July 2022 Minutes (12th)

Keelby Parish Council

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 12th July 2022

Those Present : Councillors S Knight, (Chair) T Wright (Vice chair), T Bentham, M Riggall, Clerk J Milson.

In Attendance: Cllr O Brierley and 8 members of the public

1.  Apologies

Cllr P Wilks, Cllr K Stark,  Cllr T Smith, Cllr A Lawrence

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on- pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/100  - Cllr T Wright declared that he is related to one of the applicants

3.   Public Question Time Ref 22/101

•   Brightening Keelby group asked if the litter pick could be restarted round the village. Cllr T Wright confirmed that the Parish Council were in agreement but to liaise with Cllr O Brierley. A resident added that it would be good for the image of the Council if Councillors were to take part in this. Cllr S Knight said if they are given the dates the Councillors would be encouraged to take part.
•   Keelby in Bloom asked if a Councillor would be willing to be a judge on the panel. It was agreed to put this on the agenda for the next meeting.
•   It had been noted that the new bin at the play area was not being emptied.  Cllr T Wright agreed to empty the bin.

4.   County Councillors Report Ref 22/102

Not in attendance

5.   District Councillors Report Ref 22/103

Report attached.

6.   To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th June 2022. Ref 22/104

It was resolved to adopt the minutes as a true record.

7.   Clerks Report Ref 22/105

The mower has now been moved to the container. Keys are held by P Wilks and T Wright but it is understood that P Ney has fitted an additional lock. Cllr S Knight asked if the container could be painted so it was agreed to put this on the agenda for the next meeting. Community Orchard – to be put on the agenda for September. Cllr K Stark to look into the possibility of applying for a grant to support the funding of this.

Mower training – Unfortunately P Ney had to cancel this training and there are no further dates released at the moment. As this training course was paid for on booking it must be stressed that he must attend the next one.

Play area – benches have now been renovated and the gate has been fixed

Cemetery charge increase – clerk to compare prices locally and report back at September meeting. The bins at the Cemetery haven’t been emptied as the commercial waste bin has a large amount of green waste in it. Clerk to contact WLDC to establish a solution.

Clerk requested that the 2021 national pay increase is implemented and back dated to April 2022. This was proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr T Wright

Clerk reported that the working from home allowance as per her employment contract had not been claimed since she started in April 2022. It was resolved that the £6 a week could be claimed.  This was proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr T Wright
8.   Co -option of Councillors 22/106

There had been 4 applications received from Mark Turner, Michael Wright, Sean North and Robert Dannatt. The public were asked to leave the meeting at 19:40 to enable discussions to take place.

The public returned at 19:43.  The applicants were voted onto the Council as follows. Mark Turner Proposed by M Riggall and Seconded by T Wright all in favour

Michael Wright Proposed by T Bentham and seconded by M Riggall all in favour Sean North proposed by M Riggall and seconded by T Bentham all in favour Robert Dannatt proposed by T Wright and seconded by T Bentham all in favour

Following the vote and completion of the acceptance documentation, Cllr M Wright and Cllr S North were invited to join the rest of the meeting from 19:45 as active Councillors. Cllr M Turner and Cllr R Dannatt were not present, so they would take up the role as Councillors at the next meeting.

The vacancy for the eleventh seat can now be advertised.

9.  Correspondence Ref 22/107

•   Closure of Churchyard extension – There is no benefit to the Parish Council taking this on. The maintenance hasn’t been carried out to a satisfactory level. Clerk to reply to PCC
Proposed Cllr T Bentham seconded Cllr S North
•   Email from resident regarding the tree on Caddle Road. As the report from Lincolnshire County Council states that it does not require any action there is nothing further the Parish Council can do.
•   Nothing to add regarding Minerals and Waste Local Plan
•   Email from resident complaining about parking on South Street. This to be raised with County Councillor
•   Email from resident regarding fly tipping, pot holes, dog poo bags being left on bins, bus service, lamp post in Limes car park, Clerk to reply
•   Proposed Gate Burton Energy Park – this was noted
•   Email from resident requesting draft minutes are placed on notice boards before the next meeting. It was resolved to accept this practice. Proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr M Riggall.
•   Letter requesting a donation for the Pensioners Christmas Party.  It was resolved to donate £150. Proposed by Cllr T Bentham seconded Cllr T Wright

10. Reports from external organisations Ref 22/108

•   Sports Association – next meeting is 24th July so will be reported on at the next meeting
•   Community Speed Watch - Mr Lovatt reported that in June there had been 8 sessions and 7hrs 5 mins had been spent undertaking speed watch. 64 vehicles were found to be speeding. He confirmed that the anti rotation fixings had been fitted and there are some more to fit on Riby Road. There are now 2 new volunteers so an additional hi vis jacket is required. Cllr T Bentham proposed that 2 jackets were purchased Cllr M Wright seconded this. The next training session for speed watch is on the 20th July if anyone is interested in attending.
•   Village Hall – Cllr S knight attended meeting on 14th June. £1277.00 was raised from the gala towards the clock repairs. Volunteers have decorated Rascals. They are requesting a street light near the notice board. There is a need to use weedkiller in the garden so a review of their policies is required.  They confirmed that the Broadband in the building is widely used.
•   Library & Youth Club – All work is now completed and new window ordered. There is an asset inspection tomorrow. The Library is very well supported

