September 2022 Minutes
Keelby Parish Council
Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 6th September 2022
Those Present : Councillors S Knight, (Chair) T Wright (Vice chair), T Bentham, M Riggall, S North, P Wilks, R Dannatt, M Wright, Clerk J Milson.
In Attendance: Cllr O Bierley, Cllr A Lawrence, and 3 members of the public Cllr T Smith joined the meeting late
1. Apologies
Cllr Mark Turner
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on- pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/135 - Cllr T Wright declared an interest in any discussions regarding the trees on Wivell Drive and Cllr S North declared an interest on a public question regarding Christmas lights.
3. Public Question Time Ref 22/136
• The organiser of the Christmas light display on Eastfield Road offered to raise money to support either the play park or old tennis court renovation in addition to the Wish Upon a Star Charity. Cllr T Wright confirmed that both these projects would be looking to secure grants so local input for either of these projects would be beneficial and well received. Cllr S Knight asked if the Council could come back to her at a later date. The request for the closure of the road would need to be discussed with our local PSO.
• The removal of the asbestos bus shelter roof was raised. Quotes for a replacement roof had been obtained but when written confirmation had come through they had increased significantly from the verbal quote so new contractors are still being sought.
• Cllr O Bierley asked if the Council would consider doing an emergency plan for Keelby. Chair requested this be put on the agenda for the next meeting. Cllr O Bierley advised that the Resilience Forum would assist with this. Cllr T Wright requested their contact details and would look into it for the next meeting.
4. District Councillors Report Ref 22/137
This was circulated beforehand. Cllr Bierley was thanked for his continuing help and support.
5. County Councillors Report Ref 22/138
Cllr T Smith and Cllr S Knight met with J Phillips on 5th August to discuss various Highway issues. It was agreed that a list would be sent giving a list of the priorities for them to look at. Cllr S Knight agreed to circulate this round the Councillors for their input. Cllr S Knight advised that Highways would send out letters regarding trees/hedges as they have more powers that the Parish Council.
6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 26th July 2022. Ref 22/139 Correction to allocation of Councillor duties. Neighbourhood Plan should also include Cllr T Wright and typing error HT should read HR Committee. These were corrected and then proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr S North
7. Clerks Report Ref 22/140
• Mower training – it was decided to look for alternative local training courses.
• LALC have a new website and CRM system. The clerk confirmed that she had completed the training for this and all Councillors should have received an invite for the new website.
• Parking/lighting on the Limes – as Cllr H Davidson was not present this could not be progressed
• Parking on South Street – an email response had been received from Highways stating that it was not a concern
• Painting of container – ongoing
• Clerk confirmed that the mower insurance was valid as long as the container was locked
• It was agreed to proceed with the repair of the broken notice board
• The speed limit on A18, tree on Pelham Cres was to be covered later in Highways report
• Clerk confirmed that the VAT returns for the previous 3 years had been submitted
• Hedge on South Street. Cllr R Dannatt agreed to speak to resident to see if a comprise could be reached.
• Clerk had spoken to PCC who confirmed that they were not intending the Parish Council to take over the responsibility of the Churchyard Extension. They were only wanting to apply to close it so no further burials could take place.
• Clerk requested some help with IT backups. Cllr M Wright agreed to help with this. The rest of the matters arising have agenda items for this meeting
8. Correspondence Ref 22/141
• A letter had been received expressing concerns over the cars parked on Yarborough Road near the play park. Discussions took place regarding traffic calming/monitoring. Cllr T Wright proposed that it is referred to Highways for their view. This was seconded by Cllr T Bentham
• A request has been received from Mrs Moorcroft and Mr J Hodson that their new build be called The Hollies and the Road leading down to it from Riby Road be called Old Oak Tree Drive. Cllr T Bentham proposed that the Council support these names and this was seconded by Cllr R Dannatt. All in favour
• A letter has been sent to the Sport Association regarding the grass verge getting overgrown. Sports Association will need to consider this. Cllr T Bentham will speak to Mr Larder to see if he can assist.
• A letter has been received from the Nat West bank advising that the safe custody service is ending. Cllr S Knight proposed that that she will go to the Nat West along with the clerk to find out what is in it so it can then be decided what to do with the contents
• Thank you letter received from Mrs Peacock thanking the Council for the donation.
9. Review of policies Ref 22/142
It was resolved to accept the latest version of the standing orders. This was proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr S North.
