December 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd December commencing 7pm.

Those Present: Councillors T Wright (Chair), M Turner, M Wright, T Bentham, C Tym, K Beedham and Cllr E Darwood arrived at 19:05

In Attendance: Cllr A Lawrence who left at 19:06, Cllr T Smith arrived at 7:36 and 1 member of the public.  

1. Apologies - Ref 24/186 – Cllr R Bedwell, R Dannatt Cllr O Bierley

2. To receive dispensations and declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 24/187– none

3. Public Question Time Ref - 24/188

Cllr T Wright thanked Mr Gough for the work he had done regarding the telegraph poles that were being erected in the Eastfield Road area.  BT Openreach have now compromised and said that the poles opposite No 3/5 Eastfield and No 1 Windsor will be reduced in height to 10m and the pole outside No 2 Tomline will be removed as it is surplus to installation requirements. 

4. County Councillors Report - Ref 24/189

Cllr T Smith advised that in reply to our request for speed reduction ideas on Stallingborough road LCC have offered to paint a 30 sign on the road.  It was resolved that this should be requested.  Cllr T Smith asked for dates for a meeting with LCC to discuss the acceleration lane when turning out of Riby Road onto the A18.  The resurfacing of Stallingborough Road was discussed.  This work was done as the surface was starting to fail so they have replaced the top layer.  LCC have been out to look at the Cissplatt Lane junction.  They came in the daytime and no cars were parked so the clerk has replied to ask them to come out again in an evening when cars are parked or school times.  

The self-seeded trees on South Street – they are still checking on this but didn’t see a problem in principle.  Cllr T Smith will follow this up.  

The bus stop on South Street is still ongoing.  Cllr T Smith will try and find out the timescale for this.  

The Riby Road trees – there has been an incident where a branch has fallen.  Cllr T Smith will see if he can get a meeting to discuss this.

Cllr T Smith advised that as we had issues with traffic driving past at the cenotaph service again to go down the road closure route next year.

5. District Councillors Report - Ref 24/190

Cllr Bierley had sent through his report which had been circulated to councillors. Cllr Lawrence had nothing to add. There were no comments.

6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th November 2024 - Ref 24/191 - It was proposed, seconded and resolved that the minutes are a correct record of the meeting and were signed by the Chairman. 

7. Clerks Report – Ref 24/192

Clerk advised that the bench has been received and will be fitted in the new year.

Cllr C Tym asked if the final position had been decided on.  Cllr T Wright and Cllr M Turner will advise Cllr Tym on the location. 

The clerk asked for a decision on charging for electricity for events on the village green. It was resolved that the electricity will be free for any community event, but we will charge for events run by commercial companies. 

RoSPA repairs.  Playdale have attended and confirmed that the damage to the surface is not covered under warranty. They advised on repairs which Cllr T Wright and M Turner will do.  The repairs to the playground are more problematic.  There is a contractor who will do the repairs to the fencing but finding a company to repair the equipment is harder. The repairs to the skate park are still ongoing.

Clerk asked for ideas of what the handyman to do over the winter months.  It was decided to ask the handyman to clear the footpath on the Barton Street first and then work on any other paths in the village.

Cllr C Tym advised that the Lions will be collecting Christmas trees again on 12th January.  It was resolved to take up this service.

8. Financial Matters – Ref 24/193

The payment schedule was checked by Cllr T Bentham. It was resolved to approve the payments.  Cllr T Wright signed as Chair


Date                Supplier Description            Cost 

17.10.24           SLCC ILCA Training course £144.00

30.10.24           Staffing costs                       £1124.42

31.10.24           Groundboss Grass cutting October £144.00

02.11.24           Poppy Appeal Lamp post poppies £100.00

07.11.24           NBB Recycled Furniture Bench £444.00

10.11.24          Wave Water charges allotments £41.71

27.11.24          Autela Payroll Services Payroll £81.00

10.11.24         Dropbox renewal                         £95.88

16.11.24         Wave Water charges cemetery £32.04

30.11.24        Town Gate Farm Christmas tree £116.67

02.12.24        E-On Next Electricity charges kiosk £9.45

 9. Parish Matters Ref 24/194

• The meadow next to the cemetery – no further meeting has been arranged so this is ongoing.  Resident to be asked again if the grass could be cut to tidy it up. 

• Balance sheet for Alice South – Cllr S Knight had previously circulated the balance sheet but as Cllr S Knight is not present it will be put on the agenda again for the next meeting.

• Emergency plan – Cllr T Wright had previously shared the emergency plan.  Cllr T Wright had a few areas where he needed input from the councillors, so these were discussed and completed.  The latest version will be shared with the councillors and sent to LCC for their consideration.

• Projects for 2025 – Some ideas include benches, water supply, a flagpole and new noticeboard for the village green.  Plans to refurbishment of the cenotaph and repairs to play areas are also to be considered.  Discussions took place regarding the flying of flags and which flags would be acceptable.  Cllr T Wright to look into flag policies at other councils. The planters at the entrances were discussed.  These were installed by Brightening Keelby.  Unfortunately, our engagement with Brightening Keelby has not been good and their planters are now in a poor state.  It was decided that the parish council do not have the resources to maintain planters, so thought it better not to have them.  Brightening Keelby had not responded to the clerk’s email, so council resolved to collect in the planters and store them until a response is received from Brightening Keelby.

• Increased theft/attempted theft in the village – Cllr K Beedham to mention this to the police when they come to the library.

• Cemetery tap – It was resolved to proceed with moving the tap nearer the stop cock where it can be properly lagged to prevent further issues in frosty weather.

• Communications – KPC General Update – Cllr T Wright asked for ideas for the next update.  A suggestion from Cllr M Wright was projects for 2025 could be the subject of the next one.

10. Reports from external organisations - Ref 24/195

Sports Association – 

Cllr M Turner advised that there is a meeting on Sunday. Cllr M Turner to contact Cllr R Dannatt to ask him to attend the meeting to present what maintenance is planned for this financial year,

Community Speed Watch – A volunteer has come forward to assist with this.  Cllr T Wright will contact them to arrange training in the new year.

Village Hall –nothing to report. 

Library– Cllr K Beedham reported that the lease is up for renewal next year.  The process for renewing cannot commence any earlier than 6 months before it expires.

Youth Club –nothing to report. 

11. Correspondence - Ref 24/196

An email has been received from a resident regarding the solar development at Stallingborough.  There is now a phase that does encroach into our parish.  Clerk will contact them about this extension into our parish and enquire about the community fund.

An email has been received informing us that Margaret Short has sadly died.  Mrs Short has done a brilliant job over the years keeping the cenotaph tidy and it has been very much appreciated.  The parish council wished to pass on their condolences to her family and friends for their loss.  The handyman will now take on the weeding of this area.

A resignation letter has been received from Cllr M Wright.  Cllr M Wright said that his resignation is due to work commitments and said that he thought that the council was now in a brilliant position and looked forward to seeing what exciting projects are completed in the future.  The councillors thanked Cllr M Wright for all his hard work whilst he has been a councillor.  Cllr T Wright advised that we have received notification that we can now co-opt a member onto the council to replace Graham Lovatt and asked councillors to think if they know anybody who would be willing to serve.  

12. Planning applications - Ref 24/197 – no new applications received. 

Update on previous applications.  The Riby Road development, a decision will be made at the planning meeting on the 8th January.  The Barton Street development is showing as pending.

13. Agenda items for consideration at the next meeting - Ref 24/198 - None

14. Date and time of next meeting - Ref 24/199

Tuesday 7th January at 19:00 in the Village Hall.  

The meeting closed at 20:16