April 2022 Minutes

Keelby Parish Council

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Keelby Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 5th April 2022

Those Present : Councillors, T Bentham (Chair), S Knight, J Indian, T Wright, K Stark, P Wilks, P Everitt, Clerk J Milson.

In Attendance: District Councillor O Bierley and 5 members of the public

In the absence of The Chairman and no vice Chairman Cllr T Bentham chaired the meeting as proposed in the preceding Parish Meeting.  

1.    To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 22/044                                                                                                                                                          

Councillors P Briggs, P Baillie, C Wakefield, T Smith, A Lawrence .

2.   To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/045       

None Declared    
3.    To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 1st March 2022. Ref 22/046

Accepted as a true record

Proposed: Cllr T Wright                        Seconded: Cllr P Wilkes                   All in favour

4.    Matters Arising Ref 22/047


There was no public question time as this meeting followed the Annual Parish Meeting

5.   Correspondence Ref 22/048

Emails received from

•   Brightening Keelby – 10 projects that they wish to move forward on.  The request for funding amounts to £7141.20.  To be discussed fully at the next meeting. 
•   Lincolnshire County Council – payments for refund of grass cutting have been claimed for grass cutting for 21-22 amount to £1371.57.  They have also agreed to refund a similar amount for 20/21 as this had not been claimed at the time.
•   WLDC – notification of election date and invoice of £86.07 that has been received even when no election had taken place due to no applications to become a Councillor.  Cllr S Knight had asked if it was possible to Co-opt onto the Council but as letters have gone in requesting an election this cannot be done.  The next election date has been set for 28th April 2022.  Possible ways of advertising the vacancy were discussed including the use of Facebook but Cllr T Bentham stressed that the Council policy was not to use Social Media and this policy would need to be changed before we could use it. The social media procedure was due to be reviewed in 2 months so it will be on the agenda for a future meeting. Cllr S Knight explained that there is now an Election heading of the website giving all the notices and information relating to the election.  
•   Anglian Water – support for vulnerable parishioners – this to be placed on notice board
•   Insurance policy – Queries have been raised about the coverage. The valuation of the tractor correct needs to be reviewed.  The subject of training for the handyman was discussed. Cllr P Everitt advised that no training had been officially completed.  As the handyman has not had training this would need to be arranged as a matter of urgency.  Until this training has been completed he would be unable to continue to work with the machinery. Training records need to be kept and risk assessments need to be in place to cover all activities.  This to be put on the agenda for the next meeting.
•   Email from LALC giving details of training courses for any councillors interested
•   Email from resident regarding an oversized tree.  Clerk has advised resident to contact Fix my Street.  The Council requested the clerk to write to Highways in support of the resident.
•   Email from resident – asking what is to be done with the soil from the old tennis court.  It was confirmed that the plan for the tennis courts was discussed and agreed in January (ref 22/014) – quotes need to be obtained for the work to remove the tarmac and purchase additional topsoil to level and re-grass the area.
•   Email from Orsted which could help towards funding for trees. – Cllr K Start agreed to take this forward
•   Email from resident requesting sight of the report by Mr S Davis and an explanation of fees paid by the Parish Council.  This had already been discussed in the Annual Parish Meeting where the resident was present.
•   Email from the same resident requesting sight of the ecological report and reasons why the trees near the cemetery were felled.  The clerk had replied stating that only self seeded trees were removed to allow the planted trees to develop in a healthier environment.
•   Email from same resident advising that a new litter bin had been placed near Lilly’s, at new play park and outside school.  The bin opposite the King’s Head has been tidied up and a new liner put in it The one on a post on West Lane will also be completed 
•   Email from Secretary of Park Committee advising that the benches and picnic tables have been ordered and could there be some assistance in erecting them. Cllr P Everitt advised that they had now been erected
•   A water bill amounting to £430.04 has been received for the supply at the allotments.  Chairman T Bentham said not to pay this bill until after the next meeting. Cllr T Wright proposed that rent for the allotments should be put on the agenda for the next meeting.  Cllr J Indian seconded this
•   An email from Groundwork regarding a One Stop University Scholarship to be placed on the notice boards
•   Newsletter from Lincolnshire Resilience Forum inviting residents to take part in a survey to be placed on notice boards.  This will be placed on the notice board.
•   Email received from Lincolnshire regarding refund of grass cutting fees for 2 years as they have not been claimed. Refund of £1371.57 for 20/21 and also the same amount for last year 20/21.

6.   Appointment of Clerk Ref 22/049

Cllr S Knight introduced Janet Milson who has been appointed as the new clerk.

7.   County Councillors Report Ref 22/050

Councillor Smith not present

8.   District Councillors Report Ref 22/051

Report received by e mail copy attached.  Cllr O Bierley gave congratulations to Janet on her appointment

9.   Clerks Report 22/052

Cllr S Knight reported that she had been very busy preparing the handover to Janet which would be done over the next few weeks..

