June 2022 Minutes

Keelby Parish Council

Minutes of the Keelby Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 7th June 2022

Those Present : Councillors, T Bentham , S Knight,  T Wright, K Stark, Clerk J Milson.

Cllr P Wilks attended the meeting from 7.30pm

In Attendance:, Cllr T Smith, Cllr A Lawrence and 10 members of the public

A minutes silence was held to remember Cllr John Indian who sadly passed away on 18th May. is funeral will take place next Monday at 2pm
1.   To receive apologies and reasons for absence Ref 22/078                                                                                                                                                         

Cllr M Riggall, District Councillor O Bierley  

2.   To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary or on-pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of interest Ref 22/079   - none declared

3.   To approve the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 5th April 2022. Ref 22/080

Minute 22/071 needs amending to read the Clerk has authority to make urgent payments in the event of a meeting not taking place and not the Chairman as previously recorded.

It was resolved to adopt the minutes of as a true record

4.   Matters Arising Ref 22/081

A container has now been purchased to keep the mower in

5.   Public Question Time Ref 22/082

•   G Lovatt – purchase of speed indicator signs as discussed last year(21/005).  Cllr T Wright to get quotes and item to be on the agenda for the next meeting
•   A resident asked why the trees had been trimmed in nesting season.  

It was explained that the Council had followed the advice of a qualified contractor who advised the work could be carried out

•   It was raised that the bins at the Cemetery were not being emptied.  

Cllr A Lawrence agreed to follow this up

•   The fencing round the old tennis courts was raised.  It was confirmed that work on this would progress now that the gala had taken place.

6.   Correspondence Ref 22/083

•   A resident had written to complain about the parking on Manor Street and in particular opposite their drive which made access difficult.  Cllr T Smith advised that he had met with the resident and had asked Highways to look at this area again.
•   A letter of complaint had been received from a resident complaining about loud music being played from the vicinity of the Manor.  The resident to be informed that they need to report it to environmental health via the WLDC website.  Clerk instructed to write a letter to the Manor advising them of the complaint and asking them to be mindful of the noise levels of any music played on their property
•   A query had arisen from the Neighbourhood Plan consultation regarding the weight limit on Yarborough Road between Broadway and South Street which would mean any HGV vehicles would be directed through the village if they missed the advisory signs at the entrances to the village. Cllr T Smith advised that minor works traffic team are not currently taking any additional requests due to their work load but he will ask them to put it on record that it has been raised.

7.   County Councillors Report Ref 22/084

Cllr T Smith confirmed that pavements are in a poor state and need to be rebuilt.  Drainage and pot holes are in the system. 

8.   District Councillors Report Ref 22/085

Report attached. 
9.   Clerks Report Ref 22/086

Training has been organised for 13th June for Mower training for P Ney

Clerk has had training on the Cemetery administration.  Clerk requested some assistance on the new fencing.  Cllr T Wright agreed to look at the quotes received for fencing and bin store and report back at the next meeting.

10.   Reports from external organisations Ref 22/087

•   Sports Association – no meeting had been held since the last report
•   Community Speed Watch - Mr Lovatt  reported that in May there had been 2 sessions and 22 letters had been issued.  They are in need of more volunteers to run this.  He also reported that the Riby Road sign was broken and the Stallingborough Road signs keep getting moved.  G Lovatt to get some stronger fixings to prevent this happening.
•   Village Hall – Thanks were given to the Village Hall Committee for last Sundays Platinum Jubilee Gala which was a huge success.  Clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks to them.
•   Library & Youth Club – The youth club is opening tonight. 1 window is still to be replaced that had been broken. There had been some issues with cleaning not being done.  Cllr T Bentham to have a site meeting to discuss.  Library is now open.

11.   Financial Matters Ref  22/088





Broadband V Hall



Refuse & Recycling


Fuel Genie

Fuel for mower


Wave Utilities

Water for allotment


Wave Utilities

Water for cemetery



Recharges for election


Garth Sewell

Shipping container



New Clerk Training


JD Print Ltd

A5 folded & A4 bound booklets

£200.00 (NP)


Neighbourhood Plan support

£800.00 (NP)

Morton Training

Mower training course


G Lovatt

Batteries for speed gun


Schedule of payments Proposed by Cllr T Bentham and seconded by Cllr T Wright   All in favour

Bank signatories to be put on the agenda for the next meeting

With regard to the Community Orchard 2 payments have been made for trees.  Cllr S Knight to follow this up

The Policies need to be reviewed which Cllr S Knight and the clerk have discussed.  Cllr T Wright proposed that Financial Policy is reviewed first.  Cllr P Wilks seconded this

12.   Planning applications Ref 22/089

None received.  Clerk advised that Cllr Bierley had checked with WLDC and none had been received

13.   Neighbourhood Plan Ref 22/090

Neighbourhood plan – This is now in the consultation process.  Cllr T Wright said the stall at the gala had been well received and there had been positive comments and useful feedback. The next consultation event is on Saturday 12am to 4pm which Cllr T Bentham agreed to try to attend to support Cllr T Wright.  Cllrs S Knight, K Stark, P Wilks and T Smith to attend the event on Wed 11th June 2022, 18:30 – 21:00.

Cllr S Knight thanked Cllr T Wright for his hard work
14.   Parish Matters Ref 22/091

•   Cemetery – nothing to add as covered in Clerk’s report
•   Play area -  Cllrs P Wilks and T Wright have checked that the fencing is ok and the bin has been fitted.  Thanks were given to M Moorcroft and S North for their work on this. One gate has a bolt missing and the other needs to open the other way.  They have been advised not to put spring closures on the gates. Cllr P Wilks has obtained 3 quotes to have the benches refurbished.  Quote 1 £600, Quote 2 £1392 and Quote 3 £1163.16.  Cllr T Bentham proposed to go ahead with Quote 1.  Cllr K Start seconded this.  All in favour. 

15.   Social Media Ref 22/092

Cllr T Wright had prepared a paper on social media which had been distributed to the councillors.  Cllr T Wright said a Facebook page should help to address the accusations that had been made around non engagement and transparency.  Cllr T Wright proposed that a Facebook page should be set up managed by the Clerk with a further moderator to assist.  It was decided not to have a Twitter account at this time. This was seconded by Cllr K Stark.  All in favour.

This would be reviewed in 6 months.  Cllr K Stark agreed to be the moderator.

Cllr T Wright to prepare a social medial policy for the next meeting.

16.   Allotment Rent Ref 22/093

There are 15 allotments each paying £52 a year in rent.  The rent paid to Riby Estates for the land is £200 a year.  Cllr T Bentham proposed that there should be no rent increase this year.  This was seconded by Cllr K Start.  All in favour

17.   Old Tennis Courts Ref 22/094 

Cllr P Wilks to do a specification to enable quotes to be requested. Quotes to be brought to the next meeting.

18.   Planters & Benches Ref 22/095

A request has been received from Brightening Keelby for assistance to replace the bench at North End and village green.  It was confirmed that they had already had a grant approved but not received any money.  The Clerk will look into this.

19.   Pavilion Refurbishment Ref 22/096

Cllr S Knight to raise at the next meeting of the Keelby Sports Association to see if this is something they want.  

Community Orchard Ref 22/097

Cllr K Stark confirmed it is the wrong time to plant trees so needs to be completed in the Autumn

20.   Agenda items for the next meeting Ref 22/098

•   Co option of Councillors 

21.   Date and time of next meeting Ref 22/099

Tuesday 5th July 2022 19:00 in the Village Hall

Meeting closed at 20:39