October 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 4th October 2022
Those Present : Councillors S Knight, (Chair), T Bentham, S North, P Wilks, R Dannatt, H Davidson
Clerk J Milson.
In Attendance: Cllr O Bierley, and 1 members of the public Cllr T Smith arrived late.
1. Apologies
Cllrs T Wright, M Wright, M Riggall and Cllr A Lawrence
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/150 - none
3. Public Question Time Ref 22/151
• It was asked if anything had been done regarding putting speed bumps in the road along Yarborough Road. Cllr S Knight said it would be put on the schedule that is being prepared to be sent to J Phillips at Highways. Clerk to also establish a contact at Highways and ask their opinion on speed bumps in this area. Cllr S Knight requested that more Councillors replied to her request to put the items raised in the walk round in priority so that this can be sent off as to date she had only had one reply.
4. District Councillors Report Ref 22/152
• This was circulated beforehand. Cllr S Knight raised with Cllr Bierley that residents felt that we were not getting a good service regarding the refuse/recycling service. If a bin has an incorrect item in the top it is refused but this item could have been placed in the bin after it was put out. Cllr S Knight also asked if it was correct that the Sports Association should be charged for their blue bin which has become an issue now it is only getting emptied once a month. The Sports Association has a lot of plastic due to the plastic water bottles. Cllr O Bierley replied saying that it’s important that we work together on this. The levels of contamination has reduced and the percentage continues to fall. With regard to the sports field Cllr O Bierley confirmed that as it is a club charges were correct and these charges could be charged on to the clubs that use the facilities. This will be discussed further at the sports association meeting on Sunday.
• Cllr S Knight asked if the District and County Councillors could offer any assistance with the refusal of planning permission at Calstore on Barton Street. They advised that once the decision has been made there is nothing they can do. The planning officers have to check that the planning complies with the local planning policies. The land is agricultural land and commercial development on this site is not supported by the Neighbourhood Plan which everyone has had the opportunity to contribute into. The applicant can appeal to the planning inspectorate
• Cllr O Bierley reported that the consultation of the Keelby Neighbourhood plan ends on 4th November. The examination of the Central Lincolnshire Local Plan runs from 15th November to 9th December at the Double Tree Hotel in Lincoln. There are also to be some virtual sessions between the 13th and 16th December. It is likely that this plan will be completed and adopted early in the new year which means it will run side by side with the Keelby Neighbourhood Plan.
5. County Councillors Report Ref 22/153
Cllr T Smith commented on the recent press report regarding Lincolnshire County Council’s underspend which allegedly had not been accurately reported. A large amount of this underspend was for school grants, as per council policy a departmental underspend of less than 1% would be transferred to the relevant departments for the following year, some of the other underspend will be used for contingencies and some for Highways,
Cllr S Knight asked when the tree on Broadway would be sorted and Cllr T Smith confirmed that it would be a 6 month timescale. Cllr M Turner asked if the footpaths on Yarborough Road were on the schedule and Cllr T Smith confirmed that they were. Cllr T Smith to find out when the trees on Pelham Cres would be dealt with as this is considered a small job.
As this was the first meeting since the death of HM Queen Elizabeth Cllr S Knight thanked the Councillors for their quick responses and offers of help with organising the book of condolences.
It had been decided to work with the Church on this which worked well.
6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 6th September 2022. Ref 22/154
It was resolved to accept the minutes as a true record.
7. Clerks Report Ref 22/155
• Parking/lighting on the Limes – Cllr H Davidson reported that the pot holes had been reported on fix my Street. The problem with non-residents parking in the Limes car park has improved as the residents have put a ‘Parking for Residents only’ sign up and painted white lines on the road. Cllr H Davidson to thank the resident for his work on the signage and white line marking.
• Mower training – The Clerk is still trying to sort a date for this
• Painting of container – Cllr S North proposed that the roof be painted with anti-vandal type paint as children are climbing on the roof. Correct signage would need to be displayed advising of this. This was seconded by Cllr T Bentham.
• Repair of the broken notice board – Cllr S Knight has ordered the Perspex for the repair
• Hedge on South Street – ongoing - Cllr R Dannatt advised that in the recent training it was advised that 2 Councillors are present in situations like this. Cllr R Dannatt proposed that the Councillors have ID badges and lanyards. The cards to have Councillor name, Keelby Parish Council and photographs. This was seconded by Cllr M Turner.
Clerk to look into this.
• The repairs to the climbing frame can be left for now as it is a low risk and part of the refurbishment. Cllr S North confirmed that the handyman is going to carry out some minor repairs. Cllr S Knight said that a resident has asked for permission to put a tractor on the village green to cut his hedge. Cllr S Knight said that Cllr M Riggall had previously said he would arrange for the hedge to be cut. Enquiries to be made into getting the hedge cut and asking if the cost could be shared with the resident on Wivell Drive. Cllr S Knight requested that the shrubs on Yarborough Road are also trimmed so that the light from the street lamp lights up the play area again. Prices will need to be obtained to remove the clippings.
• The Clerk informed the Council that Cllr M Wright had looked at the back up of the PC and Dropbox was working fine so as this is cloud based there is no need for anything further. The issues with Councillors not receiving and being able to open documents is largely down to the mobile devices/systems that they are using. It was decided to issue everything as a PDF documents going forward.