Cllr S Knight was thanked by the Council for her hard work on bringing the accounts up to date in preparation for handing over to Janet 

10.   To Receive Reports from external organisations Ref 22/053

a)   Sports Association

AGM to be held in the Sports Pavilion on 8th May 2022

b)    Community Speed Watch  

Graham Lovatt reported that there had been 4 sessions 2 on Yarborough Road, 1 on Stallingborough Road and 1 on Riby Road.  633 vehicles were surveyed and 19 vehicles had been speeding.  The letters are due to be sent out this week.  Mr Lovatt advised that he still not received the digital clocks and asked if these could be purchased along with another HiVis jacket as they had 2 new volunteers

Purchases were proposed by Cllr J Indian and seconded by Cllr P Everitt

All in favour

The community PCSO had requested a black box on Yarborough Road

c)   Village Hall 

No representative but this vacancy will be filled at the next meeting

d)   Library 

Waiting for new windows. Staffing levels are ok

e)   Youth Club

As library

11.   Financial Matters Ref 22/054

a)    Expenses to be paid :-

P Ney

Handyman Salary March



Broadband Village Hall DD



Refuse & Recycling


Brookdale Tree Surgery Ltd

Housework required for Cemetery Tree


S Knight



J H Bacon

Allotment rent 01.06.21-31.05.22

Cheque 2321 lost in post


Autela Payroll Services

Payroll 01.01.22 – 31.03.22


Office Friends

Handheld Tally Counter


Graham Lovatt

Hi Vis Jackets, Batteries for Gun, Invoice

Book & Tie Wraps


Zurich Insurance

Lawn Mower Insurance 06.03.22 – 05.03.23


Keelby Sports Association

Grant Funding 2020-2021


Groundboss Limited

July Grass Cutting 2 cuts @ £60.00





Checked Cllr Bentham           Proposed Cllr T Wright               Seconded Cllr P Everitt  

All in favour

Cllr S Knight explained that as there were no meetings March to June last year there was no expenses or payment schedules issued for approval at meetings. These also need to be minuted.

This was proposed by Cllr T Wright                                       Seconded by Cllr J Indian

b)   Update on AGAR 22/055

The accounts for 2019 > 2020 were accepted and approved by the council

Proposed Cllr T Wright                              seconded Cllr P Everitt                               All in favour

The accounts for 2020 > 2021 were accepted and approved by the council

Proposed Cllr T Wright                      seconded Cllr P Everitt                           All in favour

Cllr T Wright proposed that  the Chairman should provide a written report giving details of what happened including details of the PKF Littlejohn report as previously agreed in January (ref 22/011)

This was seconded by Cllr J Indian

Cllr S Knight said that new procedures had now been put in place regarding the accounting practices and that we must learn by the mistakes

12.   Planning applications and decisions received Ref 22/056

Non received   

13.   Neighbourhood Plan  Ref 22/057  

Cllr T Wright presented an update on the NP and confirmed that the final draft (ready for consultation) had been sent to all Councillors for approval.  It was proposed that we should move to the Consultation stage of the process.

Proposed – Cllr T Wright,       Seconded Cllr Indian

Cllr T Wright went on to advise on the work to be done to complete the consultation process, which is summarised as follows:

April/May    Pre-submission public consultation (min 6weeks)

July      Submission to WLDC for consultation (min 6weeks) and External review 

Aug/Sep   Basic and Consultation Statements issued and referendum. Plan published

Cllr T Wright advised that professional support will be required to support this process and after advice from WLDC, 3 consultants had been considered by the sub-committee.  Their recommendation was to appoint Luke Brown as an advisor, and this would cost c£4000.  In addition there would be printing costs associated with a leaflet drop to all houses in the village (advising on the consultation), and maybe some promotional costs (posters/banners etc. to promote the public meetings).  In support of this, national grants are available, but TW advised that we had already applied for 2 x grants in 2018, but we had not completed the commitment to report on expenditure against the grants.  TW and SK have been looking into the detail and SK has confirmed receipt of the 2 grants (£1,233 in Jan2018 and £1,158 in June 2018), however, no evidence of expenditure against these had been found to date.  TW advise that if we cannot demonstrate expenditure against these grants (or any element thereof), they will have to be repaid; he went on to say that no further grants would be awarded to support the consultation process until we have reported back on the first 2 grants.

It was proposed that Cllr T Wright /Cllr S Knight should sort the reporting on the outstanding 2 grants, and repay any funds not used.  Thereafter, Cllr T Wright should seek a further grant for c£4,000 to support the consultation process and employ Luke brown as an advisor to the PC.

Proposed – Cllr T Wright,      Seconded Cllr Indian

The Chairman thanked Cllr T Wright for all his hard work with this

14. Parish Matters To receive any report or consider any appropriate action Ref 22/058

a)   Cemetery

The new fence is going ahead.  Cllr P Everitt asked if orange netting should be erected while the work is completed.  It was decided that he would ask the contractor of the timescale and if it wasn’t imminent he would put some up.  Cllr Everitt asked if he could purchase some new spikes.

This was proposed by Cllr T Bentham and Seconded by Cllr J Indian  All in favour

b)   Play Equipment 

Cllr P Everitt had received a request from parents that the gate open out instead of in. It was decided that a better option would be to put spring closers on the gate.  Cllr P Everitt to get some prices for these.  Cllr P Everitt also reported that he had removed the baby swing from the old park as it was broken

Cllr P Wilkes asked if a sign could be erected saying that the play area is for under 5s only

The matting in the old play area needs replacing along with the climbing frame at the end.  At the next meeting a sub-committee needs to be resurrected to draw up a plan to bring this area up to the latest standards.  Cllr T Wright to share his business plan for it

c) Cllr P Wilkes proposed that M Watson is nominated for a community award for all the work he has done around the village.  Seconded by Cllr K Stark

15. Items for next meeting Ref 22/059

Play area
Neighbourhood plan
Pavilion refurbishment
Allotment rent
Social media – June meeting

Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/060

Tuesday 3rd May 2022        19:00 in the Village Hall

Meeting Closed 8.58pm