11. Financial Matters Ref 22/109




Clerk Expenses

April to June



Broadband V Hall



Refuse & Recycling


Fuel Genie

Petrol May


Fuel Genie

Petrol June



Neighbourhood Plan support


Groundboss Ltd

Grass cutting April & May


Groundboss Ltd

Grass cutting June


CJPowder Coatings Ltd

Powder coat 5 benches


Graham Lovatt

Interlocking signs & clips


Signs Express

Under 5 Playground sign


Pat Wilks

Container fixings



Training course lunch


Autela Payroll

Payroll April, May June



Schedule of payments Proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr M Riggall  All in favour Bank signatories to be put on the agenda for the next meeting

12.   Planning applications Ref 22/110

None received.

13.   Neighbourhood Plan Ref 22/111

•   The local consultation on the NP has now been completed (ran from 23rd May to 3rd July); we had a total of 8 formal responses, as follows:
•   National Highways – No changes required
•   Historic England – Advice only
•   Greater Lincolnshire Nature Partnership – Rewording to be considered
•   North East Lindsey Drainage Board – Rewording to be considered
•   Environmental Agency – Reword to be considered
•   National Grid – No changes required
•   WLDC (Nev Brown) - Consideration of changes required
•   Eileen Summersgill – General comments only, no changes needed
•   WLDC have asked us to produce a ‘Character Statement’ to compliment the plan, but we have asked for dispensation on this as it will delay our publication significantly and may result in us having to complete the local consultation process again.  We have committed to competing this to compliment the next iteration of our plan.
•   A Strategic Environmental Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment Screening Report has been produced and sent to the Environmental Agency and Historic England for consultation.  A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is a process for evaluating, at the earliest appropriate stage, the environmental effects of a plan before it is made. The SEA screening determines whether the plan is likely to have significant environmental effects.
•   A Consultation Statement has been produced; this outlines the detail on how we have consulted on our plan and what changes we have made as a result of any consultation.  In brief, the recent consultation allowed us to engage as follows:
•   Keelby Gala, 5th July – circ 60 active engagements on the plan
•   Keelby Village Hall Presentation 1, 11th July – c30 attendees
•   Keelby Village Hall Presentation 1, 15th July – c27 attendees
•   We plan to re-draft and re-issue the Neighbourhood Plan (final version) in time for approval at the next Parish Council meeting scheduled for 26th July 2022. This will allow us to submit to WLDC by 29th July 2022 (11days later than planned).  The on-going time table thereafter is as follows:
•   WLDC Consultation on plan starts – 8th August 2022
•   External Examiner appointed – 8th August 2022
•   External examiner report – NLT 17th September 2022
•   WLDC consultation ends – 18th September 2022
•   Referendum – date to be advised by WL

Cllr S Knight thanked Cllr T Wright for his hard work

14.   Cemetery Ref 22/112

•   Cemetery – It was decided to accept the quote of £1180 to clear and level the land. The contract to erect the fence has already been awarded which will then leave the bin store to finalise. It was noted that some of the preparatory work for the bin shed had been included in the quote for erecting the fence. This was proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr T Bentham All in favour

15.   Parish Matters Ref 22/113

•   Play area -   The benches have now been restored and the new play area is very well supported. A business case is now required to enable to old play area to be renovated.
•   Old Tennis Courts – 2 responses have been received. Cllr T Wright to get clarification of the quotes. Cllr T Wright proposed that the Heras fencing could now be removed. This was seconded by Cllr M Riggall.
•   Planters & Benches – to be discussed at the next meeting as the email had not been circulated beforehand
•   Speed indicator signs – Cllr T Wright proposed that a tender is issued to support the purchase or rental of 2 mobile radar speed signs. This was seconded by Cllr M Riggall

A grant may be possible to support the purchase of these.

16.   Review of policies Ref 22/114

Social Media – It was resolved to approve the social medial policy. This will enable a Keelby Parish Council Facebook page to be used as agreed. Proposed by Cllr T Wright seconded by Cllr M Wright.  The Clerk requested that the Councillors send a pen picture and photo through to her which can be used on Facebook to introduce the Councillors.

Standing Orders and Financial Policy to be discussed at the next meeting

17.   Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 22/115

FOI – separate email addresses Councillor Roles
Wivell Drive -  self set trees

18.   Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/116

Tuesday 26th July 2022 19:00 in the Village Hall

Meeting closed at 21:09