• Cllr T Smith agreed to ask if an expert from Lincolnshire County Council could advise if there were any safety issues with the tree on the playing field that is leaning. Clerk to email the location to him.
The rest of the matters arising have agenda items for this meeting
8. Correspondence Ref 22/156
None received
9. Review of policies Ref 22/157
Cllr S Knight to look at financial policy for the next meeting
LALC recommend that councils have a gov.uk email. Clerk to get prices of a gov.uk email for the Councillors for the next meeting.
10. Reports from external organisations Ref 22/158
• Sports Association – The next meeting is on the 9th October so no report at this time
• Community Speed Watch – There has only been one session with 17 letters issued. 2 volunteers training next week which should enable more sessions to be held.
• Village Hall – Currently busy with the pantomime but in a good position. They are applying for funding to help restore the clock. An anniversary event is being planned in November to mark 40 years since the Village Hall was purchased. Cllr O Bierley also advised that it 125 years since the first foundation stones were laid.
• Library & Youth Club – The youth club numbers are down but seem to be picking up. The Library is going well and there is a meeting of the trustees next week. Cllr R Dannatt mentioned the shrubs at the back of the site are getting overgrown. Cllr T Bentham tidied this last year so will speak to trustees to see what they want to do.
• Allotments – Cllr S Knight reported that no new nominations have been received for the committee so the original committee have been re-elected. At present there is only 1 person on the waiting list. The main issue is the broken fence. Cllr T Bentham confirmed that the allotment fence is the boundary. Cllr S North to pick this up with the committee. Cllr T Bentham agreed to look at his fence.
11. Financial Matters Ref 22/159
Fuel Genie Petrol for mower £91.30
Adrian Thompson Supply & fit lock box to container £80.00
PKF Littlejohn LLP Audit of accounts £480.00
Autela Payroll Payroll services £65.57
Salaries £832.57
Clerk expenses £113.75
Handyman Expenses £47.99
Multidata Broadband £43.91
Hodson & Kauss Cemetery fence £2736.00
Groundboss Grass Cutting £144.00
The schedule of payments had been circulated. These have been checked by Cllr R Dannatt, Proposed by Cllr M Turner and seconded by Cllr T Bentham. All in favour
• Bank signatories – Cllr M Riggall and Cllr S North have signed the paperwork. The Clerk has received her email today so will complete later. Cllr S Knight and clerk to arrange a date to go to the bank regarding the safe custody box.
• Clerk and Handyman review to be discussed in a closed meeting after this meeting.
12. Planning applications Ref 22/160
Application 145559 clerk to respond with no comments
13. Parish Matters Ref 22/161
• Cemetery – Cllr R Dannatt circulated the costings for the bin store. The price for this is £1285.95 + VAT but as this includes £325 for labour this would not apply if the Councillors did it themselves. Cllr T Bentham proposed that we proceed with this as soon as possible. This was seconded by Cllr S North. All in favour. The grass seed has been purchased and is with the clerk so this can be sown as soon as the ground is prepared.
• Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations - Prices have been obtained to remove the soil and redistribute it as required. Cllr T Bentham proposed that a dumper is hired and the work is done ourselves which will reduce the costs. Cllr P Wilks seconded this.
The tender has been issued for the Play area renovations. Cllr S Knight asked Cllr O Bierley if he was aware of any funding available. Cllr O Bierley to forward to the clerk information on match funding grant scheme which would fund to a maximum of £8k. Cllr O Bierley advised the clerk to look at the funding completed for the under 5s playground. Cllr T Wright would need to be consulted so that any grant application for the old tennis courts would not overlap with grant applications for the play area. Cllr S Knight suggested that we look at other funding options as well so any shortfall could be budgeted for next year.
Cllr M Riggall has had site and virtual meetings with potential contractors for the phase 2 of play area and is awaiting responses.
Playdale are investigating the potential warranty issues with the surface in the under 5’s area
• Benches – to be progressed when grant received at the end of October
• Speed indicator signs – As Cllr T Wright is not present so to be discussed at next meeting
• Christmas tree – As Cllr M Wright is not present so to be discussed at next meeting
• Community Orchard – Cllr P Wilks advised that the trees will arrive at the end of October. Cllr K Stark has not sent apologies again. Cllr S Knight asked the clerk to look at how many meetings she has missed.
• Keelby entrance signs – Cllr R Dannatt thinks these are in need of renewing. A suggestion was received to ask school children for a design. Cllr S Knight said this should be looked at again in the next financial year.
• Emergency plan – discuss at future meeting
• Bus shelter roof – Cllr S Knight to look into this
• Overgrown hedges – This is a problem all-round the village with overgrown boundaries especially onto the footpaths. It was decided to draw up a list of areas that were causing concern and bring to the next meeting for further discussion.
• Poppies – Cllr S Knight and Cllr P Wilks to attach the poppies to lampposts. Clerk to order poppy wreath. The service this year will be at the Methodist Church
14. Neighbourhood Plan Update 22/162
As Cllr T Wright is not present update at next meeting
15. Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 22/163
• Funding
• Clerk asked for Alice South to be reviewed. Cllr S Knight rejected this request as it is nothing to do with the Parish Council
16. Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/164
Tuesday 8th November 2022 19:00 in the Village Hall
Meeting closed at 20.59