July 2022 Minutes (26th)
Keelby Parish Council
Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 26th July 2022
Those Present : Councillors S Knight, (Chair) T Wright (Vice chair), T Bentham, M Riggall, S North, P Wilks, R Dannatt, M Turner, M Wright, K Stark. Clerk J Milson.
In Attendance: Cllr O Brierley, Cllr A Lawrence, Cllr T Smith and 4 members of the public
1. Apologies
None received
Cllr S Knight opened the meeting and welcomed the new Councillors
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on- pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/117 - none received
3. Public Question Time Ref 22/118
• The speed limit on the A18 was raised. Cllr T Wright agreed to revisit the paper and bring to the next meeting
• A request was received to advertise the litter picks on the Facebook page. It was agreed that if the dates were shared this would be done
4. District Councillors Report Ref 22/119
This was circulated beforehand. Cllr Brierley congratulated the new Councillors on their appointments and said he was looking forward to working with them. He also thanked Cllr T Wright for his work on the Neighbourhood Plan and said he would forward better maps.
5. County Councillors Report Ref 22/120
Cllr T Smith is meeting with R Fenwick the Area Highways Officer with regards to the issues with the roads on 5th August at 1pm at the Village Hall to go through the road issues.
6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th July 2022. Ref 22/121
It was resolved to adopt the minutes as a true record. Proposed Cllr T Wright Seconded Cllr M Riggall. Cllr S Knight stressed that minutes could not be amended by members of the public.
7. Clerks Report Ref 22/122
• Mower training – still waiting for another date
• Training courses booked for most of the new Councillors
• The fencing has been removed from the old tennis courts
• Keelby Parish Council Facebook is now live. It was agreed that the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all Councillors would be put on the page as well as the website and also run a ‘meet the Councillors’ post. The draft minutes would be placed on the notice boards and Facebook but only the approved minutes would be put on the website as more time consuming to put on.
The rest of the matters arising have agenda items for this meeting
8. Co -option of Councillor 22/123
A application has been received from Hayley Davidson. The public left the meeting at 19.18 for discussions to take place and returned at 19.20. Cllr K Stark proposed that Hayley Davidson be co-opted onto the Council, This was seconded by T Bentham. All in favour Hayley Davidson then joined the meeting as a Councillor
9. Allocation of Councillor Duties 22/124
The Councillors were allocated duties as follows. Village Hall and Youth Club/Library Cllr T Bentham, Sports Association Cllr S Knight, Cllr M Wright, Cllr M Turner, Allotments Cllr S North, Neighbourhood Plan Cllr T Wright, Cllr H Davidson, Play Area/Village Green Cllr T Wright, Cllr K Stark, Cllr M Riggall, Cllr M Wright, Cllr P Wilks, Parish Champions Cllr S North, Cllr R Dannatt, Quotes Cllr R Dannatt, Surgery Cllr T Wright, HR & Employment Cllr T Wright, Cllr M Wright, Cllr M Turner.
The Cemetery would remain with the Clerk.
10. Correspondence Ref 22/125
• Closure of Churchyard extension – A further letter has been received asking what maintenance needs to be completed. The clerk is to reply to the PCC stating broken fencing, tree maintenance and the cost of ongoing upkeep.
• An email has been received from a resident regarding overgrown hedges on South Street and the corner of Mulberry Close. Clerk to write to residents concerned. In addition there are overgrown hedges on Suddle Way and Victoria Road which also require a letter sending.
• An email has been received requesting that the tree at the bottom of St Annes Road is trimmed back as the branches extend into the road causing vehicles to go into the middle of the road. Cllr T Smith agreed to look at this on the 5th August. There is also a tree in the paddock next to the Cemetery which has received complaints that it is extending into the road and causing issues to farmers bringing their equipment down the road.
11. Reports from external organisations Ref 22/126
• Sports Association – The children’s cricket trainer has requested to use the back of the container to store equipment. Cllr T Wright proposed to allow this storage request as long as it didn’t cause problems getting the mower out. It was seconded by Cllr S North. Another set of keys would be needed and the insurance would need to be checked. Cllr S North has offered to spray paint the container. Cllr T Bentham proposed that the paint could be purchased for this and was seconded by Cllr M Turner
The Sports Association have decided not to continue with the West Lindsey lottery however the football club wish to take it on. Quotes are being obtained to replace the decking with either concrete or paving slabs. Cllr S Knight confirmed that the extension to the building would not be going ahead.
• Community Speed Watch - Mr Lovatt reported that in July it had been a quieter month but they had 2 new volunteers. There had been 2 sessions on Stallingborough Road. Of the 337 vehicles passing 24 were speeding. Mr Lovatt confirmed that Lincolnshire Police would now be providing the Public Liability insurance. New signs were given to the Clerk for the notice boards as the previous ones were faded.
