May 2022 Minutes

Keelby Parish Council

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 17th May 2022

Those Present : Councillors, T Bentham , S Knight,  T Wright, P Wilks, Clerk J Milson.

In Attendance: District Councillor O Bierley, County Councillor T Smith and 8 members of the public

1.    To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 22/061                                                                                                                                                         

Councillors J Indian, K Stark,  A Lawrence

2.   Elect a Chair Ref 22/062

There had been resignations from Cllr Briggs, Cllr Everitt, Cllr Wakefield and Cllr Baillie 

Cllr S Knight Proposed  that letters of thank are sent to these Councillors.  This was seconded by  Cllr P Wilks

Cllr T Bentham asked for copies of the resignations to be circulated

Cllr P Wilks proposed that Cllr S Knight is Chair and Cllr T Wright Vice Chair.  Seconded by Cllr T Bentham

3.   Allocation of duties 22/063

Duties were temporally allocated Cllr  T Bentham - Library, Youth Club and Sports Association, Cllr K Knight – Allotments, Village Hall, Cllr T Wright & Cllr P Wilks - Neighbourhood Plan and Play Area.  These will be reviewed when more Councillors have been appointed.  The Cemetery would be managed by the Clerk

4.   To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/064   - none declared

5.    To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th April 2022. Ref 22/065

It was resolved to adopt the minutes of as a true record

6.    Matters Arising Ref 22/066

Training for handyman - 3 Quotes for training have been received and it was decided to go ahead with the training with Morton Training.  Payment for his time and mileage for attending would be reimbursed.       Proposed by Cllr T Wright                    Seconded by Cllr T Bentham      All in favour

7.   Public Question Time Ref 22/067

•   A resident asked if M Watson could be reimbursed for costs incurred for the work he has done around the village.  
•   M Watson thought that the Keelby signage could be improved.  The Council noted with concern the report from Mr Watson that he had received distinctly unpleasant correspondence from those that choose to remain anonymous relating to the works he has done in the village.  The  Chair commented that this was contrary to the majority opinion to be and thanked him for his efforts.
•   Mrs Moorcroft informed the Council that the benches had been installed at the play park and there was a waste bin that required fixing.  Cllr S Knight thanked Mrs Moorcroft for all her hard work with this project.
•   Concern was expressed from a resident about the way the Council engaged with residents of the village.  
•   P Everitt requested that following his resignation from the Council the mower be removed from his garage.  The Council informed Mr Everitt that they were in the process of purchasing a container for it’s storage.

8.   Correspondence Ref 22/068

•   A revised risk assessment has been received from the Gala Committee.  Cllr T Bentham proposed that this should be accepted. Seconded by Cllr P Wilks   All in favour
•   Cllr P Wilks has received a quote for £2700 plus £290 delivery for a container.  He will obtain a further 2 quotes. It is proposed to site the container at the Sports Ground which received no objections at their recent meeting.
•   The Clerk has distributed the recent LALC newsletter which provides a list of training courses and would advise the Council on new Councillor and Chair courses.
•   An email has been received asking if the Heras panels were still required round the old tennis courts.  Clerk to reply as they are still required
•   An email has been received from the Village Hall requesting that the Community Orchard would not be progressed until after the Jubilee gala.  Clerk has replied confirming 
•   Email advising of grants for defibrillators was received but it was decided no more were required
•   Policing newsletter
•   Active Lincolnshire Together Fund

9.   County Councillors Report Ref 22/069

Cllr T Smith confirmed that pot holes and trees were on the schedule of works and he would chase up the issue of pavements.  He will look through the rolling program to try and establish a time frame.  Cllr S Knight thanked T Smith for getting the trees cut on Broadway. 

