December 2022 Minutes
Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting
Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th December 2022
Those Present : Councillors S Knight, (Chair), T Wright (Vice Chair) M Wright, M Riggall, T Bentham, P Wilks, R Dannatt, H Davidson, K Stark Clerk J Milson.
In Attendance: Cllr A Lawrence and 1 member of the public. Cllr T Smith arrived late
1. Apologies
Cllrs M Turner, S North, O Bierley
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/183 - Cllr T Wright – declared an interest in sports association discussions as he is the chairman of the football club
3. Public Question Time Ref 22/184
Mr Lovatt asked if any progress had been made regarding traffic calming in the village. Highways were not in favour of speed bumps but Cllr T Wright said that when we had more data from the speed signs it should be reviewed again.
4. District Councillors Report Ref 22/185
This was circulated beforehand. Cllr T Wright confirmed that he had looked into the new WLDC grant that Cllr Bierley had previously mentioned. It was very specific about areas that qualify for grant aid, and ours is not one covered.
5. County Councillors Report Ref 22/186
Cllr T Smith confirmed that some items reported on Fix my Street had been completed. He had spoken to Mr Phillips on 28.11.22 who had confirmed that he was still scoring the jobs and would forward these as soon as it was completed. He will chase up the issue with the trees on Pelham Crescent and the tree on Broadway has had a work order issued on the 11th November.
6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 8th November. Ref 22/187
The minutes were accepted as a true record. Proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr M Wright. All in favour.
7. Clerks Report Ref 22/188
• The mower training and painting of the container to be carried forward to next year
• The emails are operational some Councillors still need to set them up on their systems
• The Safe custody box at the bank had been emptied. In it were some very old documents and map. Advice would need to be taken on how to deal with these documents but it was decided to make a copy which could be framed possibly for the wall in the Village Hall. A offer had been received to transcribe them which would be a good thing to do. Cllr K Start to see if she is able to get a digital copy made of them. Clerk to get further advice from Lincolnshire Archives and then get them transcribed.
• ID badges – could all Councillors please send photos to the clerk
• Updating of the website is ongoing. Clerk advised that she had been busy with the budget so had not had chance to complete it.
• Christmas tree – thanks to Cllr M Wright for organising this. There are 2 options for power for the lights. One option is to purchase solar lights the other is to ask the resident of the nearby house if they would be willing to supply the electricity. Cllr S Knight advised that she had already approached them and they were happy to do this. Cllr K Stark proposed that for this year we should ask the resident but to get power from the lamppost sorted for next year. Cllr R Dannatt said he would ask his contact at highways but it would be unlikely this would be sorted for this year. This proposal was seconded by Cllr T Bentham. All in favour.
Cllr T Bentham also agreed to PAT test the lights before they are installed.
• The company credit card has been applied for but not yet received
8. Correspondence Ref 22/189
A letter had been received from Tracey Parkinson thanking the Parish Council for replacing the bench in the cemetery that was in memory of her father.
Cllr S North requested that the issue of PPE be looked into for the handyman. Cllr R Dannatt proposed that he would complete a risk assessment for this role. This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks. All in favour. The issue of safety equipment could then be reviewed. Cllr S North also requested that there is another Councillor to assist with managing the handyman as it is not always easy with his working pattern to do it himself. Cllr P Wilks agreed to assist with this.
9. Review of policies Ref 22/190
The financial policy had been circulated beforehand. Cllr T Wright proposed that this version should be approved. This was seconded by Cllr M Wright All in favour.
10. Reports from external organisations Ref 22/191
• Sports Association – Cllr M Wright attended the meeting on 21st November. The decking has now been replaced at a cost of £8640 and a ramp installed into the container costing £600. This has been funded out of their reserves as it needed doing as there were H&S concerns. The terms of reference have been looked at but it is not clear whether the Sports Association or the Parish Council are responsible for this work. The Sports Association should be encouraged to look for grants to cover this work. Cllr T Bentham proposed that the Parish Council pay 50% of the outstanding balance after any grants that have been received. This would be to a maximum of £4320. This was seconded by Cllr M Riggall. 5 in favour 3 abstained. It was resolved to pay the £600 for the ramp as it is our container. It was decided that the terms of reference should be reviewed. Cllr S Knight agreed to write the new document but would need to sit in the meetings with the KSA and the KPC representatives. Cllr P Wilks suggested that a survey is done on the building to pick up any further maintenance issues. Cllr R Dannatt and Cllr P Wilks to lead on this.
• Community Speed Watch – There has been 1 session this month for 50 minutes. 85 vehicles were checked and 16 of these were speeding with the highest speed being 42 mph. Cllr T Wright had previously circulated a report giving the statistics from the new speed signs. They recorded the highest speed as 50mph.