• Village Hall – The meeting was cancelled so no report
• Library & Youth Club – Nothing to report. Cllr T Bentham has a meeting next week to check that the damaged window has been replaced.
12. Financial Matters Ref 22/127
Salaries |
June |
£717.40 |
L.A.B.Planning |
Neighbourhood Plan support |
£1200.00 |
Pat Wilks |
Mileage for bench transportation |
£29.70 |
Schedule of payments Proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr S North All in favour
Bank signatories – current signatories are Cllr S Knight and Cllr T Bentham. It was proposed to have Cllr S North and Cllr M Riggall as additional signatories. Online banking access should then be sorted for the Clerk.
Cllr T Wright requested that a budget report be completed for the next meeting
13. Planning applications Ref 22/128
None received.
14. Neighbourhood Plan Ref 22/129
Cllr T Wright proposed that the circulated final draft of the Neighbourhood Plan be accepted and sent to WLDC. This was seconded by Cllr M Wright. All in favour
WLDC will then do their own consultation and an external examiner appointed who will complete a report within 6 weeks. Once this is completed WLDC will organise a referendum. There is a commitment to review this plan in 5 years.
15. Cemetery Ref 22/130
• Cemetery – Cllr P Wilks to contact the contractor to get the area cleared in order for the fence to be erected. The fencing can then be ordered.
• The large bin is to be removed which will leave 2 green bins and 2 black bins. This will need to be reviewed to make sure that it is enough. There could still be a problem with the correct waste being put in the correct bin and signage would be needed on the bins or the fence behind the bins when it is erected. A notice has been put on the notice board as a short term measure. Cllr A Lawrence to try and establish what happens with other Cemetery’s in the winter months when there is no collection of the green bins.
16. Parish Matters Ref 22/131
• Play area - Cllr T Wright to organise a meeting to commence the bid to restore the original play area. Cllr S North was thanked for changing the gate so it opens the right way.
• Old Tennis Courts – Cllr T Wright confirmed the quote for £10,500 is the correct price as it is the same price to remove aggregate as it is to swop it. Cllr R Dannatt handed out an alternative plan to transform the area into a children’s cycle track which was well received. T Wright proposed that Cllr R Dannatt should get quotes for this work. This was seconded by Cllr M Riggall. Cllr T Smith pointed out that a Country Matters Application may have to be made as soil was being extracted. Grants should also be investigated to finance this and a possible application to the Lincolnshire Volunteer scheme could be made. Cllr O Bierley also to look into payment dates for the Neighbourhood funding from the building of the Co-op which can be spent on projects identified as community priorities.
• Planters & Benches – Cllr T Wright confirmed that there was no record of a previous grant application being made. Concerns were raised as the current planters were not being watered so the Clerk was asked to write to Brightening Keelby to see what plans they had in place for the maintenance of any new planters. It was also noted from their application form that funding had already been received from Spar and Co-op but the monies spent elsewhere. The clerk should also enquire as to what this money had been spent on. Positive discussions took place on the amount of grant that should be given. When replies have been received a decision could be made on the final figure. Cllr S North proposed that Keelby Parish Council would supply the benches. This was seconded by Cllr T Wright. All in favour
• Speed indicator signs – Nothing to report on these
• Wivell Drive – it was noted that the edge of the playing field had not been cut to the boundary so there were self-set trees appearing. Cllr S North to ask the handyman to cut back the to the hedge and shrubbery. Cllr T Wright and Cllr M Riggall offered to assist in clearing this area. Cllr T Wright also mentioned trees that were blocking light which would need to be looked into.
• Keelby in Bloom – Cllr T Bentham proposed that Cllr H Davidson be a judge for this competition. Cllr R Dannatt seconded this
17. Review of policies Ref 22/132
Standing Orders – the wording needs to be amended to comply with equality. Section 3 para F should read 10 minutes and the time should be 7pm. Section 18 financial para (a)5 should be the same as the financial policy less than £25,000 as should para (c) f should read
£164,176 the same as the financial policy. These changes were proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr K Stark.
Cllr S Knight and the clerk to update the financial policy to incorporate on line banking and report back with a revised version at the next meeting.
18. Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 22/133
FOI – separate email addresses Parking on Victoria Road Policies
Wivell Drive – large trees blocking light Signs on entrances to village
Trees for Community Orchard – Cllr K Start to report back Grass in paddock next to Cemetery
19. Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/134
Tuesday 6th September 2022 19:00 in the Village Hall
Meeting closed at 20:59