10.   District Councillors Report Ref 22/070

Report attached.  Chair mentioned the link to the Pharmacy survey and discussions took place regarding the survey.  Cllr Bierley requested a link be put in the minutes  which Cllr T Bentham proposed and Cllr P Wilks seconded. Chair proposed the survey should be completed favourably by the Parish Council  seconded by Cllr T Bentham

11.   Clerks Report Ref 22/071

The clerk has nominated a resident for the BBC Make a Difference awards as Cllr Bierley suggested. An email has been sent to WLDC regarding the tree on Caddle Road which was mentioned in the County Councillors report.  The clerk confirmed that she had already attended one new Clerk training day and the second part was tomorrow. In addition there is a New Clerks webinar run by SLCC which costs £20 for non-members which would be useful along with a reference book Administration for Local Councils. In addition the clerk expressed concerns that there didn’t appear to be a policy for making urgent payment if a meeting was cancelled.  As this was the case for the last meeting salaries for April still haven’t been paid along with an invoice from Anglian Water which is accruing debt recovery charges. Cllr T Wright proposed that the Chair should make urgent payments that couldn’t wait until the next meeting.  Cllr T Bentham seconded this   All in favour. Cllr T Bentham also proposed that the clerk should attend training and purchase any reference books that are required to assist in the role.  Cllr T Wright seconded this proposal     All in favour

Clerk confirmed that the water bills for both the Allotments and the Cemetery had now been transferred into her name and an online account set up to prevent future delays in receiving the invoices

12.   Reports from external organisations Ref 22/072

a)   Sports Association - Cllr S Knight reported on the AGM from 8th May

b)   Community Speed Watch - Mr Lovatt  reported that in April there had been 3 sessions and there had been a high percentage of vehicles exceeding the speed limit the highest being 49mph in a 30mph limit.  External monitoring has been requested.  The first session in May will be held tomorrow. A sign on Riby Road was broken so that would be taken down and enquiries would be made to see if a sign that he already has could be erected in its place.  The clocks have now been received so there is an invoice of £6.02 to be paid. Chair asked if HGVs that drive through the village could be included.  G Lovatt confirmed that they could not

c)   Village Hall - It has already been proposed that the risk assessment should be accepted

d)   Library & Youth Club - Windows in Library have now been replaced and the windows in the Youth Club were started yesterday.  There is a fault with the ceiling in the kitchen area so a new ceiling is to be fitted.  A decision has been made not to have the blinds refitted. The outbuilding is to have a new door and window fitted.  Cllr T Bentham to attend a site meeting on Friday. The Library is hoping to be open again on Monday and the Youth Club maybe another 3 weeks

13.   Financial Matters Ref  22/073 - Minute needed for Neighbourhood plan with regards to applying for a grant and making a payment against that grant.  The invoice for the leaflet has been added to the schedule for tonight.  In addition 2 new wheel assemblies are needed for the mower so that has been added. 





Broadband V Hall



Refuse & Recycling


Fuel Genie

Fuel for mower


Wave Utilities

Water for allotment


Groundboss Ltd

Grass cutting


Keelby Village Hall

Room Hire



Recharges for election


Groundwork UK

Repayment of duplicate grant


Mr S Davis

Internal audit & annual return


PFK Littlejohn LLP

External audit


Print & Copy Centre

Speed watch leaflets



Annual Training Scheme


JD Print Ltd

Leaflets, banner & roller banner

£456.00 (NP)


Wheels for mower & delivery


P Ney

Strimmer cord & head


G Lovatt

Clocks for Speedwatch


Schedule of payments Proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr P Wilks    All in favour

Accounts for 19/20 are completed and signed off by PFK Littlejohn. These final accounts were accepted. Proposed by Cllr T Bentham and Seconded by Cllr T Wright    All in favour

Accounts for 20/21 also completed and signed off by PFK Littlejohn were accepted by the Council. Proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr T Bentham  All in favour

Both these sets of accounts are available for viewing on request

Accounts for 21/22 have had the internal audit completed.  The auditor’s report noted that any Councillor connected to an association must not vote on payments to that association.  Accounts accepted by Council. Proposed by Cllr P Wilks and Seconded by Cllr T Wright.   All in favour.  These accounts are available to inspection by the public for 30 working days.  Notices will be on the notice board.  Cllr T Wright acknowledges all the work Cllr S Knight has put into finalising these accounts and is confident that the expertise she has gained which will be useful to draw on going forward.

