April 2019 Annual Parish Meeting Minutes
Draft Minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 2nd April 2019 at 7.00pm
Those present: Councillors D Ash, C Wakefield , P Briggs (Chair), T Bentham, S Knight, P Baillie, G Hirst, S Large-Taylor.
In attendance: A Burnett (Clerk), Cllr Beirley, 5 member of the public.
1 To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 19/046
Cllr Indian, Cllr Lawrence, Cllr Turner.
2 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. Ref 19/047
None were declared.
2. Welcome by Councillor Briggs, Vice Chairman of the Parish Council. Ref 19/047
Councillor Briggs welcomed everyone to the meeting and provided the following update.
During the past year, it has been brought to the Parish Councils attention that there has been damage to the sports pavilion. The planned extension is an ongoing project.
Grass cutting across the village is better.
Access to waste recycling sites remains an ongoing issue that the parish council are working to resolve.
The change of Clerk has had an impact on applying for funding for the play area.
Parking around the school at the start and end of the day is an area of concern.
The youth club and library are being successful.
Appointment of new Clerk has taken place which has had an impact - which is to be expected.
Thanks given to Councillors for their contribution over the past twelve months.
3 Public Questions. Ref 19/048
How successful was the previous clerk in applying for funding?
Cllr Briggs pointed out that funding is difficult to appl for; three quotes need to be obtained and it is even more difficult if all of the information isn't to hand. Funding is also not guaranteed.
Has any funding been applied for in the past twelve months?
No, there have not been any applications submitted.
Not a question, but it was stated that funding from Phillips 66 will be available to help with the Village Hall repairs. An exact figure is not known yet, but they have agreed to offer monetary support.
Will the public get to see plans for the play area before any work is done?
Once three quotes have been received, the public will get the chance to have an opinion and make a comment during the public section of a Parish Council meeting.
Road surfaces - why can't LCC do a better job? can we arrange for highways to cpme and take a look?
The Parish Council can contact LCC, but do not have any direct control over this matter. It was suggested that Sir Edward Leigh be invited into the village so he can be shown the issue.
4 Closing Remarks. Ref 19/049
The Chair closed the meeting.
Meeting Closed 7.15pm.