• Village Hall – A letter has been received from the Village Hall requesting a financial support package to help with their increased fuel bill. The information they had provided was very detailed and every effort has already been made to negotiate the best price possible. Cllr S Knight & Cllr T Wright have met with the Village Hall committee to obtain further information. The Village Hall do have reserves in the region of £18k but £10k of this reserve is ringfenced for repairs to the roof and clock. The additional amount that they now need to pay for fuel is £8227. Cllr K Stark proposed that the Parish Council fund 50% of their excess fuel bill which would be £4113 out of our reserves. This was seconded by Cllr T Bentham. Cllr T Wright proposed that £3113 is funded from our reserves and £1k added to the precept for 2023/2024. This was seconded by Cllr R Dannatt. 4 were in favour of proposal 1 and 4 were in favour of proposal 2. The chair used her casting vote for proposal 2.
• Library & Youth Club – The library is going well and the bins have been sorted at the youth club. Cllr T Bentham to advise clerk on how to pay the £100 donation to their Christmas party.
• Allotments – Cllr S North was not present
11. Financial Matters Ref 22/192
Adrians Plant Hire Groundwork on play field £480.00
Cloud Next Email package £59.99
Cloud Next Domain name £132.00
Wave Allotment water £103.47
LALC Website support £180.00
East Ferry Timber Rails for bin store £23.04
Pandora Technologies Speed Signs £8226.00
Wave Cemetery water £46.40
Salaries £910.92
Multidata Broadband village hall £43.91
Fuel Genie Fuel for mower £28.93
Cllr P Wilks Expenses £39.70
Janet Milson Expenses £155.69
Keelby youth club Christmas party donation £100.00
Cllr T Wright Keys for PC container £12.60
Cllr M Wright Christmas tree £55.00
The schedule of payments had been previously circulated. These have been checked by Cllr T Wright, The payments were proposed by Cllr R Dannatt and seconded by Cllr T Bentham. All in favour
The clerk had prepared a really good summary showing the income and expenditure to date, projections of expenditure to March 2023 and a suggested budget for 2023-2024 which showed a revenue budget of £27,486.84. This included £3k for a contested election which may not be needed. It was resolved to reduce this to £1500, reduce the general grants by £1500 and include a line showing the £1,000 for the Village Hall that is to be added to the precept amount. This would reduce it to £25,486.84. This would increase the precept by 14.5%.
At 20:58 it was resolved to suspend standing orders for the meeting to continue
Alice South – Cllr S Knight is still working on this so it will be discussed at the next meeting.
12. Planning applications Ref 22/193
Applications 145811 & 145899 to be returned with no comments
13. Parish Matters Ref 22/194
• Cemetery – Cllr R Dannatt and Cllr P Wilks confirmed that the wood on the new bin store was tanalised so didn’t need treating and neither does the new fence.
• Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations
• Cllr T Wright reported that he is applying for grants totalling £18k and he was talking to two private companies who may be interested in contributing to the project
• Benches – Still 2 to be fitted. The bench at North End should be fitted this weekend.
• Community Orchard –The trees have now been planted. 10 trees were kindly donated by Keelby GoLocal and 4 were purchased by Cllr K Stark. The number of trees planted was raised by Cllr S Knight who stressed that all matters must come to council first. Cllr K Stark said that in previous minutes 25 trees had been approved.
• Emergency plan – carried forward to next meeting
• Bus shelter roof – It was resolved to go ahead with this costing £800
• Chafer grub infestation – Cllr M Riggall has obtained advice which was to treat in the spring. This is to be added to the March agenda. Cllr M Riggall has also obtained a quote of between £300-£350 to trim the hedge at the back of the playing field. Cllr T Wright proposed that we accept this quote. This was seconded by Cllr K Stark. All in favour.
• Tree on village green - It was resolved to get professional advice regarding the tree on the playing green. It is blocking light for a resident in Wivell Drive and also giving cause for concern to a resident on Dixon Close as it looks unsteady in high winds. Clerk to arrange this.
• Cllr H Davidson has been approached by a resident regarding a tree on the corner of Caddle Road and Milson Road. Cllr S Knight suggested that she should be advised to report it on Fix my Street. Another resident has also approached Cllr H Davidson regarding dog bins that are overflowing and suggested that more are needed. Clerk to contact Cllr O Bierley. Cllr H Davidson also asked for permission to erect a sign in the Limes car park stating that parking was for residents of The Limes only. The council was in agreement for this to be done.
• Notice board – The lady who puts the public notices into the other notice board outside Spar has lost the key but doesn’t want to do it anymore. Clerk agreed that she would put notices in that notice board when she is at the parish council notice board if that would help.
14. Neighbourhood Plan Update 22/195 – nothing to report
15. Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 22/196
Cllr P Wilks suggested that another green bin is needed for the cemetery
Clerks national pay award as it had not been approved at this meeting due to lack of time
16. Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/197
Tuesday 3rd January 2023 at 19:00 in the Village Hall
Meeting closed at 21:35