Cllr T Wright proposed that Mr Watson can be reimbursed up to the sum of £100 subject to receipts being presented.  Seconded by Cllr T Bentham  All in favour

14.    Planning applications Ref 22/074

None received.  Chair asked Cllr Bierley if he could check to make sure none have been missed.

15.   Parish Matters Ref 22/075

a)   Cemetery – nothing to add until clerk has had handover

b)   Neighbourhood plan update presented by Cllr T Wright

The previously awarded grants (reported at April meeting) have now been cleared; the first grant was spent in full but the second grant was not and a sum of £660.14 was repaid. A new grant (ref: App-13615) has been applied for and awarded to cover costs associated with the consultation process; we are in the process of drawing this down.  Details are:

•   External Consultant (Luke Brown) - up to £3,600
•   Printing and Promotional material - £600
•   Room Hire - £60

We have met with Luke Brown and agreed a plan for the work, key milestones are as follows:

•   Leaflet drop and advertising in village – 21st / 22nd May 2022
•   Local consultation commences – 23rd May 2022
•   Gala stall for public consultation – 5th June 2022
•   Public Consultation 1 in Village Hall – Sat 11th June 2022, 12noon – 16:30
•   Public Consultation 2 in Village Hall – Wed 11th June 2022, 18:30 – 21:00
•   Local consultation ends 3rd July 2022
•   Consultation Statement published – NLT 17th July 2022
•   Submission of plan to WLDC – 18th July 2022
•   WLDC Consultation on plan starts – 25th July 2022
•   External Examiner appointed – 25th July 2022
•   External examiner report – NLT 2nd September 2022
•   WLDC consultation ends – 5th September 2022
•   Referendum – date to be advised by WLDC

A short tender for supply of printing services was conducted, and the sub-committee approved the preferred supplier based on cost; tendering material has been passed to the Clerk for her records.  Printing and promotional materials have been ordered at a cost of £516.00 (to be funded by the grant). Cllr T Wright proposed that the grant application for £4260 to support further work be approved by the Council.  Seconded by Cllr T Bentham   All in favour  

Cllr T Wright had carried out a printing tender which was awarded to J D Printing

It was resolved to support the tender. Proposed Cllr T Wright seconded Cllr T Bentham  All in favour

Chair requested the support of all Councillors at the events and thanked Cllr T Wright for all his hard work

Chair queried additional site on Church Lane on The Lincolnshire Plan. It was established that this must remain in the plan and the public can comment on line. Next sub committee meeting is on Thursday.

c)   Play area -  Cllr T Wright to resurrect the sub group. It had already been established that new springs are required for the gate.  As these need to be of a good quality  Cllr P Wilks  offered to get 3 quotes for the springs and gate posts and Cllr T Wright to look at the under 5s signage which had also been mentioned. Cllr P Wilks has already been obtained quotes for shot blasting the seats at the play area.  Cllr T Wright to look at all these issues. Chair noted that the bins at the play area were overflowing the day after they had been emptied.  Cllr Bierley to look into whether WLDC could provide a larger one

d)   Old Tennis Courts - Cllr T Wright confirmed that the work required had been decided at a previous meeting.  Chair already has 3 quotes to grass the area.  After the gala will look to proceed with this. Cllr P Wilks to sort removing the gravel to take to the sports ground.

16.   Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 22/076

•   Pavilion Refurbishment
•   Allotment Rent
•   Bank signatories
•   Community Orchard
•   Old Tennis Courts
•   Social Media – Facebook / Twitter
•   Planters & Benches – Brightening Keelby grant

The Chair apologised to those who attended the meeting on 3rd May which had to be cancelled on account of it not being quorate

17.   Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/077 

Tuesday 7th June 2022 19:00 in the Village Hall

Meeting closed at 20:55