Caistor Lions to see if we could get a bench donated that we could invite residents to put plaques on.  It was seconded and resolved that the clerk write to Caistor Lions to request this. 

Standing Order 3.w (length of meeting) was suspended at 9pm to allow the extension of the meeting so remaining business could be completed.

12. Correspondence - Ref 24/60

1. A reply has been received from Sir Edward Leigh regarding the speed reduction on the A18.  The response he received is similar to what we have previously received which did not support our application to reduce the speed limit to 50mph.

2. The clerk has received a letter from Cllr T Wright that she has been asked to read out at the meeting.  The letter raises the concerns of Cllr T Wright over the way the situation with the KSA has been handled by Keelby PC.  He feels that the relationship between Keelby PC and KSA has been eroded and that it is now at breaking point. Cllr T Wright suggested that it would have been better to have let the KSA representatives lead on the lease document rather than the council leadership team which he considers has only served to worsen things.  He feels that there has been what he describes as uncomfortable behaviour by councillors and some serious breaches of the code of conduct in council meetings.  In the letter Cllr T Wright also states that the clerk should have intervened when these breaches were happening when the chair was not taking any action herself.  The chair, Cllr S Knight responded by saying that she accepted that councillors have a right to put forward their views and as chair she felt that it was only fair that everyone had a chance to raise their concerns.  Cllr S Knight maintained that in her opinion it was open, honest and frank discussion passionately given by both parties and no more which is why she didn’t intervene.  The clerk added that after the meeting in question in March she had been uncomfortable about some behaviour in the meeting.  The clerk had emailed the chair to tell her this and then the clerk subsequently took advice from SLCC.  SLCC advised the clerk that what is or is not acceptable behaviour at council meetings can be a matter of personal opinion but advised the clerk that she could intervene if she felt uncomfortable in the future.  The clerk apologised to Cllr M Wright for not stepping in at the March meeting when she became uncomfortable with what was happening.  Cllr T Wright went on to say that there had been times in the past he felt he had not been protected and respect to him had not been shown in the council meetings and nothing had been done which is why he thought it best to write an open letter.  He said that in future if this behaviour continued, he would take it further.  Cllr S Knight said that he was within his rights to do this.

13. The position of the handyman – Ref 24/61 – Cllr T Wright advised that we have had 8 expressions of interest for the handy person position.  He is waiting for comments from Cllr R Dannatt on the job description and personal specification and a response from Cllr K Stark on her attendance at the meetings and comments on the application form, draft contract and interview questions.  It is hoped to interview in April and be in a position to appoint in May so that they can work alongside the current handyman for a time of handover.

14. Planning applications - Ref 24/62 – none received.

15. Review of policies - Ref 24/63 – Our current standing orders say that the proper officer is to decide on dispensations.  The model standing orders from LALC show brackets at this point so that the decision can be made by council or the proper officer.  Cllr T Wright proposed that due to the fact that the current council is divided he would be in favour of the decision staying with the proper officer as she is independent.  Cllr M Turner seconded this.  It was resolved that the standing orders remain as they are. 

Cemetery Policy - The clerk advised that following further discussions with Serenity there needs to be some further amendments to the policy.  Clerk was asked to make these amendments and bring to the next meeting. 

16. Agenda items for the next meeting - Ref 24/64

17. Date and time of next meeting - Ref 24/65

The Annual Parish Council meeting is on Tuesday 7th May at 19:00 in the Village Hall 

Meeting closed at 21:27