Cllr S Knight to look at financial policy for the next meeting
10. Reports from external organisations Ref 22/143
• Sports Association – The next meeting is on the 3rd October so no report at this time
• Community Speed Watch – There has only been one session outside the Co-op. Still looking for volunteers as currently only have 4
• Village Hall – Next meeting next Tuesday
• Library & Youth Club – Youth Club is quiet, the accounts are ready for approval. Cllr T Bentham to enquire about a donation towards their Christmas party. The library is open and there is nothing to report.
11. Financial Matters Ref 22/144
Mrs Peacock |
Pensioners party donation |
£150.00 |
Groundboss |
Grass cutting July |
£144.00 |
Fuel Genie |
Fuel for mower |
£28.57 |
Multidata |
Broadband August |
£43.91 |
Adrians Plant Hire |
Cut overgrowth & level cemetery |
£960.00 |
Wave |
Water charges Allotments |
£15.42 |
Wave |
Water charges Cemetery |
£17.05 |
Playsafe |
Rospa Inspection |
£121.80 |
Groundboss |
Grass cutting August |
£144.00 |
Salaries |
August |
£692.27 |
Multidata |
Broadband September |
£43.91 |
The schedule of payments had been circulated. These have been checked by Cllr S North, Proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr T Wright All in favour
• Agar – There will be a comment on the final report due to the statutory recommendation not being discussed in the required timeframe. There was also a query on the variances but these have now been accepted following the explanation supplied.
• Handyman pay review – to be dealt with by the HR committee
• Cllr T Bentham proposed that we do not opt out of the SAA auditing scheme. This was seconded by Cllr S North
• Bank signatories – the paperwork had been completed. A recent letter has been received advising of an issue with the forms so this needs to be looked into. Online banking access will then be sorted for the Clerk.
• The budget had also been circulated. Cllr T Wright stated that the £3000 paid to the Sports Association is for the insurance and is not a grant. Clerk to amend this. In future the insurance should come to the Council direct.
12. Planning applications Ref 22/145
Application 145267 had been returned with reference to the speed on the A18. Applications 145322 & 145372 to be returned with no comments
13. Parish Matters Ref 22/146
Cemetery – A comparison of costs against other Cemeteries had been produced by the Clerk. Cllr T Bentham proposed that the costs be increased by 10%. This was seconded by Cllr T Wright. All in favour.
Cllr P Wilks asked the clerk to purchase the grass seed and Cllr R Dannatt agreed to look into what would be needed to erect the bin storage area.
• Play area - The RoSPA report had been received and the sub-committee would report back at the next meeting. Cllr P Wilks agreed to get a quote to rectify the issue raised with the climbing frame as although this piece of equipment is to be replaced it needs to be addressed straight away.
• Old Tennis Courts – It was agreed that this project would be combined with the play area renovation and treated as one project. Cllr R Dannatt had begun to prepare costings for this but the availability of grants had not yet been looked into. The Singleton Birch community grant could be a possibility. Cllr R Dannatt to join the play area committee to continue the work with this. In view of the timescale to complete all the work it was decided that money should be spent now to tidy up this area. Cllr P Wilks and Cllr R Dannatt agreed to look into this and Cllr R Dannatt to obtain quotes to move the soil and fill the ditches to improve the appearance of the area. This was proposed by Cllr M Wright and seconded by Cllr P Wilks. All in favour
• Planters & Benches – Cllr T Wright proposed that benches would be purchased when the money from the Neighbourhood funding came through – hopefully by the end of October. This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks. Unfortunately there is no money available to help with the costs of purchasing planters but this could be considered again in the next financial year.
• Speed indicator signs – Three quotes have been received for the supply of these signs. Cllr S North proposed that we go with supplier 2 as he felt the signs were better quality and value for money. Cllr T Bentham seconded this. All in favour
• Wivell Drive – Cllr O Bierley was asked to arrange for the tree specialist from West Lindsey to come and give his opinion on the trees behind Wivell Drive which are leaning. The report would be circulated when it is received. Cllr S North to ask the handyman to cut down the saplings at the back of the playing field, cut the overgrown shrubs near the play area and keep on top of the edges where the contractor cannot get with his mower.
• Christmas tree – Cllr M Wright agreed to look into this
• Community Orchard – Cllr P Wilks advised that GoLocal had agreed to donate 10 apple trees
14. Neighbourhood Plan Update 22/147
This has been sent to West Lindsey and the formal consultation will start this week
15. Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 22/148
FOI – separate email addresses Parking on Victoria Road
Signs on entrances to village Opening of pathway
16. Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/149
Tuesday 4th October 2022 19:00 in the Village Hall
Meeting closed at 21:07