March 2022 Minutes
Keelby Parish Council
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Keelby Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 1st March 2022
Those Present : Councillors P Briggs (Chair), S Knight, P Baillie, C Wakefield, T Bentham, T Wright, K Stark, P Wilks.
In Attendance: District Councillor O Bierley and 8 members of the public
1. To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 22/029
Councillor J Indian due to ill health and District Councillor D C Lawrence due to attending service at WLDC for the people of Ukraine.
2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/030
None Declared
3. The Chairman requested a minutes silence for the people of Ukraine. Our thoughts and prayers are with them at this time. Ref 22/031
4. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st February 2022. Ref 22/032
Councillor T Wright missed from those present
Accepted as a true record
Proposed: Cllr P Baillie Seconded: Cllr T Bentham All in favour
5. Matters Arising Ref 22/033
Our Doctors are operating 2 surgeries a week at the Keelby Surgery and hope to increase this soon
6. Public Question Time 10 minutes Ref 22/034
A Request for a bench to be sited o the corner of Victoria Road and Manor street. This should be further investigated with the neighbourhood plan.
Mrs Drakes is asking for helpers to collect for Ukraine, and possible use of Councill facilities as a collection point. Our Sports Association Representatives will put this to the next Meeting.
The Park Committee would like to donate 2 new benches and 2 junior picnic benches to the new play area.
7. Correspondence Ref 22/035
Correspondence has been received from a circus requesting use of the village green, no interest was shown in this. A Quote of £30.00 per clean to clean the village bus shelter four times a year.
8. County Councillors Report Ref 22/036
Councillor Smith not present
9. District Councillors Report Ref 22/037
Report received by e mail copy attached.
10. To Receive Reports from external organisations Ref 22/038
a) Community Speed Watch
Our signs have now been received also Wheelie bin stickers ( which will require residents consent ) We have had a suggestion that a traffic counter may be a good idea, this would be supplies free of charge. Mr Dave Mitchell has reviewed our sites and Manor Street / Broadway is not suitable and has been removed from the list, however Yarborough Road / Broadway, Stallingborough Road ( Opposite the new Co-Op ), South Street / Wivell Drive, and Riby Road are acceptable. All the training has now been completed and safety clothing purchased, a bill of £ 71.84 was presented for payment.
Proposed : Cllr T Bentham Seconded : Cllr C Wakefield All in favour
b) Sports Association
Next Meeting Sunday 6th March at 07:00pm in the sports pavilion
c) Village Hall
As David Ash has resigned as a councillor, and Cllr K Stark has given up this post we now have no representative
11. Finance Ref 22/039
Expenses to be paid :-
Salaries £ 642.79
Clerks Expenses & Disbursements Jan £ 93.60
Multidata (Broadband) £ 43.91
WLDC Refuse & Recycling £ 36.83
Playdale Playgrounds Ltd £ 20,257.96
Reach Publishing (Advertising) £ 360.00
LALC ( Annual Membership) £ 440.03
S Knight ( Steel Cabinet) £ 179.94
ADS Ltd Architectural Services £ 1,415.00
Everitt Property Maintenance £ 280.00
Wave £ 24.08
JPIMedia Publishing ( Advertising ) £ 941.40
Checked Cllr Bentham Proposed Cllr Bentham Seconded P Bailie
All in favour
12. Planning applications and decisions received Ref 22/040
Non received however can all councillors respond to the clerk on planning matters
13. Neighbourhood Plan Ref 22/041
No meeting
14. Parish Matters To receive any report or consider any appropriate action Ref 22/041
a) Cemetery
Cllr Baillie presented a report and three quotes for work required on the trees on the boundary and three quotes for replacing the fence. Cllr Stark raised concern about the removal of Beech trees as recommended by the tree surgeon due to overcrowding. Cllr Wilkes showed concern about the boundary to the old cemetery, but it was pointed out that this was the responsibility of the Church.
Proposed by Cllr Wakefield and seconded by Cllr Wright we accept quote 3 for the work on the trees Vote 4 to accept this
Proposed by Cllr Stark and seconded by Cllr Wilks we accept quote 1
Vote 2 to accept this
The first proposal was accepted
Proposed by Cllr Wright Seconded Cllr Wakefield we accept quote 2 for fencing work
This was accepted unanimously
b) Play Equipment
It was proposed by Cllr Wright and seconded by Cllr Wilks that we accept the offer of benches and junior picnic benches from the play committee, this was a unanimous decision and we should express our thanks
Items for next meeting Ref 22/042
We should ask Mr Dannatt if he could advise us on the correct way to deal with the basal growth on the trees on Broadway. Although this should be dealt with by highways, but should we wait for their actions a dangerous situation could occur.
15. Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/043
Tuesday 5th April 2022 07:00pm in the Village Hall
Meeting Closed 07:55