January 2019 Minutes


Draft Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Keelby Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 8th January at 7.00pm

Those present: Councillors D Ash, P Everitt, S Knight, T Bentham, C Wakefield, P Baillie, J Indian, P Briggs, G Hirst.

In attendance: A Burnett (Clerk) Cllr Bierley, 3 members of the public.

1 To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 19/001

None received

2 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or  non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.     Ref 19/002

Invoice for works received from Cllr Everitt

3 To approve draft minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 4th September 2018. Ref 19/003

Proposed Cllr Bentham.    Seconded Cllr Indian.   All in favour.

4 Matters Arising Ref 19/004

None were raised. 

5 Public Question Time 10 Minutes Ref 19/005

Question asked in relation to the recent vacancy available as a result of Cllr Funnel’s Resignation.  Any interested parties can apply.  WLDC have advised that position stays vacant until full Council election in May. 

Are the Parish Council planning to ask for the containers to be removed from the Village Green?  Advised that this request has already been made to Cadent, but as yet, no response has been received.  Clerk to follow up. 

Will the responses to the village plan survey be shared with the public?  Cllr Hirst stated that they were shared at a public meeting in October 2018.  More information will be available in a couple of months via the Neighbourhood planning committee. 

Will there be more of a social media presence from the Parish Council in the future?  This has proved successful in other villages. Cllr Briggs stated that there is a Parish Council website and no plans for anything further.  Cllr Everitt felt there may be some benefit, but it would have to be managed by one person to ensure consistency.  The parish Council are not fairly and equally represented on the current villages pages that are active.  Clerk to contact Caistor to establish how they manage their social media presence. 

6 County Council matters Ref 19/006

All updates and reports have been emailed to Parish Councillors.

Cllr Everitt asked if the drains in the village can be cleared.  Gulleys are blocked due to leaves, particularly two on Manor Street. 


7 Correspondence Ref 19/007

None received

8 Clerk’s report Ref 19/008

Nothing to report due to Christmas break. 

9 District Council matters Ref 19/008

Report circulated via email prior to meeting.

Cllr Bierley wished all Parish Councillors a Happy New Year.


10 To receive any reports from external organisations Ref 19/009

A) Library – experienced the first missed opening recently due to a lack of volunteers available.    Volunteers completed a spring clean on 7th January and found a damp patch in a corner.  This has been reported to LCC.  Legionnaires inspection due to take place 16th January.

Youth Club – No update. Due to open Wednesday 9th January after Christmas break.  The Christmas party went well.

B) Village Hall – No meeting since last Parish Council meeting. 

C) Sports Association – Cllr Indian is awaiting a response from PK Construction to see if they can provide a quote.  Concern from wider Parish Council that the two quotes received are out dated.  Cllr Everitt noted the lack of dog waste signs on the site.  He found several deposits whilst walking across part of the field recently. 

11. Financial Matters Ref 19/010

Salaries                                                                                   £553.12

Multidata                                                                                 £14.96

Clerk Expenses                                                                       £29.25

Autela                                                                                      £46.80

Zurich                                                                                      £617.10

Everitt & Son                                                                           £203.90

Citizens Advice Lindsey                                                          £50.00

Resolved to approve payments.

Proposed  Cllr Ash.      Seconded Cllr Wakefield.      All in favour.

Precept estimate has been submitted, final decision on claim needs to be made. 


Cllr Indian proposed 2.5% increase in line with inflation.  Seconded Cllr Knight.                   Cllr Ash proposed it remain the same.  Seconded Cllr Bentham. 

Remain the same: 1 in favour.

Increase by 2.5%: 5 in favour. 

Resolved to approve increase. 

Request for financial support received from Citizens Advice Lindsey.  Proposed that £50 be provided as on previous occasions.

Proposed  Cllr Indian     Seconded   Cllr Bentham    All in favour. 

12. Planning applications and decisions received Ref 19/011

Application 138821 - No Comments or objections.

13. Neighbourhood Plan Update Ref 19/012

Parish Profile has been purchased.  Clerk currently looking into funding to establish amount received and what is remaining. 

14. Parish matters – To receive any report or consider any appropriate action Ref 19/013

a) Cemetery  - Wreaths placed before end of November.  Grass in now growing through them.  It is policy to that these remain in place until the end of January.  Cllr Baillie proposed that the date be revised to 15th January. 

b) Grounds Maintenance -  Cllr Everitt requested the mower be sent for service as it was done late in 2018 which impacted on summer maintenance.  Cllr Indian suggested investing in a leaf blower so grass cuttings can be removed from graves.  Cllr Everitt to obtain quotes.

Query over insurance/safety of Mr Ney cutting Barton Street.  Clerk to discuss with LCC.         

c) War memorial – Nothing to report.  

d) Allotments – Nothing to report 

e) Play Equipment – Still awaiting report from Wicksteed.   

17. To receive general comments from members for consideration on the next agenda. Ref 19/014

None given


Meeting Closed 7.47pm