January 2022 Minutes

Keelby Parish Council

Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Keelby Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 14th January 2022 at 7.00pm

Those present: Councillors T Bentham, C Wakefield, P Everitt, S Knight, P Baillie, T Wright, Cllr Stark, Cllr Wilks, P Briggs, D Ash (Chair). 

In attendance: A Burnett (Clerk), Cllr Lawrence, Cllr Bierley & 3 members of public

Cllr ash asked Cllr Wilks if he had anything to say.  He stated he didn’t and was asked to leave.

1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 22/001

Cllr Indian due to ill health

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or non-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. Ref 22/002

None Declared.  

3. To approve draft minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd November 2021 Ref 22/003

Spelling mistake at point 6; in instead of it.

Accepted as a true record

Proposed    Cllr Stark        Seconded Cllr Bentham    All in favour

4. Matters arising Ref 22/004

Doctors Surgery – no change.  Cllr Knight to arrange a meeting with the practice.

Community Orchard – Clerk stated trees would be ordered imminently.  Cllr Stark questioned the delay in getting the orchard established as it was approved in November 2019.  Clerk outlined the timeline as to why we are only now at the point of purchasing trees, much of which is down to the pandemic.    

Bus shelters – quote receive for cleaning (to be discussed later).  Concerns that one is in in bad repair.  

Proposed that three quotes be obtained by the Clerk for the replacement of the bus shelter.  Similar style to the others.  Cllr Bierley to see if a replacement from WLDC can be sourced for free.

Proposed   Cllr Everitt        Seconded Cllr Wright        All in favour

Verge at Co-op – no update due to the absence of Cllr Indian.  

5. Correspondence Ref 22/005

Police report received.  Focus on driving; mobile phones, drink/drug driving, seatbelts & speeding.  Focus on poaching as there has been some illegal activity in the area over the past few weeks, please be vigilant. 

Newsletter from LALC confirming masks are mandatory.  Training schedule release.    

6. Public Question Time 10 Minutes Ref 22/006

Minutes for this meeting not on website.  Cllr Knight stated they will not be on until they have been approved at this meeting.


Household waste, has there been any further information?  Not as yet. 

7. County Councillor report Ref 22/007

Pavement issues are in hand.  Salt bins can be filled but requires photographic evidence to demonstrate the need.  Contact if gritting in any areas is required.

8. District Councillors Ref 22/008

Report received via email.  Additional funding available for businesses.  This was announced by the Government mid-December, but no procedures in place.  More information to follow.

9.  Clerk’s Report Ref 22/009

Letter written to resident regarding overgrown hedge.  All other matters covered within the agenda.

10. To Receive any reports from external organisations Ref 22/010

Library – Site meeting has taken place to measure for the doors and windows.  Cllr Everitt raised the issue of exposed spikes on the metal fence.  This has been reported to LCC, awaiting works.  

Youth Club – as above. 

Village Hall – No report. 

Community Speed Watch  - all relevant documents now submitted to CSW team, training will take place on 10th January 7pm via zoom.  Clerk to order mobile signs.  Speedgun and 2 tally counters handed to Graham by Clerk.  Once training has taken place, sites will be inspected and scheme can then start.  

Keelby Sports Association – No Meeting

11. Financial matters Ref 22/011

Salaries                        £504.43
Clerks Expenses                            £44.40
Multidata                         £40.12
Autela                            £76.50
PFK Littlejohn                        £336.00
WLDC refuse & Recycling (DD)            £36.83

Proposed Cllr Everitt      Seconded Cllr Ash   All in favour.

A renewal quote for motor insurance from Zurich has been received.  Cllr Stark proposed that other quotes be obtained to ensure it is competitive before we commit.  

Proposed  Cllr Stark        Seconded   Cllr wright        All in favour

AGAR – Clerk updated on the report for 2020/2021.

The Chair reported that he had received communication from PKF Littlejohn the appointed Local Authority auditors regarding queries they had concerning the Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for ye. 31/3/21 which had not been responded to by the clerk.

The Chair arranged for local audit to take place and contacted PKF Littlejohn  and as a result the following statement must be recorded in the minutes.

'As the Council has not submitted the information to the auditors within the timescale set down we are in receipt of a statutory recommendation under section 7 of the relevant Act.

This recommendation is that the ' Smaller Authority should submit the approved Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31/3/21 for our review within 7 days of the public meeting required as a result of this recommendation'.

The notice of Audit and Right to inspect the Annual Return for the Ye 31/3/21 will be posted by the clerk on our website and notice boards during the next 7days.

Precept – Clerk presented budget spend for the financial year so far including this months’ expenditure.  Projections for the next couple of months was discussed, along with VAT claims to be made after April 2022.  Cllr Wright proposed there be a 0% increase on the precept for the upcoming year.  

Proposed  Cllr Wright        Seconded   Cllr Knight    All in favour 

12. Planning applications and decisions received Ref 22/012

144125 – No comment

13. Neighbourhood Plan Update Ref 22/013

Plan has been submitted to Nev Brown.  Updates needed to Section 6.  Adrian to look at wording of this section by the end of January.  Cllr Wright queried where the Keelby Plan will fall in the cycle and asked for clarity at the next meeting.  

14. Parish Matters – to receive any report or consider any appropriate action Ref 22/014

Cemetery – Clerk has been in email contact with the new land owners solicitor.  Documentation supplied that shows the intent to provide Keelby with Land for a cemetery extension.  Their opinion is that there is no actual land transfer document, which gives no legal obligation to donate the land.  Clerk to take legal advice from PC perspective on the legality of documentation. 

Clerk to obtain quotes for raising tree canopies & to replace fencing.  Cllr Baillie to obtain quotes to redevelop the area just inside the gates.

Grounds Maintenance – Cllr Everitt proposed that the top soil from the play area be used to fill the ditch along the front of the village green on Yarborough Road.  

Cllr Wright proposed that additional soil be purchased to level and cover the tennis court.  Cllr Wright stated that the Parish Council could hire fencing to secure the area until the weather has improved. Clerk to obtain three quotes for the removal of the surface.  

Proposed  Cllr Wright        Seconded Cllr Stark       6 in favour, 1 against.  Motion carried

War Memorial    - nothing to report

Allotments – No report, but Cllr Knight noted the pond is getting very full.

Play Equipment – the area has been cleared and levelled, some equipment has been delivered to site and will be fitted when contractors return this week.  The last thing to be done is the wetpour surface.  Area due to be handed over by beginning of February.  

The Park group have offered to purchase benches for the area.  Clerk to look into company that uses recycled plastic to make benches & tables.  

15. Emergency Committee Ref 22/015

Cllr Briggs raised the need for an Emergency Committee to be formed.  Cllr Everitt questioned the need for one as we have aqua sacs in place and a good community support system.  

Outcome – no proposal to from an Emergency Committee.  

16. Items for consideration at the next meeting Ref 22/016

Website – assessment on traffic to the site

Tennis Court 

Co-op Hedge

17.  Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/017

Tuesday 1st February 2022

Meeting Closed 8:59pm