November 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting

Held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 8th November 2022

Those Present : Councillors S Knight, (Chair), T Wright (Vice Chair) M Wright, M Riggall, T Bentham, S North, P Wilks, R Dannatt, H Davidson, K Stark                      Clerk J Milson.

In Attendance: Cllr O Bierley, Cllr A Lawrence and 2 members of the public 

1. Apologies

Cllr M Turner and Cllr T Smith 

2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/168  - none

3. Public Question Time Ref 22/169

Alyson Wilson from the British Legion introduced herself and gave a brief outline of the work they are doing in the area.  They are looking to support veterans in the area and requested that her details are passed to anyone who may benefit from this service.  A poster to be placed on our social media and website to highlight the work they are doing.

4. District Councillors Report Ref 22/170

This was circulated beforehand.  Cllr S Knight asked about whether any West Lindsey funding would be coming to Keelby.  Cllr O Bierley said that the decisions are still being made but there are some exciting ideas.  Cllr S Knight said that the government is putting some Arts funding into projects in the north so it would be nice to receive money for Arts in the  local community.  

Cllr O Bierley welcomed Alyson to the meeting and expressed his thanks that Keelby was included in this support. Cllr had been approached by a resident concerned about the disrepair of the garages on The Limes.  Cllr H Davidson said that non-residents were still using the car park.  It was suggested that the signage should be more specific but there was nothing that could be done about the garages as they are privately owned.

5. County Councillors Report Ref 22/171

Cllr T Smith was not present 

6. To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 4th October and 20th October. Ref 22/172

It was resolved to accept the minutes as a true record. Proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr S North.  It was also resolved to accept the minutes for the meeting on the 20th October as a true record.  This was proposed by Cllr T Wright and seconded by Cllr R Dannatt. All in favour for both.

7. Clerks Report Ref 22/173

• Cllr M Riggall to ask his contact for a price to trim the hedge between the playing field and the houses on Dixon close.  

• Bank signatories and online access has now been sorted

• Mower training – The Clerk is still trying to sort a date for this but unlikely to find courses at this time of the year

• Painting of container – ongoing

• Cllr K Stark started discussions on the tree between the playing field and Dixon Close.  As Cllr T Smith has asked for advice from Lincolnshire County Council it was decided to wait until this report was received before discussing this matter further.

• Cllr S Knight and the clerk to go to the bank on 21st November to empty safe custody box

• The annual renewals for McAfee and Dropbox on the clerks laptop both need renewing.  Cllr T Wright proposed that these should be renewed.  This was seconded by Cllr S North. All in favour

• ID Badges – the clerk has looked into these and suggested that we use the same company as West Lindsey District Council to get them printed.  Cllr T Bentham proposed, Cllr S North seconded that the clerk should go ahead with these. All in favour 

• The clerk reported that she had done a Jadu basics training course today and requested pay for an additional 6 hours for it.  It was proposed that she should be paid the 6 hours by Cllr S North and seconded by Cllr T Wright.  During the training it had come to light that the Keelby Parish Council website was not compliant with the accessibility legislation and would require the documents removing, converting to accessible documents before uploading back on.  LALC offer website maintenance packages.  Cllr T Bentham proposed that 10 hours of support should be purchased which would cover this work.  Cllr S North seconded this proposal. All in favour. 

• The 2022 clerks pay award has been finalised.  It was agreed to discuss this in a closed meeting after the December meeting.

• emails – Cllr R Dannatt proposed that the clerk proceeds with these.  This was seconded by Cllr T Bentham.  All in favour

8. Correspondence Ref 22/174

A request has been received from Graham Lovatt requesting that the Parish Council send a letter to Lincolnshire Police in support of his concerns over the number of speeding vehicles in the village.  Cllr S North proposed that a letter should be sent.  Cllr T Bentham seconded this.  All in favour

9. Review of policies Ref 22/175

The financial policy had been circulated beforehand.  Cllr T Wright proposed that the limits in 4.1 and 4.5 are increased to £500.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks. All in favour. The standing order references in 10.1 (g) had also been missed off.

10. Reports from external organisations Ref 22/176

• Sports Association – Cllr M Wright attended the meeting on 9th October.  The question of maintenance had been raised by the Sports Association as the decking needs to be replaced.  It was decided to include this on next month’s agenda which would give the Councillors time to circulate the agreement and establish who is responsible for this work.  Cllr S North requested that this agreement be circulated before the next meeting.

• Community Speed Watch – There have been 2 sessions this month.  The first was for 20 minutes but in this time 20 speeding vehicles had been recorded.  In the second session there were 14 speeding vehicles.  It was agreed that a Facebook post would be done to try and get more volunteers.

• Village Hall – Meeting tonight so nothing to report

• Library & Youth Club – The library is well supported and the youth club is picking up.  Cllr P Wilks proposed a donation to the youth club of £100 for their Christmas party.  This was seconded by Cllr K Stark.  All in favour. Cllr T Bentham said some work had been done on the weeds in the yard but he would look at it again.

• Allotments – Cllr S North requested clarification from Cllr T Bentham which fence is the boundary.  Cllr T Bentham clarified that the outer fence belonged to him and the inner fence belonged to the allotments.  The land in between belongs to the allotments as the boundary is marked by Cllr T Bentham’s fence.

11. Financial Matters Ref  22/177

Cllr R Dannatt proposed that we donate £100 to the Royal British Legion Remembrance appeal in addition to the £20 for the wreath.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks. All in favour

J.H. Bacon Allotment rent £200.00

Fuel Genie Fuel for September £60.06

Humberside AID Plant Hire Dumper hire £358.80

East Ferry Timber Fencing materials £581.71

Groundboss Grass cutting October £144.00

Clerk expenses Stamps, Cemetery materials, £465.24

Salaries October £957.21

Royal British Legion Poppy wreath & donation £120.00

Cllr S Knight Notice board repair £70.29

Cllr R Dannatt Bench, trailer, bin store £1010.60

Multidata Broadband November £43.91

Fuel Genie Fuel for October £29.01

Glasdon UK Ltd 3 benches £2579.18

The schedule of payments had been circulated.  These have been checked by Cllr S North,  The payments were proposed by Cllr P Wilks and seconded by Cllr K Stark.   All in favour

Cllr S Knight proposed that a corporate credit card be obtained for purchases.  It is in the standing orders that personal credit cards should not be used and VAT cannot be claimed back on purchases made on personal credit cards.  This was seconded by Cllr P Wilks. All in favour.

12. Planning applications Ref 22/178

Non received

13. Parish Matters Ref 22/179

• Cemetery – Cllr R Dannatt reported that the bin storage fence should be completed this weekend.  Cllr T Wright thanked Cllr R Dannatt and Cllr P Wilks for their hard work on this and also the work on the village green.

• Play area & Old Tennis Courts Renovations -  the sub- committee has been very busy and Cllr T Wright thanked them for their work.  We have been out to tender for  all aspects of the work.  There are 3 main areas (1). The refurbishment of the existing over 5s play area.  This comes in at £31k+VAT.  (2) The installation and siting of 4 new pieces of adult gym type equipment £8100+VAT, (3) Repurposing of old tennis courts to make safe area for cycle track - £34k+VAT.  Total needed £73k as we can reclaim the VAT.  We cannot go to FCC for funding until after April 2023.  Other grant funders are offering up to £10k each.  Cllr T Wright requested that the Parish Council invest up to £35k from their own funds into these projects.  Cllr S Knight pointed out that with these projects we will have covered recreational interests for all ages.  Cllr T Bentham proposed that the Council invest the £35k into these projects.  This was seconded by Cllr K Stark.  Cllr R Dannatt proposed that the Council invest up to £45k into this project. Seconded by Cllr P Wilks.    A vote was undertaken.  7 in favour of investing £35k and 2 in favour of investing £45k.  Resolved that £35k would be invested.

Cllr M Riggall reported that on 13th October repairs had been made to the surface on the under 5s play area.  Clerk to look into what warranty there is for this.  

• Benches – The Cenotaph bench has been installed and has received a lot of positive feedback.  The other 3 benches are on order and should be here next week for North End,  the shops and cemetery.  Clerk to write to Highways to notify them of the locations of the new benches.  Cllr T Wright expressed thanks to Cllr R Dannatt and Cllr P Wilk for their work with this.  Cllr R Dannatt said that it was a team effort so thanks should go to everyone.

• Speed indicator signs – Cllr T Wright has secured a grant of £4k.  Thank you to the Singleton Birch Community Fund for this.  The parish council contribution will now be £3200.  Extra brackets have been purchased so they can be moved.  It is hoped they will be here this week so Graham Lovatt and Cllr T Wright will get them fitted.

• Christmas tree – Cllr M Wright obtained a price of £55 for a 12-15ft tree with delivery from Grimsby Discount Garden Centre.  It was resolved to proceed with this. All in favour.

• Community Orchard – Cllr P Wilks advised that the trees can be collected any time now.  He requested the clerk write a letter to the resident of Wivell Drive informing them of this.  Cllr K Stark requested a date be set for the planting.  Cllr S knight suggested an email be sent to all the Councillors when the date is finalised notifying them and inviting them to attend.

• Emergency plan – Cllr T Wright to look at this for either the December or January meeting.

• Bus shelter roof – It was resolved to replace the roof on the bus shelter.  All Councillors in favour.  

• Chafer grub infestation – Cllr M Riggall to ask his contact for a price to treat the areas

14. Neighbourhood Plan Update 22/180

Cllr T Wright reported that the consultation closed on the 4th November and nothing had been heard back from WLDC.  The next step is for them to arrange a referendum.  Cllr S Knight asked if anything could be done to support the business on the Barton Street that has been denied planning permission.  Cllr T Wright said it was too late for this to be done in this plan.

15. Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 22/181

Cllr T Wright asked for  Alice South Charity Trust be reviewed in particularly the governance/ accountability 

Cllr P Wilks raised the question of handyman training.  Courses are not running at the moment but it needs to be done as a priority in the spring.

16. Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/182

Tuesday 6th December 2022 19:00 in the Village Hall  

Meeting closed at 21:02